Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Thou shall have no other gods before The LORD

G_D Alone

• Not to entertain the idea that there is any god but the Eternal (Ex. 20:3)

• Not to turn one's attention to idolatry (Lev. 19:4)


Although it would seem as if these commandments would be intuitively obvious and easy to understand, let us consider the state of the modern Hellenistic society and even the so called believing communities for a moment. Objectively we must admit that belief in a plethora of “higher/ultimate beings” runs rampant. Additionally even as we peer into our churches we must admit that we can find a plethora of variant understandings of “The ETERNAL”. The point to be made is that “YHVH” has made it definitively clear that he alone is G_D … and he does not rule by other names … nor does he rule over any kingdom as King other than Israel … nor does he accept homage from those that offer up same to some counterfeit unknown god of creation and salvation.

Additionally it is very important from a Hebraic perspective as well that we truly understand the nature of idolatry. In a Hebraic perspective idolatry has as much to do with any kind of interference between the created and the Creator relationship as it does with introducing the notion of an alternate supreme-being or god. The bottom line is that money, materials, that obsessive hobby perhaps … or anything else that is maneuvered up our personal totem pole (pun intended) of importance and attention can evolve to the point of being an idol. As such the prohibition to not even turn one's attention to idolatry, in a Hebraic context, is extremely broad and really translates as the opposite of being whole hearted and single minded towards G_D.

This being said … it must be noted that YHVH most assuredly views with great disdain the worship of a non-existent entity … and makes it most clear that in the day of his anger there will be dire consequences for such offenses. Ultimately G_D through these two very important commandments has made it certain to us that the nature of our obsession should be him and him alone. Anyone that is not a servant of and fanatic for G_D is at the most basic level an idolater … in a Biblical Hebraic sense.

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False gods - idols

• Not to make a graven image; neither to make it oneself nor to have it made by others (Ex. 20:4)

• Not to make idols even for others (Ex. 34:17; Lev. 19:4)

• Not to set up a pillar for worship (Deut. 16:22)

• Not to lay down a stone for worship (Lev. 26:1)

• Not to plant a tree for worship (Deut. 16:21)

• Not to make use of an idol or its accessory objects, offerings, or libations (Deut. 7:26)

• Not to use the ornament of any object of idolatrous worship (Deut. 7:25)

• Not to make any figures for ornament, even if they are not worshiped (Ex. 20:20)


We must first begin by clarifying that G_D has ordained we fashion no man-made objects to represent the divine be they Heavenly or Earthly representations thereof … and G_D seems to care little about our human intentions! From his vantage point there are no innocent intentions … only prohibitions and our expected obedience to his mandates.

As such the false gods in many instances that are fashioned are from the believers’ perspective actually representative of the ONE TRUE G_D … even perhaps Mashiach Yeshua … but all the same in reality an idol by any other name!

The G_D of eternity is so far beyond our comprehension while the human desire to be proximal to a physical manifestation of G_D stems quite frankly from ancient pagan practices and cults. The mere idea of fashioning a likeness of the Creator is an insult to G_D. Is it not interesting that G_D likens himself to the potter and we humans to the fabricated pottery … it is assuredly not the other way around!

Needless to say the idea of man-made images of the divine apparently stokes the fire in G_D’s anger. Just think how angered G_D gets when the image crafted is knowingly not of YHVH and is specifically crafted for the purposes of worship, religious services and to depict our allegiances? In the case of divine images … ignorance simply will not result in bliss!

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Idolatrous Practices

• Not to worship an idol in the way in which it is usually worshiped (Ex. 20:5)

• Not to bow down to an idol, even if that is not its mode of worship (Ex. 20:5)

• Not to swear by an idol to its worshipers, nor cause them to swear by it (Ex. 23:13)

• Not to prophesy in the name of an idol (Ex. 23:13; Deut. 18:20)

• Not to hearken to one who prophesies in the name of an idol (Deut. 13:4)

• Not to drink wine of idolaters (Deut. 32:38)

• Not to pass a child through the fire to Molech (Lev. 18:21)

• Not to remove just portions of the beard, like the idolaters (Lev. 19:27)

• Not to round the corners of the head, as the idolatrous priests do (Lev. 19:27)

• Not to cut oneself or make incisions in one's flesh in grief, like the idolaters (Lev. 19:28; Deut. 14:1)

• Not to tattoo the body like the idolaters (Lev. 19:28)

• Not to make a bald spot for the dead (Deut. 14:1)


The other nations/peoples that do not know YHVH will naturally have their own thing between them and their false gods … but Israel … the true believer shall stay clear of these false practices. This is the summary of these commandments.

