I Quit, Breaking the Chains of Sin by Kholisile Kosana - HTML preview

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There are many Christians who are struggling to break free from the power of sin. What is the cause of this? There are many reasons for this, and sadly those who struggle to extricate themselves from the power of sin do not know why the devil has such a strong hold on them.


Sin is bondage and this bondage can only be broken by the cross of Calvary. Jesus is the power that helps us to overcome the power of the enemy. No one has the power to defeat the devil except the one who overcame death. Our Master conquered the ultimate power of the enemy, which is death, and because of this, there is nothing that could overcome Him. He is the only Over-comer who died so that we could overcome every powers of darkness.


Every person born of a woman exists within the spiritual terrain of warfare. There is a spiritual battle going around the universe, and there is no one who can escape it. This is a spiritual war between righteousness and evilness, between Jesus and Satan, between the kingdom of light and darkness. The superior kingdom of righteousness operates from heaven and the kingdom of sin operates in the world.


God’s seat of power is in heaven, but the throne of the serpent is in the world. Both kingdoms are contending for the souls of people. The Lord wants to give us His righteousness, He wants to keep us pure, but the devil wants to make us dirty with sin. Jesus wants to give us His righteousness so that we may overcome all the powers of the devil. Satan wants to make us dirty with sin so that we may become spiritually weak. The serpent knows that when we are spiritually dirty, we would be defenseless against his attacks.


Sin makes us spiritually dirty and when we are dirty, we would chase away the presence of the Lord in our lives. Our God is holy and He cannot abide in a spiritually dirty environment. When we are spiritually dirty, we will lose the protection of God. The Lord protects us through His presence, and when His presence departs from us, we would be defenceless against Satan.


Sin is our number one enemy because it makes us vulnerable to all the attacks of the devil. Righteousness is the spiritual barrier that protects us from all the weapons of the enemy. We could only receive righteousness by loving the righteousness of God. In order for us to receive righteousness, we must believe in the Righteousness of God, Jesus. By believing in Jesus, we reject the devil and embrace God’s holy nature, but when we reject Jesus, we reject righteousness, which is the only defense we have against all the weapons of the enemy.


The devil is very intelligent and he knows when and where to attack us. His main attack against us is to remove us from the righteousness of God. He knows that if he tempts us to sin, sin would make us lose the spiritual clothes of protection we have put on. Sin is the most potent weapon the serpent uses to attack us. When we are married to sin, we would lose all the protection of heaven. Not only does sin makes us lose the protection of God, it makes us lose all the inheritance we have in Jesus. Indeed, sin makes us very weak, and eventually it would kill us.


This book details everything we need to know about sin and the righteousness of God. It reveals everything God wants us to know about sin and the power of righteousness. We would not remain in the heart of God if we do not understand the power of righteousness. If we do not understand the righteousness of God, we cannot please God.


Undoubtedly, sin is the enemy of righteousness, and we need to understand all the tricks the devil uses to hook us up with sin. If we do not understand sin, we will abide in sin, and when we abide in sin, we would lose all that we have. And if we do not repent of our sinful ways and run to God for forgiveness, we would eventually lose our Lives and we would also jeopardise the lives of those we love. Sin will not only destroy us, it would eventually destroy all the people we love. Everything that is connected to us would not escape the destructive power of sin. Sin is the cancer that destroys all that is good in us.