I am Coming, Volume 1 by Susan Davis and Sabrina De Muynck - HTML preview

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Like the other letters, JESUS explains that HE is actually coming soon and to stop engaging with pagan idols.

September 24th, 2010.

Hebrews 6:4-6. It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.

After reading Hebrews 6:4-6, I realized that it is impossible to receive the gift of hearing the LORD’s voice as I write down HIS

letters and then to turn around and to become disobedient in refusing to put them out for others to read–when this is what the LORD has specifically told me to do–then to be able to continue in a close relationship with HIM if I am disobedient. Especially since this gift was given to me to support HIS end time work. So in order to maintain MY ongoing relationship with the LORD–I MUST BE


ALL TO READ–Seek God while HE can still be found. HIS servant, Susan.

Letter 17. September 21, 2010.

Write it down.

I want you to write these things down. Time is short MY dear. All will know soon how very close the time is. I will give you direction. You will know what I require of you. All will happen soon. Everything is in the works. I have been patient with MY people, but the time has come to soon make our departure. The world will realize how soon it is coming.

Many things will change for those left behind. It will be their worst nightmare. I am sad for those who will be left, but this is their choice, 26


not mine. MY choice is for them to come with ME, but they have freewill to come or stay. They are invited, but I will not force them.

The choice is theirs to make. Why choose death? This is MY

question. MY Spirit calls them. I cannot do this for them, they must choose. I can wait long suffering; I can invite; I can plead; I can encourage; I can argue MY position, but I won’t force. No one is forced. They must decide.

All is ready. The waiting is up. The clock is winding down. The door is about to close. Many will be left. I am a patient God, I have been patient with MY children. I will lose many to the enemy. It will happen. MY heart breaks for them, but this is their choice.

They have a chance to choose. All know there is a God in their hearts. They know this, but they choose to look away. They pursue other gods. This is not MY way. I offer more than wooden idols. I am Almighty God, Creator of the universe. I am gracious with MY

patience with men. I choose to be gracious. I am a loving God. I would not turn anyone away who comes to ME.

Please respond to MY pleas. I am your Father. I love you with an undying love. These are MY final offerings. I cannot wait forever.

There is an opportunity to choose life, don’t delay. The enemy is greedy. He wants to take many with him. He comes to kill and destroy. You can turn away from him and come to ME. Come and be safe. I will care for you eternally. What must I do to wake you up?

Time is short. You must wake up to the truth. I will only wait so long, then I must go with those who will come with ME and leave behind the rest.

Do not delay in your decision making. I wait, but soon I cannot. This world is dissolving, it is dying out. It groans and wastes away in sin and darkness. Soon it will be consumed by evil. Evil will roam the earth freely unabated, unattended. MY bride will be removed and evil will consume the globe.

I am a gracious God waiting patiently, waiting quietly. I am sending warnings, but you do not heed them. What would you have Me do to 27


draw you close?

Write it down.

I long to draw you close, but you refuse. How long must I wait? I cannot wait on you forever. Soon, very soon it will end: MY

patience, MY waiting. I will move to retrieve the bride. You are hearing MY pleas, MY warnings. Please take this seriously. Many will have regrets. I am sad for the lost. It is devastating when they see the result of their choice: eternal separation from a loving God in exchange for eternal doom. Make a choice. Choose wisely, choose safety or choose disaster, death, destruction.

Some info about seeking & finding GOD: http://sites.advancedministry.com/index.cfm?i=11265&mid=3

A very encouraging helpful website for seeking GOD: http://seekgod.org/