Factual Faith by J. Prinsloo - HTML preview

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If any non-specific test is performed, the information it provides may offer no relative information

in proving the hypothesis.

An example would be measuring the air temperature when trying to determine the shape of the

Earth. This test would not be focused on the aspects that would ascertain whether the Earth

has a shape other than being flat. It may only serve as clarification that the ambient

temperature could be ruled out as a factor that would have an effect on the Earth‟s shape. It is

important to note that the tests that are performed should be repeatable and should provide

results that can be repeated, every time they are performed. In the “shape of the Earth”

example that we are considering, a scientist may look for a way to test whether there is a

possibility of the Earth not being flat. The first question the scientist would have to consider is:

“How would I measure the shape of the Earth?” and secondly, “Where would I find a true

representation of the shape of the Earth that I can view from my vantage point, which is on the

Earth itself?” The scientist may initial y struggle to come up with an answer for either question.

Where to start and how to go about measuring the shape of the Earth, if the Earth is so vast?

At some point however, while looking for answers, he may see some ants walking on a huge

boulder. To the scientist, the boulder, although not perfectly spherical, may seem like a round,

semi-spherical object. He may then think, looking at the ant, that the ant probably sees the

boulder as being flat, just as most people view the Earth and that it has to do with perspective

and perception. He may then think: “If the Earth has similar properties in relationship to me, as

the boulder has to the ant, I should be able to prove that it is not flat by travelling in one direction

and at some point I should be back where I started. The only problem is that I do not have

money for a boat to travel the oceans. I need to find a more economic method to measure the

shape of the Earth.”

After studying the ant on the boulder, he has a brilliant idea: “If I could find something that could

be considered as being straight (like a ruler) and then measure the horizon, I might be able to

prove my hypothesis.” The scientist may try this and find that his results are inconclusive –

there are too many mountains and valleys influencing the results. He then gets another brilliant

idea to go to a spot where he has a good view of the ocean. The ocean does not have valleys

or mountains that could affect his measurements and will provide a more representative shape

of the Earth to measure against. Then, using the horizon in front of him (the line that forms

between the surface of the ocean and the sky) he has found a valid location where he can

perform an accurate measurement. He reasons that for best results, he should attempt to view

as large a portion of the ocean as possible, to increase his perspective. Measuring should

therefore be done on a calm day with good visibility (to increase the distance at which the

horizon can be viewed) and to avoid external influences from the weather (limiting visibility or

rough seas) on the experiment. (The ocean‟s surface can be considered a good representation

of the actual shape of the Earth, as the water should be levelled out on the surface). If the ruler

is then held up and the shape of the horizon is compared with that of the ruler, the scientist will

notice that the shape of the horizon differs slightly from that of the ruler and that there is some

curvature evident in the results that are obtained. (i.e. if one lines up one corner of a ruler with a

point on the horizon where the ocean‟s surface meets the sky, and also do the same for the

opposite corner on the ruler, the centre of the ruler will not cover the ocean in the middle and a

slight bulge will be noticed in the middle of the ruler where the ocean would rise above the


The scientist can then repeat this experiment from a different location overlooking a different

ocean to obtain additional sets of data. He could do the measurements at different times of the

day and even different seasons to ensure that different conditions are met - summer, winter,

early in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, in differing weather conditions - where the same

facts can be viewed. He can also make use of other measuring instruments (differing lengths of

rulers and other straight objects) to prove both repeatability of the experiment and accurate

results for different locations and conditions.

Analyse Data

Once the scientist has collected sufficient sets of data, he can then examine the data and draw

some conclusions. If the information shows that in all cases the shape of the oceans show

curvatures, the scientist can conclude that the Earth must have a shape, other than being flat.

Taking measurements, as described above, obviously does not convey much information, but it

may prove to assist the scientist in forming new hypotheses.

New hypotheses will result in new experiments. It will assist the scientist to obtain more

information to illuminate the subject and improve the accuracy, showing how results match or

differ from the hypothesis.

Finally, it may be possible to establish that the Earth is not only flat, but also spherical, which

could be concluded from measuring the shape of the oceans from different directions and

different locations. It is always advantageous to employ different testing methodology to

increase the resolution that is obtained from the result and assist the scientist in drawing a more

accurate conclusion. One type of test alone may not provide sufficient information to prove a

hypothesis as true.

