Gospel From The War Front by shingirayi gwete - HTML preview

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Chapter 18 - Big Gun, empty magazine


Imagine a soldier who goes to war with very powerful guns but with empty magazines (the chamber of a firearm which holds bullets). All dressed up head to toe with his fancy camouflage, with all the military gear you can think of but with a gun without bullets. Outwardly that soldier would appear to be very equipped, he looks ready for battle and can send shivers down the spines of the enemy just by his looks. Those who see him, exercise all caution just to avoid being shot. But when the battle starts he will be found wanting, he can’t even fire a single round of ammunition from his fancy gun because the magazine is empty. A soldier with a small pistol with bullets is far much better than one with a big gun but without any bullet.

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness.” Matthew 23:27

The scribes and Pharisees being referred to by Jesus in the preceding verse were able to put up an outward show of being very religious yet inside they were full of wickedness. Jesus likened them to a tomb which appears beautiful on the outside yet inside it's full of dead men's bones. It is common for people to portray a good outside image but inside their hearts, they are filled with all sorts of unrighteousness. There are professing believers who outwardly appear to be true followers of Christ, they know what to wear, they know how to do their hair, and they know how to give an image of a true believer. To the simple eye when they see such people they are quick to conclude that they have seen a true child of God. But God Himself who searches what is inside can see that this person is just putting up a front, what's inside is the exact opposite of what's outside.

Broad Phylacteries (pronounced – fih-LAK-ter-riz)

all their works they do to be seen by men. They make their phylacteries broad and enlarge the borders of their garments.” Matthew 23:5

With regards to His commandments, God had instructed the children of Israel to bind the laws as a sign on their hand, and they were to be as frontlets between their eyes (Deuteronomy 6:8). This instruction goes beyond its literal meaning but has deeper spiritual implications. As the children of Israel were to meditate upon the word of God, there were to live by it and outwardly it would become evident that they are worshippers of God. The behaviour of their hands would surely be a sign that these people fear the Lord, for these hands will not engage in violent activities, nor will they be involved in stealing, fornicating or committing any sin. The eyes, will be focused on heavenly things and turn away from evil. But the Pharisees of Christ’s day they just took this instruction at face value, literally. In their interpretation (or misinterpretation thereof) they made some little scrolls of paper or parchment in which they wrote the law of God and bound it on a conspicuous position on their heads and wrists.

These strips were known as phylacteries and some made them broad than usual, just to portray an outward impression that they were very religious, more holy and zealous of the law than others. To this end, Christ uttered the words against them on Matthew 23:5 he said all their works they do to be seen by men. They make their phylacteries broad and enlarge the borders of their garments.

The broad phylacteries were an outward show which screamed “we keep the commandments of God more than all of you”, yet they didn’t do so actually. The broadening of these phylacteries was just meant for them to be seen by people to be religious when they were not.

The Morden Phylacteries

Today the followers of Christ, unlike the Pharisees, do not wear phylacteries but some do have their forms of an outward show which they make broad with the same mentality as that of the Pharisees.

Wearing church uniform is not in itself wrong, but if it is meant to give an impression that we are more religious than others than it becomes wrong. If our hearts are not covered with the robe of righteousness of Jesus Christ, then wearing church uniform will just be for an outward display for people to see that we are church members yet our names are not recorded in the books of heaven. No matter how fancy or well-decorated your church uniform might be, that alone will not qualify you for eternal life, you need to be born again.

Our cars can be plastered with ‘bumper stickers’ which proclaim of what we believe in or the names of our church or religious leaders. But as long as we use those cars to go on evil trips we won’t see heaven. No matter how big and well designed the sticker might be, but the fact that the car was bought using money which you obtained by fraud, these stickers will not make it any right.

I can wear a t-shirt inscribed with Bible verses but if the word of God is not in my heart, I’m just like a soldier with a fancy uniform but without a gun. The devil is not scared of how many verses are printed on your t-shirt, what scares him is the word of God in your heart which you are ready to live by. You can have wrist bands with names of prophets, apostles, pastors or any minister of the gospel, but as long as those very hands wearing the wrist bands are involved in paying or accepting bribes, your religion is just but an outward show.

With the advancement of technology, one can now post a religious message on various social media platforms, be it on WhatsApp, Facebook or Twitter yet use that same account for evil purposes. One can have a wallpaper of the artistic impression of Jesus yet the gallery is flooded with nudes and pornography. What shall it profit a man, to have a ringing tone of gospel music when the frequent caller is an underage girl whom he is having an extramarital affair with? For what will a woman gain by posting devotionals on social media but her inbox is loaded with the latest gossip? True devotion to God is not just on the digital walls where people can see but it should also be behind the scenes where you only can see (and God can see).

