Forty Effective Evangelism Strategies by Duodu Henry Appiah-korang - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

Seven Fundamentals to an Effective Evangelism

1. You must be born again

You cannot join the military to fight the enemy without adequate training. The military team must assess and endorse you before operating. In the same way, you cannot operate on the heart or teeth of people unless you are a qualified heart surgeon or dentist.

In the Kingdom of God, we work with principles. You cannot effectively win souls in the Kingdom of God if you are not born again. You will not get the spiritual ingredients to win and establish souls in God’s Kingdom if you are not born of the Spirit and the Word.

Being born again means you have repented from your sins and accepted Christ Jesus as your Saviour and Lord of your life. The Trinity must bear witness of you if you are born again (meditate on 1 John 5:8-9).

The blood of Christ Jesus cleanses you from your sins when you become born again (meditate on 2 Corinthians 5:17). If your spiritual garment is clean in the realms of the Spirit, the enemy's accusations will not work.

Your evangelism will be effective if you are born again. One thing you must know about people is that they can detect whether you are born again or not. The devil and his cohorts will attack you if you are not born again.

They will project demonic arrows at you when you start winning souls. Like an unqualified man operating on a human’s heart, such a person puts himself in danger. A man who does not have military training and weapons cannot stand the enemy.

In the same way, if you are not born again, you enter the enemy’s territory at your own risk.

The enemy will attack from every angle because you don’t have spiritual garments to defend yourself (meditate on Ephesians 6:10-18).

You have no spiritual covering to stand in the territory of evangelism (battlefield) if you are not born again. It takes people born of the Spirit, Word, and Water to win souls for Christ Jesus effectively. Are you born again?

2. You must be full of divine power

Like the military man entering the battleground, he needs adequate training and weapons to defend himself. The military man needs training and adequate weapon to defeat the enemy. In the same way, you need divine power to preach, teach and win souls into the Kingdom of God.

You will face hostile people and people filled with evil spirits during evangelism. Demons and demon-possessed people will attack you in the spiritual realm because of the gospel. It would be best to have spiritual covering to stand these vicious attacks.

Christ Jesus preached with the power of the Holy Spirit because people submit to a higher power (see Luke 4:32). Christ Jesus knew divine power was mandatory in evangelism, so he commanded his disciples to wait for the power of the Holy Spirit.

And, behold, I [Christ Jesus] send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

Luke 24:49 [Emphasis Added]

Christ Jesus knew his disciples needed the anointing to do great works (evangelism).

Anointing is in dimensions. Freely download and read my series of books on my blog for more profound revelations on the anointing.

To effectively preach, teach, and win souls for Christ Jesus, you must be full of divine power.

The power to work miracles, cast out devils, and do unnatural things comes from the fire (anointing) of the Holy Spirit.

Without the power of the Holy Spirit, your evangelism will be ineffective. Are you baptized with the Holy Spirit? (Meditate on Acts chapter two in the Holy Bible for more profound revelation).

3. Break the grounds

To evangelize effectively, you must break every evil ground of the enemy. Some environments are not conducive to effective evangelism. Pray before entering a territory to preach the gospel.

If you don’t pray, the evil principality on that land will fight you and your people. The evil principality can make your evangelism fruitless if you fail to break their wicked grounds (curses, spells, and witchcraft strongholds).

Some people use demonic altars to hinder fruitful evangelism. It would help if you

dismantled ungodly altars and demonic forces in the realms of the Spirit before venturing into such a place.

Before venturing into strange lands, command the elements to favor your course. Failure to break the evil strongholds will create an impression of the principality that you are an intruder.

You carry the power of the Holy Spirit. Use the Word of God to break every spiritual force in the area you want to venture into (meditate on Jeremiah 23:29). Failure to break the evil grounds will make your evangelism ineffective. Freely download and read my book, 1,001

Divine Principles of Spiritual Warfare, for more profound revelations.

4. Engage the people

It is not enough to preach and win souls into the Kingdom of God. You must follow up on the new converts. I often print sheets of paper and provide empty spaces for the people (converts) who gave their lives to Christ Jesus to fill the empty spaces.

