Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Final Thoughts

The author also wants to stress herein that a firm understanding of Mashiach’s sin atoning sacrifice … the power of Yeshua’s death and resurrection is paramount to our faith! This facet of Mashiach’s glorious mission and life serves as the center of a believer's faith. The focus upon lawfulness within this work is strictly a function of bringing to light this often overlooked other facet of Mashiach’s glorious mission. Please dear reader … for one moment do not think that “mercy and grace” are trivial aspects of Messianic Judaism … they are assuredly regarded in the utmost fashion!

It is also the sincere hope of this author that there is no misrepresentation or implication that all individuals devoid of knowledgeable Torah submissiveness are omitted from G_D’s Kingdom. Undoubtedly through the ages there has been a host of saints who, for myriad reasons, were kept away from the fullness of the original faith. Beloveds if we understand G_D … we should know that G_D knows the hearts of all humanity. Consequently G_D knows which persons’ hearts would be willing if the truth were not kept from them … and naturally the converse would be true as well.

But … we should consider why in these later days the truth is coming out! We should consider the meaning of these happenings within the context of the Biblical revelation. We should understand that these things are happening now because the showdown between the Nations and Mashiach is predicated upon him coming back to rescue his own followers … those that have his NAME and his COMMANDMENT … true Israel and all Gentiles grafted in … because all Israel shall be saved!

These things are happening now because at some point in the near future the showdown will take place. Consequently the emergence of the orthodox Messianic Jewish people to a position of being the light to the nations … and the establishment of Israel … tells us that the battle is beginning in earnest.

It would seem that as in the past, the patience and mercy of G_D is about to give way to righteous judgment upon the Earth's inhabitants. How else can we explain this movement of both Jew and Gentile … together seeking the orthodox Messianic faith: in, through, by, for and with Yeshua? This is no passing fancy or fad dear reader … this is real and the Spirit is calling out all over the planet … as wisdom at the city gates … “come out of her my children and be not partakers of her iniquity!” Sh’ma Yisrael!

Admittedly this endeavor began in search of a deeper understanding of what ails us people. Despite knowing that we are plagued by the adversary and its arsenal of lies, tricks and deceit, it must be admitted that what ails us quite frankly is ourselves.

Ultimately this cursory review of G_D’s sacred and holy commandments within the auspices of this work herein has only reconfirmed to this author that the battle within ourselves is continuous … it is never ending. Despite openly admitting within the preface that the narrow path is the road being walked by the author … it is apparent upon review of the commandments that perhaps this author should stop walking and in the words of Paul the apostle begin to “run the race”.

It would seem that our human tendency for complacency and self-righteous assessment knows absolutely no bounds. Certainly this author … like all other humans is humbled and shamed when confronted with G_D’s desires for our behavior. Praise him forever and a day that he is merciful and long suffering and full of loving kindness because most assuredly no flesh can glory before him.

But … despite the short comings of our commitment and offerings to G_D, he thankfully mandates only that we genuinely try to conform to the image and likeness of the only begotten SON … Yeshua HaMashiach. G_D only mandates that we get on the path of repentance and that we turn our minds and hearts to him knowing that he will finish the work that he has begun.

Let us not despair that we are so far from where he wants us to be … but rather let us rejoice in the fact that he has provided for us what we need to know … to not only find the path but to stay on the path. We need do only this thing … awaken and stay awake!

Ultimately this work should serve as a shout … a warning to all humanity to repent and prepare for the coming of the King … certainly this author trembles in awe and reverence and wants none to be lost!

As for the greatest mystery of all: “Why the elect? This simply can't be answered … now there is a mystery that we can live with!

We should never fool ourselves and always understand that our knowledge of G_D, despite our level of faith, will always only represent a shadow of his glory.

We will never, ever be masters until such time that we are perfectly transformed by G_D to incorruptibility. But despite this stark reality we should never lose sight of the mission to be a light … to be a representation of Mashiach’s character in a decaying and hurting world. Beloveds we stand in the gap for the lost!

Consequently we should understand that the Hebraic perspective, which views Torah as a life-long endeavor, is not an exercise to know all things. Torah is dynamic beloveds and as we continue within the word, G_D will assuredly use our efforts to mold us … if we are willing.

The pursuit of G_D’s wisdom for us ultimately represents our submission to his will and our separation from this world's systems. But obviously we need more than knowledge … we need application … we need obedience! We need to know the tactical and literal components of the sacred commandments … and apply them through the Spirit in our lives. And if we pray for these things … G_D will surely provide abundantly!

Personally this author's journey began via tactical and literal commandment obedience … and then began to grow as Spiritual discernment kicked in resulting in a deeper and deeper desire to understand G_D’s character. In parallel it became apparent to this author that great difficulties were encountered while attempting to understand G_D’s word from a traditional Hellenistic framework. Frankly without the adoption of the Hebraic framework this journey would have been dare I say impossible … at least for this author!

The point beloveds? We are individuals and G_D assuredly uses us in very diverse fashion. For reasons unknown to this author G_D has provided the means and desire to relay these personal endeavors. To what end? Only he knows!

It may seem that the journey being proposed by this author, whose opinion is that G_D requires this journey as declared in his word, is a difficult and long path. From personal experience the difficulty is getting onto the path … the difficulty is deciding to even undertake the journey. But … rest assured that the path itself is not a heavy yoke … rest assured that the path is full of blessings and peace … rest assured that the journey is good and worthwhile.

Conversely it is a path that sets one up for criticism, ostracizing and contempt! The same contempt that the nations and peoples have for Israel … or more commonly the contempt for the Jew! Speaking in simple terms the outside world, seemingly tolerant of everything, is just not tolerant of G_D’s peculiar people who serve as a light to some and condemnation to most … sad to say!

As indicated throughout this brief work it is apparent to this author that G_D desires that each and every individual would repent and be reconciled to him through Mashiach. We know this will not be the case. As such we should strive to know and understand what separates those that reconcile and those that do not. We should also understand that we have enemies that long only for our destruction. It is a battle beloveds with powers and principalities … we must understand what they are using to battle against us and we must understand what we can use to battle back. In this work the author has hopefully exposed one of the enemies’ greatest weapons and conversely one of G_D’s greatest weapons. It is a matter of lawlessness versus lawfulness. Rebellion versus Torah!

What say ye beloved reader … should we stand with the Torah of Mashiach or against the Torah of Mashiach? Do we choose the culture of this world or do we choose the culture of G_D? Do we choose life or do we choose death?

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• Please be aware that not all adherents to Messianic Judaism believe that G_D’s Torah is for all peoples. There remain Jews who view Torah as only their ethnic heritage … as only their culture. Be wary of these individuals and those communities for our Mashiach has indeed torn down the dividing wall so that none may be kept out … so that all who are gifted the heritage that is “The Way” can receive it freely. To the Jew first and to the Gentile second … equally!

• Despite the fact that this work was presented freely to you the reader, please have the courtesy to treat this work with respect … please treat this work according to the law provided to us by our G_D. No modifications within the work to present the author's perspective as anything other than what it is ... but by all means feel free to distribute the work intact freely and reference it without restrictions. G_D has blessed the author abundantly in all ways! May this work for G_D's glory bless you as well!

To Yeshua be all honor and glory forever and ever!