Interpret Data

Once the collected data has been analysed by the scientist, he will then have information that

can be compared with the hypothesis. If the data matches the hypothesis in all cases and takes

into consideration the effects of all external influences, the hypothesis will be seen as proven -

although, as humans, our ability to understand will always be limited to some degree, due to our

dimensionality and locality. The next statement is very important in science and without

diligently applying it to any subject being researched, the scientific method is voided and results

can no longer be considered proper science. If any fact is obtained that goes against any of the

results that the hypothesis is expecting to achieve, the hypothesis is proven incorrect and the

scientist will have to construct a new hypothesis.6

In our example above, the scientist will compare the shape that the ocean forms with the sky on

the horizon to that of something that he knows is straight, i.e. a ruler. He will notice the

difference between the calibrated standard and the test subject and will conclude that the shape

of the Earth cannot be flat, since the shape of the horizon differs from that of the ruler which is

straight or flat. The finding only tells him that the shape of the Earth does not seem to be flat.

Without some trigonometry, it will not provide much information, other than confirm ing that the

shape of the earth is not flat. The scientist‟s hypothesis, based on his results thus far, is

therefore considered true, until evidence to the contrary is provided that would prove that the

Earth‟s shape is indeed flat – which we today know, is not possible.

Publish Results

The scientist may then publish a paper on his finding with all relevant information pertaining to

the subject. In his paper, the scientist will include the reasoning behind his hypothesis; how he

conducted the experiments and what his final results were. He would also need to mention any

aspects that he would consider as external influences or factors that may have distorted his

results, for instance that although he measured ambient temperature, it had no effect on the

experiment. This is then available to the scientific community for scrutiny.


Once the scientist publishes his findings, peer reviews will follow. During this time a number of

other scientists, interested in the same field of study, may elect to c onduct similar experiments

to see if their results are similar to that of the original scientist. They may want to conduct

additional experiments to test aspects the original scientist did not consider or may have

overlooked. They may opt to test the theory by travelling around the world and see if they can

get back to the same place they started from, by following the Sun.

Unlike the first scientist, they may have funding for such an undertaking. If they are able to

provide conclusive results that they were able to travel around the world and not fall off the

Earth, until they arrived back at their starting point, by travelling in one direction only, they would

have provided more conclusive evidence and additional resolution for the original hypothesis .

They may also be able to calculate roughly the circumference of the Earth, based on their travel

speed and the time it took to circumnavigate the Earth.

This is only a simple example, but will hopefully serve to explain the process of scientific

research to those who are not familiar with it.

We would then also have to ask ourselves: What are the differences between Hypotheses and

Theories? A Hypothesis is a “best guess” or a tentative explanation by an observer who is

asking a question about a subject and describes his ideas on the properties of a specific subject

to the best of his knowledge.22 It also serves as a guide in experiments that are performed to

obtain a better result. It does not mean that it is necessarily correct.

A “Theory” is an explanation of general principles under which a subject would operate and

would also provide considerable facts to support this.22 Both a theory and a hypothesis are only

valid as long as all evidence that is collected continues to support the said theory or hypothesis.

As explained earlier: If any piece of information becomes available that goes against the theory

or hypothesis, even if the theory had been viewed as true for centuries by most people, the

theory or hypothesis, as proposed, is disproven and has to be revised or discarded.

Science Today

There are many theories today that have been researched in great detail, having volumes of

provable facts in the form of supporting evidence to maintain the status of proven scientific

theory. According to Chomsky, even living in a technological advanced society, there remains

some theories out there that are really nothing more than enforced viewpoints or abstractions of

information that are being forced into the minds of society via channels such as the media.23

These enforced viewpoints are sometimes covertly controlled and portrayed as facts by the

media, the scientific community, government and other groups. This is done so convincingly

and with such assertiveness, that even scientific evidence which clearly disproves accepted

theories, are blatantly rejected and coined as uneducated viewpoints or old-fashioned beliefs.

At the same time, should a person elect to adopt an opposing viewpoint to that held by the

majority, they are quickly silenced, either through ridicule, rage or rejection. Thus any evidence

they have to support their views, is denied any media exposure, just because it does not

conform to the mainstream viewpoint.

Keeping an open mind and pursuing the truth is no longer a matter of concern or even a priority.

Looking at this situation objectively, one has to wonder what or who is behind all of this? What

are the motives for wanting people to blindly cling to fallacies that have evidence accumulating

against them and which can no longer be objectively considered scientific? What are the

motives for doing so and why keep on believing in something that is proven false?

