He Leadeth Me


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Published: 9 years ago

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Book Description HTML

The Challenge:A young man, who had recently started his own business, said to me that there is nothing the Bible could teach him about achieving success. To him it was an old, outdated and impractical book that was quite irrelevant to his business aspirations and plans for success. Two years later he was back. His business was on the verge of collapse and he needed advice to get through the crisis.I reminded him of the Apostle John’s prayer for Gaius:3John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. John’s desire for Gaius was total prosperity for body, soul and mind. With a challenge in his words the businessman asked, “Is that possible, and , if it is, how can I achieve success?” I said "YES".

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Arizona Flame
    03 Sep 2013
    Canceris My Name by Renee Robinson Hi,thank you for giving me the opportunity to read and review your book.I found the detail and quality of the poetry very intriguing andhopeful. Your book can give many others hope. What I really likedabout your book is that it was broad. The poems and journal entriesmade me shudder and gasp as I read chilling details about your fightwith cancer. And the I really enjoyed the humor in the BRA poem"con-"trap"-tion" and the dog poem. This bookreally pulled at my heart in so many ways. I gave it a positivereview because I know how hard it is to share intimate details aboutyourself and struggles. I did have to notate the grammatical errorsand I wasn't sure if the formatting was off or not (and I mentionedthat it might be my reader's fault). But I was so happy to read aboutyou at the end and see that you have other works at the end of thebook. Good luck with everything and thank you for sharing your work.
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