Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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I am (YHVH) Your G_D

Knowledge of G_D

• To know that G_D is the sole architect and creator of all that exists (Gen.1:1)

• To know that G_D created all things through his word (Gen. Chapter 1; Psa. 33:9)

• To know that G_D is One, a complete plurality in perfect union (Gen. 1-26; Deut. 6:4)

• To know that G_D is holy (Lev. 11:45)

• To know that G_D is righteous (Psa. 7:18)

• To know that G_D is faithfulness of mercy to those that fear him and keep his Torah (Psa. 89:2-3; Psa. 103:8-18)

• To know that G_D is goodness (Psa. 34:9)

• To know that G_D is the G_D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob … the G_D of the eternal covenant (Ex. 3:13-15)

• To know that G_D has chosen Israel to be set apart from the nations and amongst the peoples as a treasure (Ex. 19:5; Duet. 7:6)

• The nations will know that Israel is the first born son of G_D amongst all the Earth (Ex 4:22)

• To know that G_D has chosen Israel to be the light to the nations (Deut. 4:6-8; Isa. 60:1-5)

• To know that G_D is the redeemer of Israel (Gen. 48:15-16; Ex. 20:2; Deut. 5:6)

• To know that G_D is the good shepherd (Psa. 23:1-6)

• To know that the Earth is filled with G_D’s loving kindness (Psa. 33:5)

• To know that all the Earth shall know the glory of G_D (Num. 14:21-23; Psa. 8:2-10)

• To know that all nations shall come and prostrate before G_D and glorify his NAME (Psa. 89.9)

• To know that faith in G_D removes all fear (Psa. 4:9; Prv. 3:24-26)

• To know that G_D forgives sin and iniquity of the genuinely repentant (Psa. 32:1-11)

• To know that salvation comes from G_D alone (Psa. 3:9)

• To know that G_D will send forth salvation from heaven as mercy and truth (Psa. 57:4)

• To know that G_D’s salvation cleanses the heart and creates a renewed Spirit (Psa. 51:12)

• To know that G_D’s salvation delivers life from the grave (Psa. 49:15-16)


Without question G_D’s word leads us to the inevitable truth that G_D is essentially … existence! He is the unfathomable power behind, in and with all that is, was and will ever be.

Embedded within this singular and irrefutable truth we can see from continual revelations however that G_D most certainly desires … even mandates … that we understand and know him intimately. Knowledge of G_D must be more than some form of intellectual acquiescence of a being greater than mortal man!

G_D reveals in no uncertain terms that he is righteousness, goodness, mercy, justice, loving kindness, holiness … and all things which humans are innately not … but must in faith aspire to be! But … just as important to us, G_D reveals that his purpose for creation will be manifest through his people and his kingdom … Israel.

Within just these twenty-two awesome revelations associated with “knowledge of G_D”, we see the summary of his plan from creation through eternal life! His plan is one of reconciliation through: revelation, mercy, forgiveness, and transformation … under the auspices of the eternal covenant which he established with Israel.

Most contemporary believers and the Gentile churches whole heartedly accept the omnipotent G_D of all creation … yet at the same time readily seek to disassociate G_D from Israel and his covenant … and do so at grave risk! He chose to be the G_D and King of Israel … He chose Abraham and he chose to redeem with great might his first born son from Egyptian bondage. … Who are we people to present challenges?

Just a cursory review of even the first Gospel (Matthew) confirms these mandatory revelations. Mashiach himself confirms Israel's selection by G_D. Mashiach himself confirms Israel's charter to be a light unto the nations. Mashiach himself confirms how G_D’s holy path is The Way for those that have a renewed Spirit! It seems imperative that we understand that these revelations from G_D about himself and his plan were consistently presented to Israel throughout Holy Scripture. Mashiach did not preach or present a “different” or “alternative” truth … he filled up the truth through greater revelation.

G_D has put everything on the line by taking upon himself the temporal kingship of Israel. Since the very moment that he promised to fulfill the covenant through Abraham, G_D has committed himself via oath to be a personal and interactive G_D to his people. Additionally he has promised that the interaction of all those who shall come to him for reconciliation will in fact do so through Israel and if there is any doubt as to this truth please refer to John 4:21-26 where Mashiach upholds Israel's special nature.

