Extravagant Love by Mike Connell - HTML preview

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The Great Commandment (1 of 6)

Sun 12 Jul 2009 AM « Back to Top

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Teacher, what's the great commandment in the law? What's the most important thi ng in the Bible? And Jesus said to him - here it is - You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and alyour mind and alyour soul. He said this is the first and great commandment. Second's like it: love your neighbour as yourself. So notice there, love God passionately, love people fervently, including yourself

I want to just start another series, and I want to look at Extravagant Love. That's a good one, Extravagant Love - trying to think about what I could call this series, Extravagant Love. So we're going to do some messages just related to that, and I want us to start in this particular passage here, in Matthe w, Chapte r 22. Jesus asked a question, in Ve rse 36, Teacher, what's the great commandment in the law? What's the most important thinin the Bible? And Jesus said to him - here it is - You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul. He said this is the first and great c ommandment. Second's like it: love your neighbour ayourself. So notice there, love God passionately, love people fervently including yourself and so we're going to look at this series on Extravagant Love but this particular time we want to look at the love that God has for us, because most people when the y think about being Christian they think well, there's lots of things you have to do now, and lots of things you're not supposed to do now.

It seems like life's more complicated, but Jesus never came to make life c