Have you ever wondered why traditionally Jewish communities are close knit and tend to keep to themselves? Well … these commandments are driving factors in this traditional demographic model. It is not that Jews are anti-social; it simply means that Jews tend to insulate themselves from practices that are foreign to Torah and most certainly insulate themselves from people who do not cleave to the G_D of Israel. Much of the world population views Jews as anti-social or uppity when essentially they are just being obedient to G_D!

We are not just simply discussing bending the knee to a known false idol/god. As the believers mingle with “this world” the pressures to tolerate, accept and even assimilate the idolatrous practices of the nations is ever prevalent. The fact that the Jews over a two thousand year time period have been able to remain a separate and identifiable people … even without a home land … can only be viewed in terms of a miracle!

The tactical prohibitions listed herein like having a goatee style beard, or getting a tattoo, or offering a drink libation to, or for, anyone other than G_D were very practical since pagan worship in ancient times was typified by such behavior. But the prohibitions need to be viewed in a much broader context.

Believers need to look at the outside world and determine if they are acting … and looking like the other people so that they too can be viewed as “fitting in”. Oh I know this sounds tough since fads and fashions are the way of this world but all the same … believers are called out to be different. And this difference can’t equate to looking like everybody else … or joining in just to fit … or being assimilated. This means not joining for toleration, or political correctness purposes, in practices or ideas with those of a different faith … but also not joining in with the general movements of this world since the ruler of this world until Mashiach’s return to glory is hasatan!

You see … when a person chases after even the fashion fad they are in a sense declaring their loyalties and in a sense declaring their god … which is of course the world system … but ultimately it is themselves!

Finally … when we consider what we see in the end times revelation regarding the idolatry associated with the beast, it is far easier to comprehend how such widespread apostasy and blasphemy can take place … frankly the people will just be conducting business as usual … as in the days of Noah … oblivious and living in the Matrix!

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Idolatrous Seduction/Fornication

• Not to lead the children of Israel astray to idolatry (Ex. 23:13)

• Not to entice an Israelite to idolatry (Deut. 13:12)

• Not to love the enticer to idolatry (Deut. 13:9)

• Not to give up hating the enticer to idolatry (Deut. 13:9)

• Not to save the enticer from capital punishment, but to stand by at his execution (Deut. 13:9)

• A person whom he attempted to entice to idolatry shall not urge pleas for the acquittal of the enticer (Deut. 13:9)

• A person whom he attempted to entice shall not refrain from giving evidence of the enticer's guilt, if he has such evidence (Deut. 13:9)

• To destroy idolatry and its appurtenances (Deut. 12:2-3)

• Not to show favor to idolaters (Deut. 7:2)

• To slay the inhabitants of a city that has become idolatrous and burn that city (Deut. 13:16-17)

• Not to rebuild a city that has been led astray to idolatry (Deut. 13:17)

• Not to make use of the property of the city that has been so led astray (Deut. 13:18)


Even though the application of these commandments discretely imply observance within the land of Israel and infer that idolaters have knowledge of the one true G_D of Israel, it is obvious that these specific commandments still provide to us the mandate to essentially not tolerate, cast off and wipe out even the memory of blasphemous practices within the greater body of Mashiach … Israel.

As we bring these commands forward to our time and our culture … let us keep in mind the foundational principles which should be intuitively obvious. We are to stand against idolatry within our communities … we are to not align ourselves with idolaters for any reason … we are to view idolaters as enemies of G_D … we are to not show those who attempt to lead us astray any humanistic empathy and so forth … ultimately our communities are to be devoid of idolatry!