Can we better understand now why the attack upon Israel, from its very formation, emanates from the adversary … hasatan? The evil one's plan is to destroy Israel so that G_D is proven to be unfaithful … incapable of deliverance! With this being declared what can we say about those who come against Israel … whose spirit are they operating under? Hmmm!

Ultimately as we review these greatest of priority sacred revelatory commandments we should attempt to ascertain a sound understanding of our awesome G_D’s entirety. THE G_D of all creation who we simply at the most basic level must acknowledge that our understanding of his glory is so very limited and not within our grasp; yet at the same time be so very comforted that he has revealed so much about himself through the constructs of his covenant and his chosen people Israel.

We can summarize these greatest of commandments with the following declaration: “to know the one true G_D of everything is to establish a personal relationship with the G_D and King of Israel under the auspices of his eternal covenant through, by and in his perfect word!” From a Hebraic perspective it is impossible and heretical to separate Israel from the G_D of all creation. G_D and humanity itself are bound together through this temporal covenantal relationship! Being people of The Book mandates, by his word, that we are people of his Kingdom Israel. In the end the truth remains … THE G_D of all creation will save Israel … so says G_D … so let it be done!

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Knowledge of Messiah

To know Mashiach’s Divine Nature:

• To know that Mashiach will be from ancient days … everlasting and eternal (Micah 4:14-5:2)

• To know that Mashiach will be like unto the eternal but as a “Son of Man” coming in the clouds of Heaven (Dan. 7:13-14)

• To know that Mashiach will be “Pele-Joez-El-Gibbor-Abi-Ad-Sar-Shalom” - Wonderful; Counselor; Mighty; G_D; Eternal; Father; Prince; and Peace … Mashiach will be the exact image and likeness of G_D … a perfect unity (Isa. 9:5-6)

• To know that Mashiach will be ImmanuEl … G_D with us (Isa. 7:13-14)

• To know that Mashiach will come to his temple and deliver the covenant (Mal. 3:1)

• To know that G_D will come as Mashiach … his ruling ARM (Isa. 40:10)


Not surprisingly our human knowledge of G_D must take into account the knowledge and acceptance of G_D as Mashiach … according to his Torah … his word!

What might be surprising to some however is the thoroughly Hebraic nature of Mashiach’s divine nature as revealed within Torah? Most assuredly the holy utterance of the prophets mandates such acknowledgment while failure to accept these revelations as truth will bring only disastrous consequences … and yes failure to accept these revelations is most assuredly sin.

The divine nature of Mashiach is not a Christian thing … it is a G_D thing and this truth was assuredly revealed in Torah long before Yeshua’s glorious Earthly ministry.

Despite the Hebraic centricity of these commandments it should be pointed out that only one of the Jewish faith systems (Messianic Judaism) recognizes these revealed truths as commandments and as such the partial blindness of the Jewish majority declared by Sha’ul (Paul) is defined and verified. May G_D be merciful and gracious to the seed of Jacob and may he continue to bless and lift up his true remnant!

When put into a very practical perspective it is obvious to those who believe in Mashiach that a good portion of the B’rit Chadasha deals specifically with revelation regarding Yeshua’s divine nature and his perfect unity with G_D ALMIGHTY as revealed!

Is it really surprising that his nature would be declared? Is it really surprising that Mashiach would have to not only declare but prove his divine nature? Is it really surprising that his divine nature would be recognized and recorded for all time by his chosen people who maintain the oracles of G_D? If these questions are not answered with a definitive “yes” … then how can G_D be truthful when he declares that only he saves … yet he will also send his Mashiach? Undoubtedly G_D and Mashiach are one!

But enough talk about the irrefutable truth … let us for a moment attempt to fathom the sheer awe of the truth for a moment. Let the mind blowing reality of prophetic revelation and fulfillment depicted in Torah sink in! Mashiach is G_D in the flesh!

And per chance … can we understand better what G_D meant when he declared that he would do a new and strange thing … something marvelous in our eyes … something that naturally has to do with him!

Mashiach is “Pele-Joez-El-Gibbor-Abi-Ad-Sar-Shalom” - Wonderful; Counselor; Mighty; G_D; Eternal; Father; Prince; and Peace! And because the revelation was given as proof of the promise to come, we have no hesitation in accepting the glory of Mashiach in a purely Hebraic perspective. Mashiach’s divine nature is as Jewish as it gets and G_D’s revelation about his holy redeemer’s divine nature is not subject to optional acceptance.

