Factual Faith by J. Prinsloo - HTML preview

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Many Evolutionists have commented on the phenomena in which trees are found upright and

spanning multiple strata. Trevor Major commented that these upright trees, which are found in

some coal beds, do not represent the remains of trees growing in a swamp, but rather the

effects of a flood or similar disaster.

After discussing the effects of the May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Trevor Major


―...upright tree stumps found in many coal beds represent, not the remains of trees

growing in a peat swamp, but the effects of a flood or similar disaster‖ (1996, p. 16).44

William J. Fritz, an Evolutionist, recognised the phenomenon in fossilised trees at Yellowstone

National Park and stated:

―I do not think that entire Eocene forests were preserved in situ [in place—JD/BT] even

though some upright trees apparently were preserved where they grew‖ (1980a, p.

313, emp. Added).45

In another article published the same year in the same scientific journal, Fritz wrote:

―Deposits of recent mud flows on Mount St. Helens demonstrate conclusively that

stumps can be transported and deposited upright. These observations support

conclusions that some vertical trees in the Yel owstone ―fossil forests‖ were

transported in a geologic situation directly comparable to that of Mount St. Helens‖

(1980b: 588).46

In his book, “The Creation-Evolution Controversy”, R.L. Wysong presents a photograph of

another extremely unusual polystrate tree. The caption underneath a photograph of the tree

describes it as follows:

―This fossil tree penetrates a visible distance of ten feet through volcanic sandstone of

the Clarno formation in Oregon. Potassium-Argon dating of the nearby John Day

formation suggests that 1,000 feet of rock was deposited over a period of about seven

million years or, in other words, at the rate of the thickness of this page annually!

However, catastrophic burial must have formed the rock and caused the fossilization,

otherwise the tree would have rotted and col apsed‖ (1976, p. 366; see Nevins, 1974,

10[4]:191-207 for additional details).47

The fact that entire forests are found in the form of polystratic fossils goes directly against the

idea that sediment was deposited around these trees over periods of millions of years. Any

other scenario than that of a quick burial of material will ultimately lead to the decomposition or

rotting of the plant material, long before mineralisation could set in.

Thirdly, the Evolutionary view would have you believe that a tree can survive in an upright

position and stay alive for millions of years while the Earth goes through geological eras.

Looking at these claims objectively, the assumption would be that you have a living tree, since

as soon as a tree dies it would rot or decompose, unless it is isolated from decomposing factors

such as oxygen and bacterial organisms. While this tree is alive, the earth moves through

different ages having different climates, while vast numbers of species are evolving and

evidence of their existence and evolution is deposited in the sedimentary layers that accumulate

around the tree. The tree should then be millions of years old and yet the petrified tree-rings

that are visible in some of these polystratic trees clearly indicate that these trees were not

millions of years old. The sediment that was deposited around the tree - forming different strata

in the process – therefore had to have been deposited over a short period of time.

The oldest tree that we have on earth today is believed to be a bristle-cone pine, dated at just

over 4,000 years old.48 If trees could survive for millions of years, as the Evolution Theory

suggests, why do we not have several examples of trees today that are at least older than 4,000


The problem that the Evolution Theory presents is that one has to believe something that is

clearly demonstrated to be false. It is a theory where facts are omitted if they do not match the

philosophy and any evidence to the contrary is blatantly rejected or ridiculed. This goes directly

against what science stands for and one then has to ask how this is not considered religion, but

accepted science. The Evolutionary viewpoint is riddled with evidence that indicates that the

hypotheses, which were adopted around the Earth being billions of years old, are clearly false.

The Uniformitarian view is self-contradictory, since if conditions on Earth have not changed

much since the eras in which huge Dinosaurs, such as Brachiosaurus or the T-Rex, lived, why

did they form fossils and not decay? If the same processes were at work during their lifetime as

we have today, we would have expected scavengers, decomposition and normal decay to have

disposed of any evidence before anything could fossilise. This is not the case and we see

evidence, which can only be explained as a catastrophic burial of specimens, which then

created the right conditions for fossilisation to occur.

Another obstacle to prove the authenticity of Evolution, is the fact that animals which were found

in the fossil records that are estimated to date back to between 360 and 65 million years ago,

suddenly show up as alive today. These specimens do not show the expected effects on their

current forms of the mechanics that Evolution proposes. The Coelacanth is a good example.