The Theory of Evolution is a good example of such an instance. When considering life, the

Universe and where everything around us came from, one would normally side with one of two

options: You either believe that the Universe, our solar system and life on Earth, came to be as

a matter of chance and that Evolution explains the reason for the diversity of life on our planet;

or you believe that a Creator was responsible for creating the Universe and life as we see it


Either way, whichever view you adopt, it will have a profound impact on the way you perceive

the evidence presented and found in the world around us today. It will also affect your

assumptions regarding the evidence and how to interpret it to fit the view or philosophy that you

have adopted. Let us look at these two viewpoints and consider them from a scientific basis.

The Theory of Evolution

The hypothesis that life spontaneously developed on Earth over extended periods of time,

spanning into billions of years, was coined the Evolution Theory and is said to have emerged

with the publishing of Charles Darwin‟s “The Origin of Species” in 1859.25 Actually, the idea of

Evolution is much older than this, as we will demonstrate later. Darwin noticed that many

varieties of organisms within a species occurred over time and believed that these differences

were a result of natural selection or the survival of the strongest. He also believed that the

same mechanism was at work to produce the diverse varieties of life-forms that we have on

earth today. From his observations he concluded that all life-forms had to come from a common

ancestor, millions of years ago.

With the introduction of the Theory of Evolution, many people who previously accepted the

account of the Creation as true (as it is described in the book of Genesis in the Bible) now had

to deal with new, seemingly true, but unverifiable information about our origin. This resulted in a

number of forced questions and paradigm shifts being introduced into people‟s minds. People,

who previously had no doubts about the validity of the information as presented in the Bible,

were now confronted with a situation in which they had to make a choice. They had to choose

between an account of Creation as described in an old religious book - the validity of the

information contained in the Bible, questioned by many and seemingly difficult to prove truthful -

or the scientific findings of people who seemingly have more up-to-date knowledge of the

matter. Their studies are also more recent and involved more advanced techniques than those

applied in the writing of the Bible, would probably provide a more reliable basis for truth. How

does one then go about choosing the correct version - if either of these could even be

considered correct - and what does one use as a basis for belief in making that choice? These

are some of the issues I would like to address in the next few chapters.

The Evolution Theory altered and transformed the thoughts and concepts people previously

held about where we came from, what our purpose is while we are on Earth and what will

happen to us when we pass away. Today the Theory of Evolut ion is said to be accepted as true

by the majority of members of the scientific community and also regarded as a proven and

accepted science by vast numbers of people in the general population.

According to the National Academy of Sciences, Evolution is the only option currently taught in

most public schools and the Creation account is no longer supported and in some cases even

forbidden to be discussed in many schools.26 A person in the scientific community would lose

his credibility if he should change his view from being Pro-Evolution to that of Pro-Creation - he

would find himself and his career at a dead-end.

When you switch your TV to the National Geographic channel, you will often encounter

programs in which dates are quoted that go back millions, if not billions, of years. Keeping in

mind that theories should always be formed by applying the scientific method to distinguish facts

from fiction, a question which immediately comes to mind is: How did these scientists go about

obtaining accurate answers for the dates that are thrown at you every few minutes?

If the commentator states with confidence that a specific event occurred 82 million years ago,

how do they guarantee that this date is accurate and what are the margins for error? Are they

sure this was 82 million years ago or could it have been 74 million years ago, or even 106

million years, maybe? Furthermore, how do they know for certain that conditions on Earth have

remained 100% constant over these long periods of time? How do they account for possible

changes that may have occurred, either cosmic or terrestrial, which we cannot account for

today, given our dimensional limitations? Is it possible to accurately date anything, when we

have no idea of how conditions on Earth may have changed over time? How do we know how

possible changes may have influenced the way we date a specimen or rock strata today?

Many people would immediately refer to radiometric dating to confirm these dates, but this has

also been proven to be totally unreliable.27 To explain what happens with radiometric dating, is

to compare it to a situation in which athletes are running a marathon. You arrive at the track

with the race already underway and the timekeeper comes to you and gives you his watch and

tells you to keep the time. When you look at the watch, you see that it does not have a

stopwatch; it only gives the time at that moment as five minutes past one in the afternoon.

