Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Part V – Conclusion

The Delusion

It is the author's hope that at the very least a sense of understanding has been imparted that there is something very real … something at work permeating this creation … a delusion which seeks to control the minds and hearts of humanity for the sole purpose of promulgating lawlessness.

Although the focus of this particular discourse was the global spread of Hellenism, it should be iterated once more that this just happens to be the primary tool of the enemy … there are others such as but not limited to false religions; the occult; narcotics and so forth.

Regardless of the tool utilized by the powers and principalities that battle against G_D’s creation, we can be assured we can identify them because they will: stand against the G_D of Israel … stand against Yeshua’s true Gospel … stand against the eternal covenant … stand against G_D’s chosen people and they will assuredly stand against G_D’s Torah and sacred law!

Within this work a case has been made that Mystery Babylon lies at the center of the entire delusional framework. Mystery Babylon is a mystery simply because it will not overtly and openly confront the G_D of creation. Mystery Babylon usurps through deceit and corruption. Mystery Babylon's modus operandi is to seduce, infiltrate and destroy while at the same time leaving its victims often completely unaware that they are infected … much like cancer! Yes beloveds Mystery Babylon is indeed a fatal virus that consistently works to convince a person or community that their relationship is with the right G_D and on the right terms … while the exact opposite is true.

Additionally a case has been made herein, relying on well-founded historical records, that the church itself was led astray after the apostolic age. There should be little argument that a de-Judaizing pogrom began in the 2nd century Ce. culminating in a complete and formal break from the orthodox Messianic Jewish faith by 325 Ce. This break unfortunately resulted in the church standing against the G_D of Israel … standing against Mashiach Yeshua’s Gospel … standing against the eternal covenant … standing against the chosen people and standing against G_D’s holy Torah … or so this appears to be the intuitively obvious conclusion that must be reached in the author's opinion.

Yet … this same church of Messiah will stand behind its doctrines … its purported spiritual authority … its philosophy and continue to claim to be the church that lives! But we know Mashiach has already sounded the death knell to this purported church system. We know that Mashiach has already exposed these dreamers with his truth that declares they may purport to have a NAME that lives but they are indeed dead to him!

We have been infiltrated … seduced … and corrupted by this philosophic plague called Hellenism which has moved far beyond Western civilization … ravaging the globe with its savage appetite. There is nothing more tickling to the ears of men than to be taught that we are self-determinant … that we hold the keys to our own success … that we hold the power and control over our own destiny.

This plague, highlighted by populist and relative definition of what is moral, ethical, good and righteous is a barren seed that yields no benefits for G_D’s Kingdom. Can we not hear the echoes of our G_D from the garden cascading down the causeways of time and history whispering: “Who told you that you were naked?” Is there any surprise that our dear Mashiach revealed the following to this last church age we live in: Revelation 3:17 Because thou says, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knows not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou may be rich; and white raiment, that thou may be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou may see. 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

We know that our church communities point fingers at each other while claiming to be the church of Philadelphia. Unfortunately all of the finger pointing in the world will not change the fact that the delusion is real … and strong … and working within the midst of the church as a wolf in sheep's skin. The world's system has sadly incorporated the church within its bosom while the rank and file continues on its merry way because people want the luxury of being lukewarm. People want the benefits of the world's systems … and … the idea that this is acceptable to G_D!

Conversely the faithful children of G_D struggle. The faithful children of G_D know that he does act within their lives yet the vast majority of these passionate believers have been deluged with traditional church doctrine and fear that breaking from doctrine is paramount to repudiating their faith. BUT … the truth is the exact opposite.

Awaken sleepers … our Mashiach calls to us across time and space! He has won the victory and wants none to be lost … but we must confront the delusion to hear his voice calling us! To he who has ears let him hear and to he who has eyes let him see!

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Presuming that a sound case has been made respective to identifying the delusional construct at work against us, we should revisit the nature of lawlessness and lawfulness.

Within this work an attempt has been made to reveal that the laws of G_D essentially manifest his holy and righteous character … and to reveal that these same laws in fact represent the constitutional governing framework of G_D’s Kingdom … Mashiach’s Kingdom!

Most assuredly G_D’s Kingdom is not some abstract ethereal concept … most assuredly G_D’s Kingdom is real … is working … is being prepared for his return. If this is our real faith then we must ponder the question: “what will G_D’s Kingdom be like?” Hmmm!

Do we suppose that it will look like our world and systems today? Do we believe that upon Mashiach’s return that we will get to democratically install the leaders and lobby to make the laws of the Kingdom … as we see fit? Or … do we believe that Mashiach will rule as King and establish his good, righteous and just laws for all the Earth? Hmmm!