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To know that Mashiach’s Glorious Mission will:

• Bring good tidings unto the humble (Isa. 61:1; Nah. 2:1)

• Bind up the broken-hearted (Isa. 61:1)

• Comfort those that mourn (Isa. 61:1)

• Open the of the eyes to them that are blind (Isa. 61:1; Isa. 35:5)

• Open the ears of the deaf (Isa. 35:5)

• Free the tongue of the dumb (Isa. 35:5)

• Heal the lame (Isa. 35:5)

• Free the captives/possessed/unclean/infirmed/dead (Isa. 61:1)

• Strengthen the weak and fearful (Isa. 35:3)

• Proclaim Jubilee (Isa. 61:1; Isa. 35:3)

• Disavow the curse of Israel's covenant with death (Isa. 28:16)

• Serve as the foundation stone for the renewed covenant (Isa. 28:16; Mal. 3:1; Jer. 31:30-33; Psa. 118:22)

• Build G_D’s eternal place of dwelling (2 Sam. 7:12-16; Isa. 28:16; Mal. 3:1; Jer. 31:30-33)

• Circumcise the remnant and put Torah upon their hearts (Jer. 31:30-33; Isa. 42:3)

• Guarantee the seed of Israel forever (Jer. 31:36; Isa. 49:5-6)

• Restore the pride of Jacob, as the pride of Israel (Nah. 2:1)

• Cut off the wicked one (hasatan) (Nah. 2:1)

• Minister Mercy in humility and meekness (Isa. 42:2-3)

• Sacrifice his righteous self for the transgressors (Isa. 53:10)

• Bear the iniquities of the transgressors (Isa. 53:11)

• Make intercession for the transgressors (Psa. 110:4; Isa. 53:12)

• Reconcile the transgressors to G_D (Jer. 31:33; Isa. 53:11)

• Fill up the Torah as the prophet to come (Deut.18:15-19; Isa. 42:4; Nah: 2:1)

• Bring light to the darkness (Jer. 31:33; Isa. 9:1; Isa. 42:4)

• Teach the knowledge of G_D (Isa. 2:3-4; Isa. 42:3; Isa. 42:18-21; Hab. 2:14)

• Fill the Earth with the knowledge of G_D (Isa. 7:14; Isa. 42:4; Hab. 2:14)

• Deliver salvation to Israel (Psa. 14:7; Isa. 49:5-6)

• Deliver salvation to the ends of the Earth (Isa. 49:6;

• Bless all the families of the Earth (Isa. 49:6; Gen. 22:18; Gen 28:14)

• Restore justice and righteousness (Isa. 9:6; Isa. 28:17; Isa. 42:4)

• Set things right in the Earth (Isa. 9:6; Isa. 42:4)

• Proclaim the day of THE LORD’s vengeance (Isa. 6:1; (Isa. 35:3)

• Proclaim judgment upon those without faith in him (Isa. 28:22; Isa. 40:10; Deut. 18:19)


It should be noted that these revelatory commandments are not traditionally codified within mainstream Jewish thought as being sacred commandments! All the same it would seem preposterous from a Hebraic perspective to treat these revelations … and subsequent acceptance of same … as anything but mandatory and critical to Israel's very existence.

Contained within these irrefutable pointers to Mashiach … we see G_D revealing his loving and personal desire to have his creation reconciled to him and his promise of restoration. There can be no mistake on this point … failure to understand and accept the G_D of Israel's Messianic plan is paramount to a lack of personal desire to understand the very heart of G_D!

Naturally every believer in the G_D of Abraham looks to him for salvation … upon this fact there is no debate. However these revelations in no uncertain terms detail long before delivery … just what G_D would do! It seems critically important to G_D that these truths be known. It seems critical to G_D that we understand these truths. It seems critical to G_D that we understand his deepest desires. It seems critical to G_D that knowledge of his glory as our Mashiach is a fundamental component of our relationship with him!