The watch does not tell you how many laps the runners have completed, or when the race

actually started. You do not even know by looking at the watch, whether it is accurate or

whether it is losing or gaining time. One cannot tell whether the race has just started or whether

it is close to the end. By looking at the runners‟ performance one may get an idea of the

situation by evaluating their stamina or their perspiration, but this could be very misleading,

since it might be a hot and humid day. You have no idea when the race started and any opinion

about conditions on the track and the condition of the runners will be pure speculation.

With radiometric dating, the situation is very similar. Scientists will do radiometric dating on an

object and then apply a philosophy for explaining the “time” that is given on the watch. We can

only evaluate objects in the present and we have no way of knowing what influences may have

impacted on the object over time. Conditions on Earth may have changed considerably - even

in recent history, as we will later demonstrate - and there may have been cosmological

influences on the Earth that are not accounted for in the conclusions that are drawn. There are

also many examples of radiometric dating methods that provide totally unreliable information.

These could include different body parts of the same animal being tested and dated in such a

way that it even differs by many millennia.28

In other cases live specimens have been tested and said to be several thousands of years old.

In most cases radiometric dates, that do not match the expected dates of a scientist‟s

hypothesis, are rejected, and only those that match the hypothesis, are used. This is not good

science according to the scientific method. For something to be scientifically valid; one should

be able to extract repeatable results from tests that are performed and any techniques

employed, should provide at least accurate results on lab samples for which the expected age

of the specimen is well known.

If you are to put your faith in a methodology that is giving semi-random results, can you really

rely on it as a solid basis for dating a specimen? Would it be accurate to assume that the

conditions that we encounter on Earth today are exactly the same as the conditions of a few

million years ago? If changes did occur, what were they and how did they impact the Earth and

life on it? When did they occur and what tests could be carried out to test the conditions of the


These are all unknowns that clearly stand out as issues, which will affect the validity of claims

that are made about conditions on the Earth in the past. They are, nevertheless, overlooked

completely when presenting information as “Evolutionary facts”.

Imaginary historic events said to have occurred millions of years ago are consistently presented

without providing scientific proof. It is actually very amusing to hear these people talk about the

correctness of their dates for which they were able to accurately determine the age of a

specimen. These “facts” are speculative only. There exists no reliable and repeatable method

of collecting data for events that occurred in the distant past by which we could measure the

accuracy of the dates that are flung at us in documentaries about the Earth‟s history or the

conditions that existed on Earth. The reason I say this, is because nobody living today is able to

identify all of the factors that would have worked in on a specimen that is analysed, especially if

a scientist claims that it is billions of years old.

Scientists cannot be sure, or prove, that conditions on the Earth remained unchanged over time

as they theorise it should have. They have no way of knowing or proving that cosmological

influences and effects on the Earth would have remained unchanged over billions of years.

These are all aspects that need to be considered if the scientific method is to be properly

applied. If these aspects are not properly considered, evaluated and tested when performing an

investigation, we can be sure that the conclusions will be erroneous.

Darwin surmises in his book that because of the differences that occur in specific kinds of

animals, all life on Earth must have spontaneously evolved from a common ancestor. This he

based on his observations of the diversity that is evident in many different species. He also

assumed that natural selection, which is the concept that suggests that only the strongest of a

species would survive, was the process responsible for this phenomenon. From this Darwin

then concluded that this process also led to one species evolving into the next, from primitive to

more advanced life forms. Furthermore, he implied that it would have taken billions of years for

these changes to have occurred. There is, however, no evidence for this, other than that of

micro-evolution, mutations or variation within species which occurs today. If all the facts are

considered, as the theory proposes, there are many loose ends - absence of evidence that is

expected to be found abundantly according to the hypothesis - even provable facts that go

directly against what the theory would have you believe. Yet, these theories are held as the

only acceptable explanation for our existence and any opposing theory, such as that of

Creation, is suppressed and given little or no exposure today.

Let us consider some of the foundations on which the Theory of Evolution is built and compare

it with known facts that can now be proved:

The Geologic Column

One of the pillars on which Evolution relies, is what is known as the Geologic Column.29 To the

man in the street, one of the most impressive arguments for an ancient Earth is the testimony of

sedimentary-rock layers (many of which are hundreds of feet thick) found all over the planet.

These contain fossils of animals and organisms that supposedly lived millions of years ago.

According to the Evolution Theory, life emerged out of a pre-biotic soup from which the building

blocks of life came together and accidentally formed the first life form. This life form then

evolved over millions of years into more complex life forms through the process of natural


The different strata, or layers of rock, are especially evident in locations such as the Grand