After winning souls into the Kingdom of God, record their contact numbers. Take their email addresses, Telegram or WhatsApp Numbers, room numbers (if it is a hostel), and necessary addresses.

Build a strong relationship with newborn babies (converts) by visiting and encouraging them if you are close to them. It takes money, time, and energy to follow up on new converts but do it from your heart.

Occasionally call and encourage the new converts through phone calls. After building a strong relationship with the newborn babies (converts), create a Telegram or WhatsApp group and connect with them.

Some of the converts will not be open to you. Connect with the few ones who will be available to you. You can also send the newborn babies occasional emails. It takes time and money to follow up on new converts effectively.

However, do it from your heart if you want to establish them in Christ Jesus. Once in a while, you can organize a live Zoom meeting or Google Meeting with the new converts. Dedicate time to pray for the souls you have won for Christ Jesus because the devil and unbelievers will attack them (meditate on Galatians 4:19). Follow this practical wisdom key. You will establish most of the new converts in the Kingdom of God.

5. Be one with the Logos

Effective evangelism cannot stand without the logos (the Word). You must study the Word of God (Holy Bible) because you will encounter skeptics. Some people will question your faith and the Word of God (the Holy Bible).

Without the knowledge of the Word, you will not be able to convince doubters, knowledgeable people, and vessels who are committed to their religion. Ignorance of God’s Word can make your evangelism weak and fruitless because you will preach from your head.

You must know and understand the Word of God if you want your evangelism to be fruitful.

The Word of God must be in your spirit, soul, and body. When you know the Word of God, you will not struggle to win souls into the Kingdom of God.

People often respond to the Word. If you want your evangelism to be fruitful, dedicate time to the Holy Bible. When you become one with the Word, your sermons will produce power.

When your sermon is full of divine power, it will break the hardened heart of the unbelievers.

When your sermons are full of the Word, it will bring light. The light in the Word will bring life to the dead soul leading to salvation. If you want your evangelism to be effective, make the Word your priority because it is your weapon on the battleground (meditate on Ephesians 6:17).

6. Revive your secret place

Effective cannot stand the storms without a prayer life. By God’s grace, I have a prayer life.

The more I fast and pray, the Holy Spirit renews and empowers me to do great works.

Evangelizing without a prayer life is a great disaster.

Set some days for prayer and fasting if you want your evangelism to be fruitful. Occasionally fast and build a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Your sermons will be full of divine power when you fast and pray consistently.

In my experience, fasting and prayers are excellent boosters for effective evangelism. A consistent prayer and fasting life will exclude you from the enemy's attacks. Because of your consistent prayer life, the enemy will keep silent while you win souls into the Kingdom of God.

The devil and his cohorts will attack you from every angle if you are not prayerful. This is one reason you must build a consistent prayer and fasting life. Failure to build a prayer and fasting life will make your sermons weak.

Your sermons will not change hardened sinners because demons can block and steal uninspired messages (meditate on Luke 8:4-15). If you want your evangelism to be effective, embrace prayers and fasting with all your heart.

Pray more in the Spirit (tongues speaking). Don’t neglect your secret place if you want your evangelism to be fruitful. Your secret place is your field of prayer, fasting, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. If you want your evangelism to be effective, keep the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in your secret place (holy altar).

7. Engage the Holy Spirit

As stated in the previous point, you must fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is your helper, guide, and teacher (see John 16:13). We cannot do anything without the Holy Spirit because He is our life.

The Holy Spirit will guide you in all truth. You need the Holy Spirit because He is the master key to successful evangelism. When you commune with the Holy Spirit, He will show you where to evangelize.

The Holy Spirit can teach you the best ways to win specific tribes into the Kingdom of God.

If you are going to produce results in the Kingdom of God, make time for the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is a divine person.

You will feel his love, leadership, and power when you encounter Him. By God’s grace, I have encountered the Holy Spirit several times. For more profound revelations about the Holy Spirit, freely download and read my series of books on my blog.

Remember that without the Holy Spirit, your evangelism will not be successful. Using your strength without the backing of the Holy Spirit will lead to frustration and disappointment. If you want to produce results in evangelism, engage the Holy Spirit.