Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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The Tree Of Life Summary

Commandments in a form revealed by Yeshua!

1) I am (YHVH) The LORD Your G_D

Knowledge of G_D

Knowledge of G_D’s Mashiach

To know Mashiach’s Divine Nature

To know of Mashiach’s Glorious Mission

To know of Mashiach’s Earthly Ministry

To Know Mashiach is King OF Kings

Knowledge of G_D’s Torah

Fear and Awe of G_D

Love G_D

Cleave to G_D

Worship G_D

Honor G_D

Honor G_D’s Servants

Honor G_D’s Kingdom

2) Thou shall have no other gods before me

G_D Alone

False gods

Idolatrous Practices

Idolatrous Seduction

Idolatrous Nations

Dark Arts

3) Thou shall not profane THE LORD’s NAME


Oaths to G_D

Nazarite Oaths


Profaning the Sanctuary

Kohein HaGadol



Profaning the Sacrifices

Care of Sacrificial Animals

Consuming Sacrificial Animals



Profaning the Body

Dietary Regulations


Profaning the Land

4) Remember To Keep the Shabbat for Holiness & Convocation




Chag HaMotzi

Chag HaBikkurim


Yom T'ruah

Yom Hakippurim


New Moon

New Harvests

Sabbatical Year

Jubilee Year

5) Honor Your Father and Mother

Parental Treatment

Propagating the Family Line

Profaning the Family Line

Communal Honor

6) Thou shall not murder


Accidental Manslaughter

Mandatory Precautions

Character Assassination - Speech

Character Assassination - Heart

Fair Treatment

7) Thou shall not adulterate


Incest - Blood Relative

Incest - Marriage Relative

Sexual Perversion

8) Thou shall not steal


Fair Lending


Real Estate

Property Disputes

9) Thou shall not bear false witness


Judicial Treatment

General Rules of Law

10) Thou shall not covet




After journeying down the path of associating the holy commandments of G_D in a manner consistent with Mashiach’s “Tree of Life” revelation, we hopefully have a much better understanding of them now and will think twice when asked if we still follow the Ten Commandments which most non-Torah submissive believers would contend they do.

Hopefully what has been revealed through this exercise is the understanding that details associated with the child commands within the law are paramount to proper understanding and application of the commands within our daily lives. Essentially if we claim to abide by the “Ten” then we must do so by understanding the other commandments that have been given to us in Scriptures which are natively aligned with those great Ten Commandments!

If we claim that we follow the “Ten” but do not want to understand and learn how to follow them via all the other commandments … the children commandments, then we are essentially declaring that we will determine what constitutes proper adherence to G_D’s requirements! It is quite a conundrum is it not?

  • If we claim that we follow the “Ten” but not any others … then we do in fact declare to G_D that we are the ones who define what is holy and righteous … obviously this is self-determinant and delusional … we would be Hellenists!

  • If we claim that we follow the “Ten” as well as those other commandments that fit our personal and or societal framework … then we are once again declaring to G_D that we have the capabilities to determine (better than him) what is good, righteous and holy. Still delusional … we would be Hellenists!

  • If we claim that we don't even need to follow the “Ten” because of grace and the new covenant … then we are straight up defiant, heretical, lawless and once again delusional … we would be suffering from severe psychosis!

  • If we claim that by the Holy Spirit we are essentially fulfilling the law … but have no knowledge of the law and can easily and readily be seen to be in non-compliance with G_D’s Commandments … then once again we would be delusional as well as a false witness!

  • If we accept the fact that G_D’s commandments are eternal and that our passionate compliance is the result of grace and indwelling by G_D’s Spirit … then we would pursue our salvation in fear and trembling … we would seek the narrow path knowing that conformance to his character is our destiny … we would be covenantal!

Beloved children of G_D MOST HIGH … what could his purpose possibly be in revealing throughout history through his chosen people … through himself in Mashiach Yeshua, what is good and holy and righteous for us? Obviously the Scriptures reveal to us that our mandate is to be holy for he is holy!

The one true G_D, who has chosen to reveal himself through Israel within the auspices of the everlasting covenant, has provided for us the road-map to getting back to him in response to the atonement that he has gifted to us through Yeshua! Grace is an open door to repent and conform to his WAY!

It should be noted that significant efforts were undertaken herein to present these righteous, holy and good commandments in a manner that explains at a high level their meaning, importance and applicability. Admittedly the review represents only a surface level assessment of these commandments from the Hebraic perspective, but all the same there should be no doubt that these commandments represent for all time … for all peoples … the keys to walking the narrow path.

It has been revealed that Torah is Spiritual … that the law is Spiritual, as such we have the obligation … or rather the privilege to spiritually immerse ourselves within Torah in order to better understand our G_D and please him. What we need … is to have the heart of David:

Psalms: 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in His law doth he meditate day and night. 1:3 And he shall be like a tree planted by streams of water that bring forth its fruit in its season, and whose leaf doth not wither; and in whatsoever he doeth he shall prosper.

Psalms: 19:8 The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. 19:9 The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. 19:10 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the ordinances of the LORD are true, they are righteous altogether; 19:11 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. 19:12 Moreover by them is thy servant warned; in keeping of them there is great reward. 19:13 Who can discern his errors? Clear thou me from hidden faults.

As we see from the Psalmist, whose heart our LORD loved, our response to his Torah should not be to view Torah as a burden but a great blessing. Our response to his Torah should be overwhelming joy despite the fact that we are woeful at times in carrying out his will for humanity. Our response should be that we cleave to his Torah despite the fact that Torah will uncover our unfaithfulness. Let us not fear our failures while we pursue his character for our effort is what he desires and our sins will be cast away if we are single minded in pursuing his path for us.

Ultimately as we contemplate these Holy commandments … yes the legal component of Torah … do we find our G_D to be unreasonable? Do we find our G_D to be anything but good, righteous and holy? Do we find or can we contend that we humans could ever craft such wisdom?

Let us also keep in mind that when the teachings of Mashiach are reviewed within a proper Hebraic context we can readily see just how much of his focus was Torah centric. So often it is mistakenly presumed that Mashiach gave us a new way … a different way from what had been delivered to Israel prior to his own ministry! Let us not fall prey to this delusion. Mashiach time and time again focused his teachings upon the commandments but aimed to impart the fullness of Spiritual application which was lacking in Israel and all humanity.

We forget that much of the Gospel centers upon Yeshua revealing himself as the prophesied Mashiach. We forget that Mashiach consistently engaged with the Jewish leadership in a manner that was designed to instruct them as to how the Torah should be discerned and applied! Mashiach by no means was attempting to negate his previously provided word to Israel.

Yeshua showed us … gifted to us a new means of following The Way! Mashiach did not give us a new law … he gave us a way of having Torah desire … Torah submission … Torah remembrance upon our hearts through the indwelling of Ruach HaKodesh!

In similar fashion when a little better understanding of the commandments is ascertained by us, we should readily see how the writings of the Apostles are in all ways Torah centric as well.

From a personal perspective the author would note that the limitations of time and space ultimately did not result in the desired level of details regarding the sacred commandments. As indicated previously these discourses represent cursory reviews of these majestic revelations. But perhaps there was just enough milk contained herein to provide some benefit.

Assuredly if we reconcile ourselves to the truth … these commandments create a dilemma for the vast majority of purported believers because we woefully miss the mark. BUT … our G_D is patient, faithful and merciful … he is waiting for our return and Yeshua stands as the beacon of light at the foot of the narrow path … are we willing to take that first step towards home?

End Part IV