If we discern that Mashiach will return and set up his Kingdom with his laws … pray tell what do we think this will look like? Can there be any doubt that the laws will be as they have already been revealed through him! The laws of his Kingdom will be the laws contained in his Torah. Are we in agreement?

So why then are these laws not good, holy, righteous and acceptable for today? Why is it that approved lawlessness reigns supreme? Why is it that Christian doctrine is essentially anti-Semitic in that it opposes G_D’s Torah … opposes G_D’s word … opposes Mashiach Yeshua?

The author has already reiterated numerous times herein that G_D saves through the glorious works of Yeshua … through grace and mercy! Since this is the case why is our lawfulness necessary? Our lawfulness is necessary because grace and mercy give us the right to become G_D’s children. If grace and mercy were gifted without t’shuvah (repentance) then there would in effect be no covenant. There would in effect be no reason for people to put skin, heart and soul into the game! There in effect would be no fruit produced or light to shine … grace then would be a barren seed!

The Scriptures reveal to us that grace and mercy apply to the sins while we were not covered by Yeshua … before we accepted his gift … while we were in rebellion. We have also seen revealed in Scriptures that our sins can continue to be atoned for after accepting grace IF we are not walking in rebellion … IF we are conforming ourselves to the laws of the Kingdom.

The Scriptures have revealed to us that IF we love Mashiach we will keep the commandments and therein create a place within us for the Spirit of G_D to dwell … in order that we may be continually refined towards his glorious image and likeness.

It would seem fairly obvious that conformance to G_D’s law is the proof that our baptism of fire … our Spiritual rebirth has commenced and that the new man is no longer enslaved to the doctrine of lawlessness … the doctrine of olam hazeh … the doctrine of Mystery Babylon … the doctrine of hasatan!

It is the author's sincere hope that exposing in Hebraic terms the Scriptures respective to lawlessness … enables us to see that the B’rit Chadasha writers never instructed believers in Mashiach to disobey or abrogate the law. This dear reader, iterated yet again, is the truth and any doctrine that claims otherwise is wrong!

The adversary hates G_D’s law with a passion because it was rebellion found in him that separated him from G_D. Consequently as G_D’s enemy it is his objective to defile creation by any means necessary and this means that the adversary seeks disorder, chaos and lawlessness. It is the intent of the adversary to use the same laws of G_D to accuse us continually … knowing that his objective is to hurt G_D through the self-destruction of his good creation.

And yes dear reader … G_D hurts when we choose another suitor … G_D hurts when we fall prey to the delusion of the enemy … G_D hurts when he sees his creation acting contrary to his own glorious character … G_D hurts when we are seduced into rebellion.

Please know this … G_D desires us so much that he himself in the form of Yeshua sacrificed everything so that we can be reconciled to him. He became all that is not him in order to banish the curse for those who would accept this gift and return to his WAYS. Is it even fathomable that in his RIGHTEOUSNESS He would give us the go ahead to continue in rebellion? Is this even possible?

The truth beloved children of G_D is that the delusion … the snare set up by the adversary has been authorized by G_D MOST HIGH to weed out the dark from the light … to test the hearts of the children of men to see who is for G_D and who is against G_D. This may sound so very harsh to us … but he is a completely self-righteous and holy G_D who has every right to make the ground rules as he sees fit. Remember … this is not a democracy … remember this is his story … not ours!

Ultimately this author is a mere mortal like every created being and has no assurances as to how G_D will treat his created beings at judgment since only he can peer into the hearts of humanity! This author however does hold to the hope that what is accorded as righteousness is a faith that results in a passionate yearning for G_D. A faith that entails more than a simple historical belief in Yeshua … a faith that seeks repentance and escape from the bonds of lawlessness and sin … a faith that seeks the liberty to pursue his ways; not because we should be afraid but because we love him who loved us first.

Our objective in running the race is to be with him in Jerusalem whose gates the rebellious cannot pass through. All believers may agree that salvation comes through grace and faith but we must ask the great questions: “What constitutes faith?” Is faith lawful or lawless? Is faith holy or unholy? Is faith passionate or lukewarm? Is faith manifest in and through Torah or against Torah?

These are the questions the author leaves you with to ponder!

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The Torah

Although the Torah was covered in a glazing style fashion herein due to obvious constraints of time and space, the author hopes that even this rudimentary Hebraic understanding of G_D’s Torah was enlightening to some extent. It must be noted that the objective herein was to present Torah in a context given to Israel as G_D’s chosen people … to expose how centric Torah is to Mashiach’s glorious mission and ministry … to highlight how Torah is the cure for the virus that is the systems of olam hazeh … and to depict Torah as G_D’s awesome revelation of himself to us! If these objectives were not achieved then sadly this failure falls upon the head of the author for not adequately expressing G_D’s truth!