It seems that the harshness of these commands point candidly to the overt and dire nature of the infidelity being depicted by the commandments. We are apparently dealing not just with foreigners or people with distinct beliefs … we are actually dealing with individuals that know us … individuals that are amongst us … individuals that know of our beliefs! This is why these commandments are categorized under the banner of seduction and fornication!

More importantly we are not really dealing with metal or wood idols as well. Rather we are dealing with the ultimate form of idolatry wherein our communities are beset with false doctrine and partial truths predicated upon human presumption and self- determination … as we are warned by Peter in his second letter to the body of Mashiach:

2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the LORD that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom The Way of truth shall be evil spoken of. … 2:6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; 2:7 And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: 2:8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) 2:9 The LORD knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: 2:10 But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. … 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; 2:13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the daytime. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceiving while they feast with you; 2:14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: 2:15 Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, … These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. 2:18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. 2:19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. 2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the LORD and Saviour Yeshua Mashiach, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. 2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known The Way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. 2:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, the dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

The harsh commandments against idolatrous fornication are mandates that we are to root out unlawfulness and unrighteousness from within our communities. And extrapolating these commands to the “nth degree” we can apply them in the context of Revelation … 18:4: And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 18:5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and G_D has remembered her iniquities.

As these commands declare and G_D’s word supports, there is little mercy for idolaters and there is only destruction for those who presume to lead people away from G_D. Most assuredly the offense of corrupting the LORD’s children is handled as one would handle a virus … kill it … because we know that it will keep coming back time and time again. As believers we need to be ready to isolate and eliminate idolatry and in the worst of cases be prepared to move to a place where the virus simply does not exist!

One final comment on these commandments! If any reader is wondering what is the nature of the idolatry being discussed in 2nd Peter … please look closely! Peter discusses self-willed; ungodly; unrighteous; unclean; cursed; gone astray, wayward, ignorant … Pray tell unclean to what standard? Cursed and not blessed: because of what choice? Gone astray: from what code of behavior? Wayward: from what defined path? Un-submissive and ignorant: to what standard of righteousness? Deviating: from what godly characteristics?

It seems apparent that Peter is discussing idolatry that results in a self -determinant and presumptuous human expression of faith wherein the law of G_D has been set aside for some unorthodox teaching! In true Hebraic character Peter is discussing waywardness from Torah … If this is where you find yourself beloveds … return to his ways … and if the community is lost then simply flee … just flee!

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Idolatrous Nations

• Never to settle in the land of Egypt (Duet. 17:16)

• Not to settle idolaters in our land (Ex. 23:33)

• Not to adopt the institutions of idolaters nor their customs (Lev. 18:3; Lev. 20:23)

• Not to intermarry with gentiles - Non-Believers (Deut. 7:3)

• That those engaged in warfare shall not fear their enemies nor be panic-stricken by them during battle (Deut. 3:22, 7:21, 20:3)

• To anoint a special kohein to speak to the soldiers in a war (Deut. 20:2)

• Not to make a covenant with the seven idolatrous Canaanite nations (Ex. 23:32; Deut. 7:2)

• Not to keep alive any individual of the seven Canaanite nations (Deut. 20:16)

• To exterminate the seven Canaanite nations from the land of Israel (Deut. 20:17)

• Always to remember what Amalek did (Deut. 25:17)

• That the evil done to us by Amalek shall not be forgotten (Deut. 25:19)

• To destroy the seed of Amalek (Deut. 25:19)

• Not to offer peace to the Ammonites and the Moabites before waging war on them, as should be done to other nations (Deut. 23:7)


These commandments as we can see deal with those overt enemies of G_D and his chosen people. Naturally these commandments make for discomfort within our modern politically correct “live and let live” culture. Naturally these commands create discomfort for those who believe that the Gospel is for everyone … everywhere! Naturally these commands can seriously challenge the believers of Mashiach … yet at the same time we know that the battle is with powers and principalities. At the same time we know for whom the idolaters labor. And … at the same time we know that we need to balance our delivery of the Gospel message with a prudent understanding of G_D’s plan and will as defined within his collective revelation to us.