This fish is said to have become extinct in the late Mesozoic era, but a live specimen was found

in 1938 and others on several other occasions after that. The fish still resembles the same form

as is found in the fossil record, with no visible adaptations or alterations.49

One of the most recent examples of a living fossil, according to Wieland, is the Wollemi Pine,

found in a gorge in the Blue Mountains, 200 kilometres west of Sydney, Australia. The Wollemi

Pine was thought extinct since the Jurassic period- about 150 million years ago on the

Uniformitarian timescale. This means that the Wollemi Pine should exist in strata between the

Jurassic and the present. One researcher described the discovery as "finding a live dinosaur"

(Wieland, 1995).50 No evolution of the Wollemi Pine has occurred for an alleged 150 million

years. Given its absence in strata younger than "Jurassic," those 150 million years which are

proposed to have spanned the Jurassic period up until today, may never have existed. One

would expect abundant Wollemi Pine fossils during this 150 million-year period.

A better scenario explaining the sudden appearance of an extinct plant or fish for example,

would be a catastrophic burial, which affected the entire globe about 4,500 to 5,000 years ago,

during a world-wide environmental disaster, of which there is mention in the Bible.

If the Evolution Theory was factual, the fossil record should also have contained at least 50%

more transitional forms for each specimen found. However, no transitional forms have ever

been found for any organism. When micro-evolution or mutations and adaptations within a

specific species are evident i.e. you get various breeds of dogs, cats, horses etc. As these

varieties are crossbred, new breeds and different looking specimens of the same species

emerge – nowhere does a species of animal, convert or change from one kind to another. Any

transitional forms that exist between different kinds, either living or fossilised, remain clearly

absent in all cases from the evidence we have before us. There are billions of missing links

today and without them and the evidence as discussed above, Evolution is not really a logical

option, but requires a lot of faith in something that is clearly conjecture only.

The largest collection of fossils in the world is found in the British Museum of Natural History. Dr

Colin Patterson was the Senior Palaeontologist at the Museum and a well-known expert on the

fossil record. He is also the editor of a prestigious scientific journal. Patterson wrote a book for

the museum entitled “Evolution” and did not include any examples of transitional fossils in the


―...I ful y agree with your comments on the lack of direct il ustration of evolutionary

transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included

them. You suggest that an artist should be used to visualize such transformations, but

where would he get the information from? I could not, honestly, provide it, and if I

were to leave it to artistic license, would that not mislead the reader? I wrote the text

of my book four years ago. If I were to write it now, I think the book would be rather

different. Gradualism is a concept I believe in, not just because of Darwin‗s authority,

but because my understanding of genetics seems to demand it. Yet Gould and the

American Museum people are hard to contradict when they say there are no

transitional fossils. As a palaeontologist myself, I am much occupied with the

philosophical problems of identifying ancestral forms in the fossil record. You say that

I should at least "show a photo of the fossil from which each type of organism was

derived." I will lay it on the line - there is not one such fossil for which one could make

a watertight argument.‖ Colin Patterson, personal communication. Luther Sunderland,

Darwin„s Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems, 4th edition, 1988: 88-90.51

In all cases where scientists have searched for the transition forms, as the Evolution Theory

would have us believe, they have come up empty-handed. Not one example of a transitional

species has ever been found anywhere in the world since the time of Darwin. Evolutionists are

becoming uneasy about this fact and are realising that they can no longer blame the lack of

evidence on scarcity of fossil samples. As with any subject put under scientific scrutiny: If no

evidence in support of a theory can be found, or evidence to the contrary of a theory is evident;

the theory or hypothesis is no longer viable and has to be modified or rejected.

David B. Kitts. PhD (Zoology) is Head Curator of the Department of Geology at the Stoval

Museum. In an evolutionary trade journal, he wrote the following:

―Despite the bright promise that palaeontology provides a means of "seeing" evolution,

it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists, the most notorious of which is

the presence of "gaps" in the fossil record. Evolution requires intermediate forms

between species and palaeontology does not provide them‖, Evolution, vol. 28: 467.52

N. Heribert Nilsson, a famous botanist, evolutionist and professor at Lund University in Sweden,

wrote in his book “The Earth Before Man”:

―My attempts to demonstrate evolution by an experiment carried on for more than 40

years have completely failed… The fossil material is now so complete that it has

been possible to construct new classes, and the lack of transitional series cannot be

explained as being due to scarcity of material. The deficiencies are real, they will

never be fil ed.‖ Nilsson quoted in “The Earth Before Man”, p.51.53

Something very rarely encountered is mention of this problem in the news media:

In an article from Newsweek, “Is Man a Subtle Accident?” The author writes as fol ows:

―The missing link between man and apes, whose absence has comforted religious

fundamentalists since the days of Darwin, is merely the most glamorous of a whole

hierarchy of phantom creatures … The more scientists have searched for the

transitional forms that lie between species, the more they have been frustrated.‖ ―Is

Man a Subtle Accident?‖, Newsweek, November 3, 1980.54

While the evidence has left Evolutionists with red faces, some of them have even tried to

provide evidence to prove the theory and to keep the dream alive:

―Ramapithecus was widely recognized as a direct ancestor of humans. It is now

established that he was merely an extinct type of orangutan. Piltdown Man was

hyped as the missing link in publications for over 40 years. He was a fraud based

on a human skull cap and an orangutan‗s jaw. Nebraska Man was a fraud based on

a single tooth of a rare type of pig. Java Man was based on sketchy evidence of a

femur, skull cap and three teeth found in a wide area over a one year period. It

turns out the bones were found in an area of human remains, and now the femur is

considered to be human and the skull cap from a large ape. Neanderthal Man was

traditionally depicted as a stooped ape-man. It is now accepted that the alleged

posture was due to disease and that Neanderthal is just a variation of the human

kind. Australopithecus Afarensis, or "Lucy," has been considered a missing link for

years. However, studies of the inner ear, skull and bones have shown that she was

merely a pygmy chimpanzee that walked more upright than some other apes. She

was not on her way to becoming human. Homo Erectus has been found throughout

the world. He is smal er than today‘s average human, with a proportionately smal er

head and brain cavity. However, the brain size falls within the range of people today

and studies of the middle ear have shown that he was just like current Homo

Sapiens. Remains are found throughout the world in the same proximity to remains

of ordinary humans, suggesting co-existence. Australopithecus Africanus and

Peking Man were presented as ape-men missing links for years, but are now both

considered Homo Erectus. Homo Habilis is now generally considered to be

comprised of pieces of various other types of creatures, such as Australopithecus

and Homo Erectus, and is not general y viewed as a valid classification.‖ David M.

Raup, "Evolution and the Fossil Record," Science, vol. 213, July 1981: 289.55

Another example, problematic to the Theory of Evolution, is the existence of several human

artefacts that have been found in various layers of rock and coal dated by Evolutionists to be

millions if not billions of years old. These artefacts comprise tools, bowls, hand- and footprints

and figurines crafted out of metals, such as iron and gold.

Followers of the Evolution Theory find it hard to admit that their theory is corrupt and would

rather come up with a hypothesis that aliens must have visited the planet millions of years ago

and left their artefacts behind. These artefacts have been found throughout the Geologic

Column down to the Cambrian layer, which is said to contain the first visible signs of life that

suddenly appeared on the scene with no obvious predecessors, billions of years ago.56

The current population on Earth also does not support an old Earth view, but rather that of one

that is less than 10,000 years old. If modern-day humans have populated the Earth for more

than 10,000 years the population would have been much larger calculated at the average

growth rate. Considering the population growth rate over the past few millennia and

extrapolating backwards, it is clear to see that the human population on Earth cannot be more

than about 5,000 years old. If the Evolutionist were correct in their speculations that humans

have been walking the Earth for many more millennia than the evidence supports, there should

be more people on the Earth.

The Earth‟s magnetic field is scientifical y proven to have decayed by about 10% over the last

150 years. If this decay is extrapolated back into history to about 10,000 years ago, the

magnetic field would have been too strong for life to be supported on the Earth‟s surface. The

surface would have consisted of molten lava by the heat generated through the Earth‟s

magnetic field.57

Spontaneous Generation of Life

The second pillar that crumbles under the Evolutionist view is that of life spontaneously

generating out of a primordial rock soup. Although Darwin‟s Theory attempts to deal with the

mechanisms for modification over time between different kinds of organisms, it fails dismally

when addressing the origin of life on planet Earth. The idea that life spontaneously arose on

Earth actually goes back to Anaximander, a Greek philosopher who lived in the 6th Century BC.

He proposed that when mud was exposed to sunlight, life would arise as a result. Anaximander

also maintained that the first life on Earth probably came from a "little pond" where organic salts

were exposed to sunlight.58

This view was updated during the 1920„s by scientists Oparin and Haldane. They suggested

that a "hot dilute soup" of basic life was created when ultraviolet light from the sun interacted

with the primitive atmosphere of water, ammonia and methane.59

In 1665, Robert Hooke was the first scientist to discover cells by looking at cork through a

magnifying lens.60 At this point very little was available to assist in the analysis of the cell since

scientists did not have the means to analyse in detail the structures of cells.