Presuming for a moment however that these objectives were not subject to complete failure; then perhaps you the reader have a far greater appreciation for G_D’s Torah … perhaps it is understood that Torah is not relegated to a singular legal component but truly is the entire body of G_D’s revelation to humanity. A revelation which is completely centric to Mashiach Yeshua! A revelation that depicts both his story and history for the sole purposes of his glory!

When we see within Torah all the pointers to Mashiach … his Nature … his Mission … his Ministry … his LORDSHIP, we must not lose sight of how integral the Torah itself is to Mashiach! There is no separation … there is only complete unity and seamless integration. Torah is essentially G_D’s self-fulfilling prophecy about himself … Torah runs this deep.

From a human perspective we can only garner understanding of G_D through his Torah and of course his Spirit! Consequently it is imperative that we understand Mashiach’s Torah centric essence! Please do not be duped into believing that somehow the magic of the Holy Spirit works outside the auspices of G_D’s word Yeshua … this most sadly is pure delusion!

Additionally it is also imperative as well that we understand the Torah through the Hebraic perspective … yes the Hebraic bias. It was G_D who chose Israel to be his people … it was G_D who ordained that this grand plan of the ages would be orchestrated through Israel under the auspices of the eternal covenant … and it was G_D himself who chose to manifest in the human form of Mashiach Yeshua as a Jew to bring about the world's salvation! As such any human conventions that spring up claiming to understand G_D’s plan that omits the Hebraic/Jewish perspective … that omits Israel … that omits Torah is fundamentally flawed and in this author's opinion should be avoided like the plague!

As the author has attempted to depict herein Mashiach Yeshua not only upheld the Torah but completed what was lacking in Torah due to our human limitations and imperfections. Mashiach’s mission is fundamentally a mission to spread the knowledge of G_D through the Gospel. To spread not just the message of atonement, reconciliation and salvation but to spread the knowledge of goodness, holiness and righteousness as contained within Torah … and to do so through Israel! How else can it be if the goal of the Gospel is to transform the world … one person at a time?

Naturally our common sense may have us thinking that this surely did not work since mainstream Judaism to this day will not accept The CHRIST … Yeshua as their Mashiach. BUT … let us not forget that his Jewish emissaries did accept him … they did go forth with the Gospel of truth … they did uphold the Torah … they did not fail! And despite over the course of centuries that the church has fallen away … and despite mainstream Judaism's lack of acceptance … he has retained a remnant as he has promised.

For one moment do we find it coincidental that with the return of the nation of Israel there has appeared faithful Jews … preaching a Gospel of both grace and lawfulness? Yes dear reader this is no fantasy … this is no deception … this is truth. Do we think it coincidental that Gentiles, thirsting for something far greater than what is in hand, are accepting the truth of the orthodox Messianic faith? Do we find it surprising that these Messianic believers are attacked on all sides by both mainline Jews and Christians as being little more than some form of religious fad? But … G_D is stirring up his children and one need only perform a simple internet search on Messianic Judaism or “Yeshua” and you will get a glimpse into a truth that the author knows to be true!

The days where the Gentile will latch onto the tzitzit of the Jew and follow in the righteous path of Torah is not then … but now! This you can believe for this author bears solemn testimony to this fact!

Do we think for one moment that Mashiach would fail? Do we think for one moment that the promises to Israel would be broken? Do we think for one moment that the adversary would win? Heaven forbid! And despite the fact that we know not the day or hour of his re-visitation we know that he is setting in motion the final chapters of his great plan as revealed in his Torah! Praise G_D!

So dear reader what shall we make of all this Torah talk? What shall we do with the truth that is unfolding right before our very eyes? The answer is simple … as the apostle Sha’ul (Paul) states in no uncertain terms … let today be that day for us … let today be that day when we submit to the glory of Mashiach and recognize him for all that he is … was and will be!

Let today be that day when we say yes to Mashiach and stand with Israel knowing that this means our days as foreigners to G_D will end … knowing that this means we will no longer choose to be self-determinant … knowing that this means we will genuinely repent and turn away from our lawless delusion and take up his cross of obedience and begin the process of conforming ourselves to his image and likeness! Can it be beloveds that he deserves anything less? Can it be that he will accept anything less?

Dear reader … what is hard is the initial decision … but ultimately Mashiach declared that he is the ONE who brings conflict. We have a choice to make. We can choose to be single minded and with passion grasp onto G_D … or we can choose to play footsies with the systems of this world and hope that the LORD will be understanding of our lukewarm nature! Hmmm?

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