You can’t fool God

You can put up a front before men and deceive them with your outward appearance but never can you fool God.

The prophet Samuel was sent by the Lord to anoint one of the sons of Jesse to be the next king of Israel. As he looked at Eliab he said, "Surely the LORD's anointed is before Him!" But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:6-7). Samuel had been deceived by the outside appearance of Eliab to such an extent that he was satisfied that he was the next king of Israel but God told him no, that’s not him. Surely we can deceive each other as humans with outward looks but never can we deceive The Lord who looks at the heart.

In 1st Kings chapter 14, we read of Jeroboam's wife putting up a disguise at the instigation of his husband so that no one would identify her as his wife as she went to see Prophet Ahijah. This prophet was blind because of age; he could not see. But God revealed this plot to Ahijah before Jeroboam’s wife even came in. This couple wanted to fool people, but God exposed them.

Ananias with Sapphira his wife sold a possession and they kept back part of the proceeds. They brought a certain part of the money and laid it at the apostles' feet. But Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God." (Acts 5:1-4). This couple wanted to lie to men, they wanted to put on an outward show of being very generous yet they had withheld part of the sales proceeds. But God exposed them.

No matter how much cosmetics we might put, we cannot cover our sins. God sees what is really inside us. Yes, we can fool people, but never    can    we    fool    God     who     tests     our     hearts.   Amaziah did what was right in the sight of the Lord but not with a perfect heart (2 Chronicles 25:2). We can do outwardly that which is right but if we do not do it with a sincere heart, God will see it.

What is it that is pushing you to go to church? Is it because you want to appear to be spiritual when deep inside you just have an aim to win over the heart of that innocent girl. What is pushing you to post verses on your Facebook wall, is it because you want the gospel to reach the ends of the world or it’s because you just want the “likes” which come with such a post. What is it that is causing you to wear that wrist band, is it because you want protection which the Pastor promised to those who wear the band but deep inside you have no love for God.

You can’t fool God, stop putting up a front and be honest and sincere in the things of God.


having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 2 Timothy 3:5

Apostle Paul being inspired by the Holy Spirit wrote about the last days which we are living in. He said that people will have a form of godliness but denying its power. This is the time we are living in; many are like soldiers who are carrying guns without bullets. They have a form of a weapon but the power is lacking. They have a form of godliness but they deny its power, carrying the Bible to Church is now a formality but they deny the scriptures which are in that Bible. Wearing church uniform to some is now just a formality but spiritually they have not put on the whole armour of God as prescribed on Ephesians 6. Inviting people to church is now just a formality yet we don’t mean it and we do it so relaxed. How often have you promised to pray for someone but never got to do so? It’s now just a formality to promise prayers even if you don’t mean it. When we pray before eating, it’s just a mere recitation of a prayer which doesn’t come from the heart.

The devil wants us to feel comfortable in a form of godliness even though the real power is lacking. We end up taking everything just as a formality which needs to be fulfilled without really considering the deeper spiritual implications behind it. It’s good to do good but let’s do it with a sincere heart for God searches our hearts.

Whatever service you are doing for God, do it wholeheartedly, don’t do it for the sake of just fulfilling your duty or to remove any guilty conscience which comes with neglecting that duty. You are not doing God a favour but you are doing it for your benefit, so be sincere.

You are the salt of the earth

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” Matthew 5:13

As believers in Christ, we are likened to salt. There are properties of salt which we are supposed to have. Firstly, salt brings a change of taste into that which it has been added to. As believers, we are supposed to bring a change of taste to those who surround us. People are supposed to see the goodness of the Lord through our influence. Secondly salt acts as a preservative, it is used to preserve foods especially meat from going bad. We are supposed to be the same, we are supposed to preserve the morals and godliness of those around us so that they don’t go bad. However, as Jesus said, if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned, it becomes good for nothing. If Salt loses its saltiness it will be just like a gun without bullets, it doesn’t serve its intended purpose.

If we lose our virtues as followers of Christ and we remain with the outward appearance only, we will be like salt which has lost its flavour. It is good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.

Let us not lose our flavour, may our outward look be matched by our inward character. Don't just look like a follower of Christ but be one. Don't just look holy but be Holy. The verses you post on your social media platform, let them be your guide on how you live your life. As much as you wear your church uniform, be also dressed spiritually with the whole armour of God.