But let us for a moment move beyond our awe of his Messianic glory and fully comprehend the nature of his desires for us. Let us not glance over the restoration of righteousness. Let us not glance over his desire to fill up the entire Earth with his holy and sacred teaching … the Torah! Let us not glance over the fact that integral to the reconciliation of all humanity is the reconciliation and restoration of his people Israel. It is not acceptable that we cleave only to those revelations which tickle our ears or align with our doctrines! When we accept Mashiach as the restorer then we must accept the terms of reconciliation as well … agreed?

When any breathing human takes in the glory of G_D through the B’rit Chadasha writings, it must be admitted that a significant portion of the entire corpus deals directly with the truths revealed applicable to G_D’s mission through Mashiach. When these Messianic prophetic revelations are rightfully viewed as Torah commandments it becomes impossible to declare that the B’rit Chadasha is not Torah centric! The B’rit Chadasha naturally is the recording of what G_D delivered as promised … the recording of how the mission accomplished the shadow of prophecy … the proof that not one mark of Torah would be left incomplete or abrogated until the end of time!

When we objectively view the magnificence of the B’rit Chadasha, in light of the revelations applicable to G_D’s Earthly mission of reconciliation, we must conclude that we are dealing with one Plan … one Scripture … one Revelation! Without question then … the delivery of Israel by G_D himself as Mashiach … is as integral to Israel and the Orthodox Hebraic faith as is Moses’ receiving the ten commandments on Mount Sinai! And how could it be otherwise … G_D coming to restore the Earth to a state of righteousness and justice. G_D coming to eliminate lawlessness and set things right … simply AWESOME!

So now that we can discretely see within the auspices of the TANAKH the mission of Mashiach … is it possible to take in the B’rit Chadasha without affirming the unity of the entire corpus? Can one still stand and declare that the B’rit Chadasha is anything but Torah centric as it pertains to the recording of Mashiach’s glorious mission and fulfillment of promise to Israel?

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To know that Mashiach will be:

• Born in Bethlehem (Mic. 5:1)

• Descended from the stock of Jesse (Isa. 1:1-2)

• Descended from the line of King David (Jer. 23:5; 2 Sam. 7:12-16)

• Miraculously birthed of a virgin girl (Isa. 7:14)

• Honored and Blessed by Kings bearing gifts (Psa. 72:10-11)

• Foreshadowed by the messenger … a voice in the wilderness … having a spirit of Elijah (Mal. 3:1; Mal. 3:23; Isa. 58)

• Imbued with unmeasured Spirit of G_D (Isa. 42:1; Isa. 61:1)

• A loving delight to the soul of G_D MOST HIGH (Isa. 42:1)

• Humble, meek, merciful and loving (Isa. 42:2-3)

• A most wondrous healer of ailments and torments (Isa. 35:5-6; Isa. 61:1)

• Ridden into Jerusalem triumphantly … victoriously but lowly in humility upon a donkey (Zech. 9:9)

• Rejected by the leaders of Israel (Psa. 118:22-23)

• Betrayed by his own people (Psa. 41:6-10)

• Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver out of the Temple treasury (Zech. 11:12-13)

• Alienated from his people (Psa. 69:9)

• Abandoned when he as the shepherd is smitten (Zech. 13:7)

• Beaten, spat upon and shamed by his tormentors (Isa. 50:5-7)

• Tested by his tormentors (Psa. 22:8-9)

• A reproach … despised of the people (Psa. 22:7-9; Isa. 53:3; Psa. 69:20)

• Allowed to suffer without rescue (Psa. 22:2-3; Isa. 53:4-5)

• Robbed of his garments by way of the casting of lots (Psa. 22:19)

• Allowed to be offered up for slaughter (Isa. 53:7-8; Dan. 9:26)

• Sacrificed for Israel (Isa. 53:8-9)

• Wounded in the hands and feet (Psa. 22:17)

• Suffering no broken bones (Psa. 22:18)

• Given vinegar to drink (Psa. 69:22)

• Obedient unto death (Isa. 53:1-9)

• Die broken hearted (Psa. 69:21)

• Poured out like water (Psa. 22:15)

• Buried with the sinners (Isa. 53:9)

• Not be abandoned to the nether-world … be raised from the dead (Psa. 16:9-10; Hosea 5:15-6:2; Jon. 2:3-10)

• Questioned about the wounds on his hands (Zech. 13:6)

• Remembered by Name forever (Psa. 72:17)