As Mashiach taught us … go and preach the Gospel of salvation to all the world and if they are unwilling to hear … wipe the dust from your sandals as you leave! But let us remember that G_D’s plan is about restoration and ultimately there will be no rebellion!

These commandments reveal to us the very nature of the battle between light and dark … good and evil. As much as we humanly desire peace with all individual peoples … this desire is assuredly not reality. The forces of dark are real and most certainly we see through history the consistent attempts to eliminate G_D’s chosen people: Pharaoh's edict to drown the Hebrew male children; Hellenistic attempts to culturally assimilate the Jews; Rome's attempts to eradicate the Jews; the Church's never ending persecutions and anti-Semitic pogroms; Hitler and his failed final solution; and even to this very day radical Islam seeks Israel's destruction!

Can we see the pattern of G_D’s enemies at work?

We can thus be certain why G_D commanded the elimination of his enemies. We can also see the results of Israel's failure to comply with these commandments. As such … if believers are indeed grafted into G_D’s Kingdom Israel … are we any less at war with G_D’s enemies, those whom seek the destruction of Israel from the beginning?

So while we ponder this last comment do we still believe that peace in the Middle-East should come by way of Israel giving up more land? Do we still believe that peace in the Middle-East should come by way of a two-nation solution? Do we really believe that Israel should do what the United Nations desires of them? Still further as we look at the relationship between the United Nations and Israel can we objectively deny that Israel stands alone? Hmmm … it sure seems as if the war against G_D’s children has gone global!

Let us pray that Israel returns too and listens to G_D alone for it is THE LORD who fights for Israel!

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Dark Arts

• Not to practice kessem: a general term for magical practices (Deut. 18:10)

• Not to practice magic using herbs, stones and objects that people use (Deut. 18:10)

• Not to practice the art of a casting spells over snakes and scorpions (Deut. 18:11)

• Not to practice observing times or seasons as favorable or unfavorable, using astrology (Lev. 19:26)

• Not to practice doing things based on signs and portents; using charms and incantations (Lev. 19:26)

• Not to consult and be defiled by ghosts (Lev. 19:31)

• Not to consult and be defiled by the dead (Lev. 19:31; Deut. 18:11)

• Not to consult wizards or soothsayers, diviners, charmers or wizards to seek out a ghost or familiar spirit (Deut. 18:11)

• Not to suffer any one practicing witchcraft to live (Ex. 22:17)


Oh what troubles we beset ourselves with on a regular basis. Our airwaves promulgate the dark arts with an unending bombardment of ghosts, vampires, astrology, witchcraft, charming, drug abuse and yes even wayward scientific endeavors! Can this even be argued?

At the root of all these idolatrous dark art practices is the human desire for power and control … the desire to be enlightened, special and in all ways not subject to the finite and mortal constraints placed upon us by the Creator.

Ultimately these forms of rebellion eclipse those of following a non-existent false god for the goal of these arts is to make people divine … equal to G_D in his unique powers to control nature and the very world which he created.

We live in this world wherein the goal is “to be all you can be” … at all costs using whatever mechanisms that avail themselves to us. Our failings can be as simple as visiting the palm reader or checking the astrology predictions for a respective zodiac sign! The net result however is akin to practicing full-fledged witchcraft for the objective is to know that secret tidbit of information which enables us to not have to rely on G_D for all things. These even simple failings depict our lack of trust in G_D for all things and in all matters. These simple things reflect our Hellenistic nature!

From a practical perspective we must not delude ourselves into thinking that these commandments are prohibitions against ancient and outdated pagan practices … indeed quite the contrary is true. We live in times where the dark arts are not only tolerated but even glorified by modern culture. How has this happened? With an estimated Christian global population equaling approximately 30% (predominantly Western Culture) of the total population, how could such idolatry thrive? It must certainly be that purported believers are ignorant to the prohibitions!

Further yet it would seem apparent as well that this purported believing community is far more than tolerant of this gross idolatry and is obviously supporting these endeavors … minimally by way of commercial support!