In 1670, Antony van Leeuwenhoek, made use of microscopes to view sperm cells, blood cells

and protozoa.61 They were seen as the simplest building blocks from which living organisms

were constructed, and without the ability to study the complexity of the “simple cel ”, scientists at

the time incorrectly assumed these building blocks to be simple in their composition.

These hypotheses that life spontaneously originated have been moulded into what is today a

cornerstone for the Evolution Theory. All of this of course occurred at a time where technology

was limited and where evidence for establishing or testing the validity of the theory was lacking.

Scientists were incapable of investigating, analysing and understanding the complexity of

biology to confirm their notions. The majority of scientists and ordinary people accept the

concept of life spontaneously generating on Earth as factual and true, without giving it much

thought, although no scientific evidence can be produced to support this theory. In fact, the

opposite has already been proven. Today the majority of the scientific community have placed

spontaneous generation of life in the realm of total impossibility.

Scientists who refuse to abandon the theory of life spontaneously generating on Earth, because

of their unwillingness to accept the alternative, are very uncomfortable when this topic is brought

up. When facts show the flaws in this theory, scientists would respond with ridicule and/or

aggravation instead of applying the scientific method. This unwillingness to consider

alternatives is very evident in the words of George Wald, a Harvard University biochemist and

Nobel Laureate who said:

―One has to only contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the

spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible. Yet we are here - as a

result, I believe, of spontaneous generation.‖ George Wald, "The Origin of Life,"

Scientific American, 191:48, May 1954.62

Once new technology became available, providing more detailed information about the smallest

cells and simplest life forms, even evolutionary scientists started looking at the odds of a living

cel spontaneously forming from a chance interaction of life‟s building blocks. Once a better

understanding of the complexity of the cell was obtained, the odds were shown to be truly

astronomical. Harold Morowitz, the author of “Origin of Cel ular Life” (1993) and a renowned

physicist from Yale University declared that the odds for any kind of spontaneous generation of

life were one chance in 10100,000,000,000.63

In 1953, Francis Crick, who co-discovered the intricate structures contained in the DNA

molecule, could not rationalise the implications of his discovery and subsequently devised a

new hypothesis in 1970, in which he proposes that interstellar spores must have been

responsible for life on Earth.64 Even if life came from interstellar space, it still does not explain

the overwhelming impossibility of life spontaneously generating, no matter where it originated.

Scientists from various disciplines also hold the view that having odds of less than one chance

in 1050 or 1 chance in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

- is generally seen as completely impossible and unattainable in the lifetime that has been

assigned to our Universe. Fourteen billion years is simply too short a time span to allow for any

chance occurrence of probabilities of 1 in 1050. The chances for spontaneous generation, as

shown by Prof. Morowitz, prove that the odds for Evolution to have come about through

spontaneous generation, is actually contradictory to what is accepted as true science by

mainstream scientists.

If we were to assume that life spontaneously generated here on Earth, we could also assume

that a computer data storage device, such as a memory stick or thumb drive, which consists of

some silicone based chips, a few other electronics, some packaging and an interface device,

came together and assembled itself under some special circumstances from a rock soup. Most

sane people would find such a suggestion ludicrous. What is even more astonishing is that

when plugging this “accidental device” into a computer, by chance, it exactly matches the

receptacle on the computer and can amazingly be read by the computer. Further, it even has an

accidental operating system, which can automatically execute thousands of individual programs

also stored on the same device.

If any person listened to someone telling this story today - suggesting that this memory device

could spontaneously come together - they would immediately raise their hand and indicate that

they would find it more plausible for it to have had a designer, a manufacturer and a computer

programmer. Keeping in mind that it would also need to match the requirements of the

computer on which it would be executed. Most people would find it absurd if someone believed

and suggested that this device put itself together by chance, no matter what the circumstances


Similar processes, vastly more complex than an electronic memory stick containing information,

are contained within a single cell. On top of the instructions, which are contained within DNA

and which could be compared with a computer program, the cell also contains code for the

construction of cellular machinery to build products according to the programs that are

executed. Living matter consists of various complex amino acids. They come in different

shapes and forms and perform specific functions; just as a flash memory stick or thumb drive

would work to provide storage and the means of storing and communicating information.

Then, if we move a step further, we have DNA molecules which form the basis