As was the case with the previous set of revelations concerning Mashiach’s mission, the mainline Jewish religions once again fail to view as obligatory the acceptance of prophetic declarations from G_D concerning Mashiach’s personal identity! Given Moses’ prophetic instructions regarding the coming of the ONE, it seems incomprehensible that Israel, and most importantly the caretakers of G_D's word, would be treating the knowledge of “Mashiach to come” in any manner other than “life and death”. Ultimately the salvation of Israel through Mashiach essentially represents the core of G_D’s promise through the eternal covenant. One would think that the Scriptural revelations pertaining to Mashiach’s identity would be of the utmost importance to Israel … and they are!

It seems that once again we are confronted with a grouping of revelations within Torah which command a significant portion of the B’rit Chadasha writings … one just needs to simply look! And when we look at the Gospel of Mashiach in light of the commandments applicable to his identity, we see yet again just how Torah centric is the Gospel of Mashiach.

Most assuredly do believers marvel at how G_D accomplishes his will! Most assuredly does the heart of the believer break as we ourselves consume the record of witnesses that testify to this world's rejection of our beloved LORD! Most assuredly do we lift up our hearts in thanksgiving as the record of Mashiach’s victory on our behalf unfolds! But … do we also take into account how the record of salvation delivers completely the promises revealed within Torah by G_D? It is most important that we do … agreed?

It is crucial that we understand the story within the story. G_D’s use of Torah (knowledge of G_D) challenges and exceeds the comprehension capabilities of us mere mortals. In delivering these discrete Messianic revelations, as with other prophetic truths, G_D reveals his complete control over his creation. The story within the story commands that we view the fulfillment of promise. As such the promise is no less important than fulfillment as the combination proves the omniscient and all powerful nature of our wonderful G_D of eternity! Certainly the understanding of the promises to come, in order to actually recognize the fulfillment of the promises when they occur … must be obligatory. To know G_D in a Hebraic perspective is to know that G_D will save … to know that G_D will overcome … to know that we must wait on G_D!

There is nothing totally independent within the B’rit Chadasha. All fulfillment of revealed truths within Torah in, by, through and with Yeshua are integral to the corpus defined by the church as the “old testament”. “OLD TESTAMENT” indeed … it sounds dated does it not? It sounds subordinate does it not? It sounds as if somehow the glorious word of G_D containing all the promises to man-kind is somehow not so beautiful now that Mashiach has won the victory?

But consider for a moment how much less effective would Mashiach’s personal ministry be if G_D had not previously revealed the mission and the details of Mashiach’s identity and ministry? Without previous revelation what confidence could Israel have that Yeshua was the Messiah? What confidence could the nations have that Yeshua was the chosen ONE of Israel? Think about this for a moment … let it sink in. The B’rit Chadasha record of Mashiach’s ministry is a testimony to G_D’s faithfulness and power. Without the revelation handed down to Israel within Torah we would all be left wondering … and most assuredly the G_D of Abraham does not leave his children wondering about the identity of his Mashiach! Nor does the G_D of Abraham leave any doubts as to the pure and perfect nature of his love for Israel and all humanity.

G_D came himself as revealed … to deliver us and endured like NONE other could! He came to save his chosen people and use the lack of faith by many of his people to usher into the covenantal relationship those that were not part of his flock! So what then is our just response to such mercy, grace and power … lawlessness or obedience?

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To Know Mashiach is destined to be the King OF Kings:

• Mashiach will wait to return as King (Isa. 30:8-18)

• Israel will return to G_D … seeking Mashiach (Hosea 3:3-5)

• Israel in their time of distress will mourn their rejection of Mashiach and G_D will be gracious unto Israel (Zech. 12:8-10)

• The nations shall rebel against G_D and his Anointed King (Psa. 2:1-3)

• Mashiach will be given his inheritance (Psa. 2:6-12)

• Mashiach will crush rebellion upon the Earth (Isa. 63:2-6)

• Mashiach will set up his Kingdom (Hag. 2:5-9)

• Mashiach will build the temple, bear the glory and sit upon the throne as he rules (Zech. 6:12-13; 2 Sam. 7:13-14)

• Mashiach rules with the eternal scepter of Judah (Gen. 49:10)