Regardless of the state of affairs within the world's cultures it must be noted that these commandments, like all others, remain until heaven and earth pass away. The last time this author looked we are still here … and certainly in a heap of trouble!

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2nd Commandment Summary - Thou shall have no other gods before me

G_D Alone

False gods

Idolatrous Practices

Idolatrous Seduction

Idolatrous Nations

Dark Arts


Collectively when we consider the commandments associated with the category “Thou shall have no gods before THE LORD”, we should understand G_D’s over-arching intolerance for competition and his sheer righteous disdain for those who represent enemies to him and his will for creation.

These commandments cover the entire gamut of infidelity to our CREATOR. The prohibitions span simple acknowledgment of false gods … all the way through individual or group practice of the notorious dark arts.

As we ponder these commandments it should be evident that divine righteousness mandates whole hearted loyalty to the GREAT AND AWESOME I AM … the zealous and jealous CREATOR OF ALL!

As modern day believers, seemingly so far disconnected from ancient Israel, it is incumbent upon us to grasp the principles and eternal truths associated with these sacred commandments. It is incumbent upon us to fully recognize the true nature of idolatry in a Hebraic perspective and the over whelming permeation of it within “this world”.

Naturally at the root of idolatry, as depicted herein, lies the human desire to affect control over our personal or group situations. The very same human desire pursued by our first human parents Adam and Eve … and the same desire promulgated through the ages by all idolaters. Surely this path will most certainly result in death.

What can we possibly declare about how the “Harry Potter” witchcraft book/movie series is arguably the biggest commercial success in the history of entertainment … or perhaps the Lord of the Rings? What are people missing … why do we think this is not a problem?

From a Hebraic perspective it is all about the created being and CREATOR relationship which we firmly established while reviewing the 1st Category Commandments regarding “I AM THE LORD”! Perhaps even more revealing within these 2nd Category Commandments we see emerge the marriage relationship between Israel and the G_D of Israel. THE LORD reveals idolatry through his Torah within the context of infidelity as we see time and time again within his word. As such it should not be difficult to view these prohibitions against such marital infidelity within the confines of the eternal and irrevocable covenant made between THE LORD and Israel. It is all about fidelity beloveds!

These commandments provide us the perfect backdrop to expose the Hebraic understanding of the eternal covenant … made at Sinai … confirmed at Horeb … and renewed in Jerusalem by Mashiach Yeshua. It should be understood that the eternal covenant is essentially a betrothal contract between G_D and Israel … and in the exact same pattern is the renewed covenantal relationship between THE LORD and Mashiach’s Bride a betrothal contract with Israel … both individually and corporately!

As modern Messianic believers can we grasp this critical revelation? As modern Messianic believers can we see the B’rit Chadasha writings and references to Mashiach’s bride as being fundamental to the eternal covenant? We need to see and understand this in order to adequately comprehend the nature of fidelity. Messiah Yeshua in no way shape or form is bound or willing to accept an unfaithful and soiled bride. The faithfulness of the bride in the most rudimentary fashion is measured by whole heartedness and having a singular love for one and only one G_D! As such idolatry is paramount to being a whore … and perhaps it now makes more sense as to why the great whore (Mystery Babylon) is identified within the Book of Revelation as the key worker of iniquity used by hasatan.

Perhaps now we understand better Mashiach’s parable respective to the ten virgins and how this relates to his body of believers … both corporately and individually? Are our oil lamps filled … are we prepared to greet our Eternal Groom?

Interestingly enough we have already defined the goal of Mystery Babylon … lawlessness. We can now see where Mystery Babylon also represents that great worker of harlotry/infidelity and connect lawlessness to infidelity. Perhaps now we have a better appreciation for THE LORD’s pain when we transgress the terms of the eternal covenant? It's like being an unfaithful bride … it is cheating … it is spreading our legs for a stranger!

Failure to understand our individual and communal role as “the bride” … connected in union through grafting into Israel can only result in a lack of understanding as to how the bride remains faithful. Only in the proper Hebraic covenantal context can we fully understand the nature of “fidelity” and equate this same fidelity with adherence to his prohibitions against idolatry … or to a greater extent adherence to his Torah!

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