I Quit, Breaking the Chains of Sin by Kholisile Kosana - HTML preview

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I thank the Lord for the gospel of salvation He has given to the world through the blood of the Lamb. There is nothing that is as pure as the gospel of salvation that we have received through the apostles. This gospel is not only pure, it is the only thing that has the power to liberate all the spiritual prisoners.


I was lost and the power of the gospel located me and saved me from the path of self- destruction. Indeed, I have tasted the fruits of salvation, and I can testify about its power that could set free anyone who has been shackled by the devil. I am a living testimony of the wondrous work of the cross of Calvary, as it liberated me from all forms of unrighteousness, and for that, I would always be indebted to the Lord.


The gospel of salvation will always have the power to liberate any prisoner. Our father has preserved His word for all the generations. Anyone who is tired of serving the serpent would find rest in the word of God. The word of God is the power that the Lord has distributed throughout the world so that it could save many people from the bondage of sin.


However, it is disheartening to notice what is happening around Christendom. There is a lot that is wrong with us. The gospel has been repackaged by the devil. It is no longer the gospel of salvation, it is now the gospel of blessings and signs and wonders. We live in one of the most challenging periods of our time. Our faith is endangered, as it is very difficult to find true followers of the cross. Assuredly, there are many people who call themselves by the name of the Lord, but a lot of them do not understand how to be good students of Jesus. The faith they profess is weak, as there is a serious discord between what they do and profess with their own mouth.


Our faith is experiencing assault from all the angles, hence, many brothers and sisters are not following the Lord faithfully. The greatest harm is caused by our education system, the media and many ministers of the word of God. What many prophets and teachers of the word teach is helping the devil to steal us from the heart of God. A lot of these prophets and teachers are preaching in the church, but they take instructions from the father of lies, Satan. The devil is subverting the gospel and he uses those who profess to be working for Jesus to further his aims.


Satan is encouraging them to preach a different version of the gospel. They are teaching blessings, signs and wonders and omit to teach people about the righteousness of God. Anyone who ministers in the house of the Lord is supposed to minister the gospel of righteousness. Our kingdom is the kingdom of righteousness, and its gospel is the gospel of righteousness. God is holy and everything about Him relates to His holiness.


“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you” (Matthews 6:33, HCSB).

The key message of our gospel is salvation or being transformed into the likeness of God. We need to be saved from sinfulness or spiritual filthiness into the righteousness of God. We must be saved by the righteous blood of the Lamb so that we could attain the righteousness of Jesus.


Every child of God must always hunger for righteousness. We must always desire to be like God, and to be holy all the time. Our blessings and protection are in our likeness to God. Indeed, we could only access our blessings from the Lord when we are like Him. Our Father promises to bless and protect us when we abide in His holiness. The First thing we must desire is to be like Him, not to access our blessings. On the other hand, the devil promises to give us whatever we want, and he promises to give it very quickly.


The strange gospel that is preached around the world is serving the devil, as it is a gospel that encourages people to desire blessings and signs and wonders. People are being encouraged to strive for more material possession, regardless of their spiritual state. Not only are they encouraged to covet material possessions, they are encouraged to seek for signs and wonders regardless of their position in God. This is a twisted gospel, as it is trying to change the spiritual protocols of heaven. These spiritual protocols are fixed, and there is nothing that Satan could do change the will of God. The Lord wants us to be like Him, he wants us to be holy as He is. Indeed, our Father wants to prosper us in all respects, but He could only do that once we are holy as He is. Our likeness to Him would attract all the blessings God has purposed for us.


When prophets and teachers twist the order of things, they would not help us to access the blessings from God. Their message would destroy us, as it would encourage us to desire more blessings that God would not release to us. Our Father loves us so much, but He will not change His will. His will is for us to be holy as He is, and He would only release all the grace we need if we abide in His holiness.


Any message that encourages us to want things from Heaven without desiring the righteousness of God comes from the devil, and anyone who preaches that message has not been sent by the Lord. In fact, whoever preaches this twisted version of the gospel has been sent by the devil regardless of what they may think or profess. Our action reveals our hidden hearts, and when we preach what God does not preach in His gospel of salvation, we are preaching a message from the devil.


The twisted gospel is causing harm in more ways than one. It marinades us for the attacks from the kingdom of darkness. The devil is a liar who always promises to give us everything we want. And when these prophets and pastors preach the gospel of prosperity, they soften us for the devil. Their message would make us focus on the wrong things. It would shift our eyes from the righteousness of God, and when we desire what God does not desire, we would be easy targets of the devil. The devil would promise to give us all the things we desire, and when we fall for his lies, he would trap us into a life of sin. Sin would be presented as a solution to all our problems.