• Mashiach stands as an ensign of the peoples and him the nations shall seek (Isa. 11:10)

• Mashiach will rule all the nations … his rightful inheritance as the Eternal Anointed ONE (Psa. 110:1-7; Dan. 7:13-14)

• Mashiach will reign with justice and righteousness … he shall prosper … when Judah is saved and Israel dwells safely (Jer. 23:5-6)

• Mashiach will restore the glory of Israel (Psa. 45:14-18)

• Mashiach will reign for eternity (Dan. 7:14; 2 Sam. 7:13)


Continuing with this grouping of purely Messianic revelations, we see the end game for our beloved Yeshua … our beloved G_D as revealed in Torah. As is the case with all of these irrefutable truths … there can be no denial. There can be no doubts. There can be no spiritualizing. There can only be acceptance and where there is not we have a breach of Torah … and consequently sin!

It is so very sad that these Messianic revelations were misunderstood by many Israelites during the time of Yeshua. So great was the distress of Israel and so desperate were they to receive the King of Righteousness, that they saw only the triumphant King and could not recognize the “suffering servant”! Even Yeshua’s own disciples reveal this truth as depicted within the Gospel testimony.

Again … regardless of mainstream Judaism's understanding, or lack thereof, we can see once more and must admit that the picture of Mashiach’s Kingship and circumstances regarding same are concisely depicted within the testament of promise … the TANAKH!

Naturally any modern believer will accept the truth that Mashiach is and will be King of Kings. However … let us look a bit closer at these revelations which carry an obligation to accept! Hmmm… it looks as if Mashiach is lording over a tightly controlled and orderly kingdom … does it not? It surely seems that Israel and the Holy Temple are foundational to Mashiach’s Kingdom! It surely looks as if Mashiach is lording over a kingdom that seems to be for lack of a better term – Jewish! … And it sure seems as if the peoples that are left are not having a problem dealing with this Hebraic centric Mashiach! Hmmm!

It is only outside the context of the promises within Torah that some other type of non-Hebraic Mashiach is in charge. How can it be that a church, which whole heartedly cleaves to the coming Kingship of Mashiach, wants absolutely nothing to do with the actual Kingdom that he is going to set up? The thought is absolutely preposterous when it is pondered within the context of the actual obligatory revelations about Mashiach’s Kingship.

What shall we say then … G_D really does not mean for Mashiach to rebuild the Temple? G_D does not really mean to establish order and justice on the Earth? G_D does not really mean to save his chosen people and restore them to glory? G_D really does not intend to introduce Torah as the law of the land?

Please … think upon these questions very deeply. There is just no way can we randomly accept only the revealed truths that fit their doctrinal framework! The revelations are simply that … revelations … and they are to be accepted without adding to or taking away from … this is our faith!

From a straight forward practical perspective we must also admit that there is a decent amount of B’rit Chadasha writings which provide insights into Mashiach’s Kingship. In fact when we actually evaluate just how much of the B’rit Chadasha writings deal with Mashiach’s mission; Mashiach’s ministry; and Mashiach’ kingship … we must admit that a significant portion of the B’rit Chadasha deals specifically with Mashiach fulfilling the promises made to Israel as recorded in the Torah. Consequently it should be intuitively obvious to even a casual observer that the B’rit Chadasha writings are as Torah centric as is what is commonly referred to as the TANAKH or Jewish Bible. The conclusion is inescapable and as we move forward still further we will see that this trend will not change.

The victory and kingship of Yeshua as depicted in the TANAKH and B’rit Chadasha are absolutely consistent from beginning to end. Yeshua’s standard of kingdom righteousness and justice, as depicted in the Revelation, is identical to the same standards presented to Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai.

Yeshua’s Kingdom … Israel … will be governed under the constitutional framework revealed in Torah. If it were not so then G_D has somehow changed and decided that his eternal holiness is no longer integral and fundamental to his essence … and this would be impossible!

Yeshua’s return and kingship are not in doubt! The big question is this: “are we ready and even wanting the kingdom that he will restore and perfect?

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Knowledge of G_D’s Torah

• To know that all wisdom and knowledge comes from G_D’s word-Torah (Psa. 16:2; Prv. 2:1-12)

• To know that a discerning heart comes only from G_D (Psa. 10:17; Prv. 20:12)