I am Coming, Volume 1 by Susan Davis and Sabrina De Muynck - HTML preview

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In this letter, the Lord is pleading to get ready and explaining that His coming is actually really soon.

September 21st, 2010.

Dear Friends of Christ:

Sabrina and I recently posted and emailed important letters, and words, we received from the LORD in a message titled I AM

COMING, as seen on this blog: http://end-times-prophecy.com. I continue to receive, almost daily, letters from the LORD. Some are very personal and some, like the one below, are for public viewing.

These are serious warnings and we have been instructed by the LORD to send them out. I was told to send this one out and I shared it with Sabrina first and she heard this message from HIM about the letter: Sabrina heard this from the LORD regarding MY, Susan, letter from HIM: The Lord tells me to post this word and to not be worried about what people will think and their reactions and that the ones who must receive it, will receive it. Here is the letter I copied down as the LORD dictated it to me today 9-20-10: Susan write it down.

Susan We have work for you to do. This is what I have to say. Very soon you will be telling the people what I have to say. You will be taking your orders from ME. I will guide you with MY eye, you will see. All is prepared. All is planned. It will be glorious. The people will be amazed. This miracle will change hearts. They will come to ME. I am in control. MY plans will succeed. All is ready. You will see. We are prepared for this event to happen. You will be amazed. Many doors will open. I have prepared the way. People’s hearts will be stunned. The world will stand in awe. I God can do anything. I can make the blind see. I can make the deaf hear. I can make the lame walk. I can heal Sabrina.

MY banner is Love. I am Salvation.



These are MY words. Your lives will change. Pray for comfort, for guidance, support, direction and I give it freely. Ask and you will receive. I am mighty. I am great to deliver.

Write this down. We will be going home soon. The world will be astonished because they did not believe, but MY bride will be at MY

side forever more to reign and rule with ME for eternity. It will be glorious. The world will be lost in their sin. In their disgust of God, their plans will fail. All their well laid plans, gone to dust. I am the only hope for this lost world. The hour is near, all must choose: life or death. The hour is now: peace everlasting or death: a simple choice but a final choice.

Give ME your allegiance and live. Live in peace, love, comfort. Don’t delay, the door is closing fast. Time is running out: life or death.

Today you must choose. I have been patient, but you behave as if I will never come back. But I am coming and soon it will be too late for many.

These are MY final pleas. Soon I am coming and time will be up when the door closes it won’t open again. Don’t be so sure of yourself that you have all the time in the world. It will be a fatal choice. MY love is great, but I can’t wait forever. Soon this world will grow dark, very dark. The time is closing, the hour is now. I won’t wait forever. Choose now, make your choice. Those who call on MY

name will be saved. I am JESUS, the only name that saves.