Extravagant Love by Mike Connell - HTML preview

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Gods Extravagant Love (2 of 6)

Sun 19 Jul 2009 AM « Back to Top

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Christian life is a response to God's love, a continuing response. We love Him because He first loved us. Meetings aren't enough. I must meet with God. I must feel His presence, encounter His presence and I must learn how to respond. If you love Me, you'll trust that what I say will work out good for you, and you'll do it. Many Christians want to come into an experience someone else creates, rather than a lifestyle where they walk and enjoy God. The measure of your maturity, is not your experiences, it's what do you do with people

Okay, why don't we just open our Bible the n, Matthew, Chapter 22, Verse 36. We started last week on a series called Extravagant Love, and I began to share with you about the passionate love of God. I happe ned to share a verse out of Sonof Solomon and some of the younpeople got that wrong. They thought I was talking about kisses and wine; I wasn't talking about that at all and the Bible says His kisses are bette r than wine. In othe r words he's saying that the touch of God in our life is more intoxicating and has better effect on our life than wine drinkinwould have. But the Bible abounds in God's expressions of love and we saw last week this verse, how God calls us to love Him and that's whawe're going to focus on today, is on loving God, whole-hearte d love of God.

Last week we were looking at how we love Hi m as a response to being loved first of all . In othe r words God starts it going. God always sends people into our lives. God sent His Son into the world, God continually ini