Fasting by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Verse no. 4

“On It the angels and the Soul are brought down by their Provider’s permission on every errand,”

“On It, the angels and the Soul are brought down”: due to their great nearness to their Provider, all Prophets and Envoys reached to a degree of spiritual purity and sensible knowledge that made their spirits never incline to any of the forbidden things or think of any of the evil wishes. The Godly light is always shining in their spirits, therefore the realities are clearly visible to them all the time, and the angels are always bringing the soul down upon them by their Provider’s leave. So, their witnessing are unceasing and lasting, and that is what made them impeccable. The holy saying denotes: “We, companies of Prophets,: our eyes sleep but our hearts never sleep.”[6]

As for the believers who did not reach and will never reach the ranks of Envoys and Prophets, some desires may strike their mind and their spirits may feel an inclination to some forbidden acts, but since their hearts have been illuminated by the light of right and they viewed the perfection, liked it, and colored with it on the Night of Valuation, therefore they seek refuge in their Provider from what has arised inside them and resort to Him asking to be cured of what has befalled them.

By such resorting to God and such seeking refuge in Him, His light shines in their hearts to show them the reality, so they witness the harm and the evil folded under this lust and that inclination by that divine light which the Almighty God named “Soul”. God says: “If Satan tempts you, seek refuge in God; He hears all and knows all. Those that become illuminated by God’s light: if they are tempted by Satan, they remember God, then they shall see by His light”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 7, Al-A’raf (The Heights), verse 200-201

That is what this noble verse of Valuation fortress denotes. So, as previously mentioned, the “Soul” is that Godly light which the Almighty Al’lah manifests in the heart of His obedient followers when they seek refuge in and resort to Him.

“By their Provider’s permission on every errand,” this statement serves that by this Soul, the reality of each desire becomes clearly visible the virtue or the vice involved behind each matter becomes uncovered.

As for the angels, they carry down the Soul because they are mediums through whom the Godly light flows to the near spirits, just as the wires through which the electric power flows, where it shines therein and shows them the realities of everything.

Yet this never happens except by the permission Provider, viz, none can witness and view except he whom God allows to do, and God gives permission only to those who have entered into the presence of their Provider and whose spirits have derived perfection from God so that they have appreciated Him in a deal equivalent to their direction and nearness.