How to Steward Your Destiny by Trevor H. Lund - HTML preview

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Point 5 - Go Sell

The prophet told the woman to, “Go...”

There will be a time when God says, “Take it out into the open, show people what I’ve poured out through you. They’re going to find it valuable.”

“Going” means it’s time to take public what you created in private. It means you launch that business, run for office, shoot that movie, write for that newspaper, start that ministry...whatever He’s put in you to help fulfill your destiny.

It’s time to “go,” when everything is filled. I’m not saying you won’t need to be re-filled, I’m saying everything is so full, you can’t keep it inside. I don’t want you to lose sight of the call. You’re not meant to be behind closed doors forever. Having a room full of supernaturally filled pots is useless. You’ve got to make public use of what He’s given you in private.

As you go, the steps fall into place. Let me explain what I mean: The widow never asked, “Who do I sell to?” or “What price do I set?” or “Do I sell here or there?” or “Do I try to undercut the competition?” or “Do I sell with my story?” or “Do I leverage the oil I have to get more empty jars that I can fill up with more oil?” or “Do I wait until the fast when the price of oil goes up?”

No. Every indication is she went and did what she was told. Her kids were going to be slaves. She would have obeyed to went out and sold as she was told. The prophet said, “go” and we can assume she went.

Jesus Set the Pattern

I can’t tell you when it’s time for you to go. But I’m glad to say Jesus gave us the pattern for how we are to “go”.

In John chapter 20 Jesus was already crucified and buried and rose again. His disciples were hiding behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders and Jesus appeared and showed them his hands and side. Then He said: “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (John 20:21)

As the Father sent Jesus, so Jesus sends us. The same manner and the same means and with the same Spirit in which the Father sent the Son, so the Son tells us to “go”.

From the context, we see “the going” is earmarked by peace. He said; “Peace be with you” Jesus earlier said: So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (Matthew 6:31-33).

Jesus’ walk is permeated with peace. He didn’t fear storms. He didn’t fear demons. He didn’t fear men. He didn’t fear impossibilities. I think we can see how He walked in that peace.

He Kept in Step with the Spirit

Jesus only did what He saw the Father do (John 6:33) He only said what He heard the Father say (John 12:49-50). The intimate relationship that Jesus had with the Father is what’s available to us today. As we go, we don’t have to worry, because we keep in step with the Spirit.

He Obeyed

Jesus obeyed to the point of death on the cross (Philippians 2:8). The widow obeyed the prophet and took what she had and took what she borrowed and in faith poured out the only thing she had of value. As we go, it’s not just that we have this mind-shattering relationship with the creator of the universe, it’s that we obey what He tells us to do.

This is liberating...this is why I can say we “steward our destiny.” Your destiny is entirely on His shoulders. It’s what He’s entrusted you to share with others. You steward the treasure He’s entrusted with you. You manage the destiny He has planned for you. Your responsibility to move in your prophetic destiny is to keep in step with the Spirit and obey what He says. It’s an amazing partnership deal. There is no downside to long as you understand God is good and in a good mood.

He Had Friendship With God

The final point of “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” is that as we keep in step with the Spirit, and as we obey what He tells us to do, Jesus says that we’re no longer servants, we are His friends. We are His friends because we know the Father’s plans (John 15:15).

As we go, we go in peace. We go in peace because we keep in step with the Spirit and obey what He says. Because we obey what He says, He know longer calls us servants He calls us friends. He calls us friends because He reveals all the Father reveals to Him. Our steps are ordered by God because we are friends with God. As the Father has sent the Son, so the Son tells us to go.

How Do I Know When I’m To Go?

I’m often asked, not in so many words, but with the same sentiment: “How can I orchestrate the emergence of my destiny?” You can’t. Need proof? Moses knew he was a leader and so he killed the Egyptian who was beating his fellow Israelite. He was trying to step into his destiny before he or the people were ready for it. He had to learn to take care of sheep in the wilderness. He had to know he couldn’t do what God was asking him to do without the help of God and others. He needed another 40 years of wisdom and ripening.

This is great news. God is the one who is going to open up doors that no one can shut and shut doors that no one can open (Revelation 3:8). When you’re walking righteously, it is God who directs your steps (Proverbs 20:24). When you’re diligent at learning the skills you need and growing the fruit that you need, it’s going to happen. God hasn’t taken you through what He’s taken you through so you can sit and look nice on a shelf.

I’m confident the good work that is started in you will be completed (Philippians 1:6).Steward your destiny well!

(This booklet has been based on an excerpt from Hope In Transtion by Trevor Lund. Copies of this booklet and the book are available in bulk orders, special editions or digital downloads from


The Freedom of Forgiveness How to Judge Without Being A Jerk When Hope Dies

Why? How To Steward Your Destiny How to Know Your Hope is Secure

How to Get the Good God Has For You
Expect More - reading the Bible in a Year
Hope In Transition Life Above the Negativity - from 10 minutes a day

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