Fasting by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Verse no. 3

“Better is the Night of Valuation than a thousand months.”

The “thousand months” is nearly equal to eighty-four years, if we add to them the years of childhood, the total of that will be nearly one hundred years.

Thus, the science, the knowledge, the virtue and the perfection which be printed on the believer’s spirit on that Night or you can say, at that moment are better than the knowledge which one of hundred years old acquiers during thousand months spent in fasting and hard study.

Only suffering and loss are the share of the opposer who forgets God, he gets no use of his life whatever it takes him a long time, even if he lives for a hundred years, as well as people get nothing of his deed other than damage and harm.

On the contrary, the lifetime of the believer who always draws nearer to God floods with good, humanity and favor, and the Night of Valuation which he gains is a school where he learns virtue, humanity, compassion and benefaction.

What a great difference between a negligent opposer whose deeds are filled with evil and injury, and a close believer whose purpose of his deeds is but lending a helping hand to the whole creatures wishing for God’s satisfaction!

Such being the case, the Night of Valuation which the believer gains is better than a thousand months i.e. it is better than the full age of the unbeliever and his life which is completely far from any benefit and it yields nothing other than offense and loss.

If one Night of Nights of Valuation that the near to Al’lah is honored with is better than a lifetime which lasts for a hundred years, how different is, then, the believer’s lifetime if compared with that of the far disbeliever!!

How great is the science of the first in comparison with that of the latter!

What a low grade of the opposer comparing with that of the close believer whose age is full of good and whose life is filled with humanity!

Since the Nights of Valuation are revealed in succession upon such near believer so that he moves from one Night to another higher and loftier, from one degree of knowledge to another more sublime and more perfect, so, absolutely, there is no way to compare between one near to God and one inattentive and far from Him. The oppose can not acquire a bit of the believer’s science, knowledge, perfection and virtue whatever he overworks and exerts himself.

Indeed, the distance between them is like that between the heaven and the earth. The Almighty gave us an example to demonstrate this fact, He says: “The blind and the seeing are not alike, nor are the darkness and the light. The shade and the heat are not alike, nor are the living and the dead, Al’lah can cause him who wills to hear, but you can not make those who are in graves hear”.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 35, Fatir (Orignator), verse 19-22

I say, if every night, nay if every moment of the believer’s moments is much better than the whole lifetime of the far unbeliever, then, what can we say about the Envoy (cpth) whose every moment was a Night of Valuation Nights of Valuation?

How can we imagine that perfection and science and those Prophetic morals which his spirit had?

How far distance is between us and him (cpth)!

What a great difference is between all humankind and him (cpth): the wide sea, the brilliant moon and the bright shining lamp!

However, none knows the rank of God’s Envoy (cpth) except those who recognize Al’lah and get the Night of Valuation, because only people of favor know it. And Al’lah is of infinite favor.

After that, God wanted to show us the state of the believer who has become colored with a stain of perfection and virtue and the right was imprinted on the surface of his pure and clean spirit. He says: