Ideology of Religions. Scientific Proof of Existence of "God": The Catalog Of Human Population by Andrey Davydov - HTML preview

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“Soul” (Program) manifests itself in a person through six factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual and environmental. This six-factor breakdown used for descriptions of psychophysiological manifestations of homo sapiens was also created and put into research practice by Andrey Davydov.

Prior to this, no one applied such a complete and detailed method of describing a human: neither in medicine, nor in, and especially so, in psychology, where things are in general not good with specifics. In psychology, no one has ever done descriptions of an individual on six factors until Andrey Davydov, the author of the discovery of the Catalog of human population (“Catalog of Human Souls”). Even though animals are described in encyclopedias much fuller. Description of each subspecies of animals typically contain the following information: appearance, physical characteristics, sex life, abilities, what, how and when to eat, what its attitudes towards the same subspecies and members of other species are, as well as climate, living conditions, etc. Sometimes information even about the emotional sphere of a described animal is presented, as in, for example, works of the famous German scientist-zoologist Alfred Brehm. (Although from our point of view, those are very subjective judgments). The only factor, detailed descriptions of which you will not find in an encyclopedia on animals is the intellectual factor. At maximum, there might be a mention of, for example, a possibility of training or an ability to perform multi-step tasks (as in animal psychology, for example), classified as extraordinary cleverness of any particular animal or an entire subspecies, such as ravens. However, there is no serious discussion about animals’ ability to think or to imagine. Their intellect is completely replaced by instincts and reflexes, and that is enough for survival of animals. As far as the emotional sphere of animals, in comparative analysis with a human it functions very primitively. However, despite the primitivism of animals compared to a human, their descriptions are more complete and informative than information about people, which is usually limited to standard form data like gender, age, race, nationality, education, and profession; or it is a purely medical description that is one-sided, and considers only functioning of physiology.

Compared to humans, animals generally have a much more primitive structure and their potential is even more primitive. Potentially, the difference between the work of factors of homo sapiens and animals is so categorical that it is impossible to discuss any kind of analogy. For this reason, it is very amusing to hear suggestions that humans evolved from apes. With knowledge about functioning of human psyche and the Catalog of human population, this sounds as funny as if someone stated that one of the Formula One cars suddenly "self-assembled" at a junkyard from a pile of trash. Although, on the other hand, if human potential does not open in its entirety, then a human is not very different from an animal. However, that does not change the fundamental differences, or the number of factors. In case of a human there are six factors, and the whole question is how each one gets developed, but that is a different matter.

Few specialists directly connect human psyche with the work of all these six factors. In vain. It is psyche (“Soul” or Program, call it whatever you like) that is the basis of work of human intellect, physiology, nutrition, emotional and sexual factors, as well as the environmental factor. It is the natural Program that sets the physical parameters of a person, determines his physique, the work of his internal organs and systems; how, when, in what algorithms his intellect will work, what specific activities develop him, etc.; what, how and when a person will eat, etc.; what emotions, how and when he will express, etc.; what his sexual potential, needs and preferences are, etc.; what the requirements as far as climate, housing, interior, communications and travel for that particular person are, in what areas of professional activity he can realize himself, how he will make money, how much, in what ways, how he will interact with others, on what basis he will communicate, how he will present himself, etc.; and much, much more. Behind all of this is the “Soul,” or the program.



Part 5.

The “Catalog of Human Souls” Exists. Individual Subtype Programs And Manipulation Modes Of Homo Sapiens


We apologize for the abundance of scientific language in this section, but it is most suitable for a correct explanation of what the main object of our research—the Catalog of human population—is.

Thus, as it turned out, the “Soul” of every living creature on planet Earth (including homo sapiens) is a program. The discovered ancient book describes structures of human psyche (“Soul”) as 293 unique models. Therefore, the source of knowledge of what the “soul” of a human is and what is its structure was named the “Catalog of Human Souls” by its discoverer Andrey Davydov. However, there is also a scientific name of this source—the Catalog of human population. This does not change the essence of this Book: ‘a catalog’, ‘an encyclopedia’, ‘an atlas’ are synonymous in this case. The Catalog of human population is an encyclopedia of homo sapiens, from which it is possible to obtain detailed descriptions of people. Including those people whom neither we, the researchers of the Catalog, nor the requestor of information have never met or seen in our lives and know nothing about.



In contrast to encyclopedias on animals, where they are described by purely external features, in the Catalog of human population people are described based on qualities of their “Soul.” Or, to put it in scientific terms, based on qualities and characteristics of their individual subtype program. Although as we mentioned above, the qualities and characteristics of this program are directly expressed in the appearance of an individual, in particularities of structure and operation of his physiology, in his nutritional, emotional, and sexual preferences and algorithms of functioning, in the way that his intellect works, as well as in everything that has to do with his environment (climate, housing, interior, education and occupation, relationships with others, etc.). “Soul” (an individual subtype program) is the basis of functioning of all of these factors.

Individual subtype program is the foundation upon which the whole human psychophysiology works.

Also, it is the individual subtype program that distinguishes one person from another. Although in the case of representatives of homo sapiens, without a catalog it is impossible to clearly (as in the case of animals) see the differences between a representative of one subtype and another because external and internal physiological structure in humans is the same: two hands, two legs, one heart, two lungs, two kidneys and so on, no wings, horns, fur, scales, tail, beak, and so on. This external similarity distinguishes homo sapiens from representatives of other biological types. However, it also misleads one to assume that all members of the species of homo sapiens are the same; although everyone knows that this is not so, and there are many confirmations.



Discovery of the Catalog of human population quite distinctly marked a new approach to a human: humankind is a biological type within which there are about 300 subtypes. With the discovery of solution to the riddle of this ancient Book, it became possible to talk about the characteristic patterns of functional range of human form in different time cycles. This provides an opportunity to separate the biological type homo sapiens into certain groups (groups, which are carriers of certain characteristics, patterns).

We, as researchers of the Book of Mountains and Seas (Shan Hai Jing), considered it logical to name groups within the biological type homo sapiens—subtype (subspecies) groups or subtype structures. Since the term ‘subspecies’ is a taxonomic unit, located a rank below in the systematization of plants and animals, but represents totality of separate populations of the same species, members of which differ by specific and rather stable characteristics from members of other populations of the same species.

Subtypes (subspecies) of homo sapiens, as it turned out, differ from each other in a unique complex that consists of an individual subtype program and three modes of correction to this program: the suppression mode, the balance mode and the stimulation mode. We named correction modes of a subtype program—manipulation modes. Manipulation modes, as well as an individual program, are unique in the case of each subtype. On the basis of categorical differences between combinations of an individual subtype program with manipulation modes, each subtype is endemic; that is—different from all the rest.



The study of Shan Hai Jing revealed that every person, belonging to some subtype, has stable characteristic properties of this subtype; and, regardless of race, nationality, place of birth and residence, parental guidance, and so on, as these are only minor correctors, which do not change a subtype program. Though, the same pattern is observed with animals. Living in different areas (as some animal subspecies, as well as human subspecies can be found almost all over the globe), the representatives of the same subtype may have different adaptive properties, but these properties do not in any way alter the subtype program: a horse remains a horse, a bear remains a bear, a bull does not turn into a ram, and a snake does not become a crocodile. Only here it will be a pony, somewhere else a percheron, and elsewhere—an Arabian horse. Regardless of the territory where an animal lives, it retains stable properties of its subtype. We see a similar situation with humans: the representatives of the same human subtype might have different skin color, be of different nationalities, but each retains those personal qualities, life algorithms, preferences, talents, functioning that are inherent in his subtype.

Cultural factors, national traditions, even parental upbringing (which, by the way, plays a big role for representatives of some subtypes) are only additions, layers, and do not alter the subtype program of a human. Since, in the case of biological species homo sapiens, children are not direct continuation of their parents, as it is the case with animals. More often than not, children and parents are members of different subtypes, and that is the basis for existing problems of parents and children in this civilization. If one does not know about the Catalog of human population, then this problem is practically unsolvable. However, knowledge of this information and knowledge of exactly which programs parents have, and which program a child has, fully eliminates the problem of "Parents and Children."

Certainly, as with any other natural object, the role of the environment is enormous in the life of any human being. If a seed gets in the wrong soil, it might never sprout. This principle works with humans. Within certain limits, the environment shapes a person through engaging various program qualities that he has since birth. However, influence of the environment is limited. And, neither the environment, nor parents, or society are able to change a program given to a human by “God.” Environment can favor an individual in the sense of creating suitable conditions for his life, helping discover and develop some of his skills and talents, but it can also severely deform, break, and even destroy him. However, no environment can change the “Divine Will” in regard to a human, “Will” that is implanted as qualities, characteristics, functions, goals and objectives of his individual subtype program. A long time ago the Creator has predetermined what each one of us must be, and how each one of us must live.



“God,” the Creator of humanity, clearly predestined what each person must be, how he must live and what he must do. This program is "wired" into each person on the inside. And, it is the subtype program, the “Soul” that distinguishes one person from another. Variety of qualities and functioning of human subtypes is huge. This is not surprising because all nature created by “God” on this planet is very diverse. For example, birds. Despite the fact that all birds are members of a single biological type, there are many subspecies, and representatives of these subtypes are very different from each other: there are huge birds (an ostrich), and there are small ones (a hummingbird). There are predators that eat only meat, and there are those that eat mostly plant foods. There are waterfowl, and there are those that do not swim. There are those that spend most of their lives in flight, and there are those that have wings, but practically do not know how to fly. So, on the one hand, they are all different, with different qualities and different functionalities, but on the other hand, they are all birds, not horses, or crocodiles, or tigers. Exactly the same diverseness was created by the Creator in regard to all other natural types; both living and not living natural objects: trees, plants, animals, minerals, stones and so on. And, as it turned out with the discovery of the “Catalog of Human Souls”—it is the same in regard to humans.

The inner core of a human, his psyche, “Soul,” or, using the religious language—the “Divine Program,” makes the physiology of representatives of various subtypes of type homo s. work differently. This is by far the main problem in medicine: it cannot find uniform methods of treatment for all people, one type of medication for all, and so on. Here are some of the most simple, easily observable examples. Individual differences in work of physiology allow some people to, for example, walk around practically naked in the cold, while others get sick even from a small draft. For some, it is not a problem to eat only vegetables, while for others lack of meat, fish, protein foods turns into very serious health problems.

Some people can think, calculate the variants and make decisions quickly, while others make decisions only after a lot of thinking. Some have a good ear for music, and others do not, but are able to run long distance without stopping and reach the finish line first. Some are polyglots, and for some even their native language is difficult, for example, in terms of grammar, spelling, but they are genius in mathematics. To some getting up early in the morning is not a problem, and they do it even in the absence of necessity, while others cannot put themselves to bed early, and "burn the midnight oil" because they can function more productively at night, but cannot rise at 6 AM and work well during the daytime. These are very simple examples that are familiar to everyone. And, even though people are used to explaining this using reasons that have nothing to do with work of their psychophysiology, their psyche, their “Soul”—“God” created a human in such a way that everything in his life depends on the Program.

A Program (“Soul”), or to put it in scientific terms—an individual archetypal pattern, fully defines all motivational mechanisms of human behavior, his functioning, abilities, preferences, goals and objectives. And, as it was stated, they are completely different for representatives of different subtypes of homo sapiens; and this is the basis of individual differences between people, as individuals with a specific sets of behavioral qualities.



Individual subtype program (“Soul”) begins to work at the moment of birth. With life, “God” as if breathes into a tiny creature all those qualities and functions, which he would like to see in him; all that what the Creator expects this or that person to realize.

"Hour X" as time of birth of a human, starts up his subtype program. The “Soul” begins to work, and a human—to live. And, he will live while his “Soul” is alive in him; in other words, while the subtype program operates in his body as a mechanism, and on all six factors. If the work of one of these factors stops, then breakage of other factors will follow: fast, as in the case of, for example, physical and nutritional factors (starvation, disease), or slow, as, for example, in the case of sexual, emotional or intellectual factors.

It does not matter how a person is born, whether in a natural way or, for example, with the use of cesarean section. Individual subtype program starts to work at the moment of cutting of the umbilical cord. It does not matter when a person was conceived, how long the pregnancy lasted, and so on. The only important moment is the time of detachment of his body from the body of his mother in the form of cutting of the umbilical cord. This, not something else, is considered the moment of birth.

In the course of study of the ancient source of knowledge about humans (Shan Hai Jing), it became clear that an individual subtype program (“soul”) of homo sapiens gets implanted strictly in accordance with natural phenological cycles. Therefore, in order to determine to which subtype this or that person belongs, and to find his description in the “Catalog of Human Souls,” it is necessary to know the date of his birth—day, month and year. However, the requirement to know the exact day, month and year of birth in order to get information about a person from the Catalog of human population has to do specifically with phenological cycles, rather than astronomy and especially not astrology, or numerology, or something related. (Note that the year of birth does not matter, but what makes a difference is whether it was a leap year or a common year.). For those who are not familiar with the science called phenology—in a nutshell, it is a system of knowledge and sets of information about seasonal phenomena of nature, time periods of occurrences and reasons that define these periods, as well as the science of laws of cyclical changes of natural objects and their complexes, associated with annual movement of the Earth around the Sun.

In nature, all bio-forms (plants, animals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles, etc.) appear during their time period. Scientists have recorded this fact a long time ago. At the beginning of the last century, a German zoologist, Alfred Brehm, has demonstrated that each type of living organism appears on earth at a specific time. For example, rabbits are born in late April-early May, deer—in May-June, seals—in March, and so on. "...And the stork in the heaven knoweth the appointed times, and the turtle, and the swallow and the crane observe the time of their coming..." (Jeremiah 8:7) “God's” plan in this regard is more than clear: a human, as part of the earth's ecosystem, as part of nature must submit to the same laws as all other natural objects; because if at certain specific time periods creatures, which we call "a cow", "an eagle" or "a hippopotamus" are born, then exactly the same rule applies to humans.

Right in its sections titles, the Catalog of Mountains and Seas already has an indication of the spatial reference points. The ancient Chinese text begins with the Catalog of Southern Mountains, followed by all other sections of the Catalog of Mountains named according to cardinal directions: Catalog of Western Mountains, Northern and Eastern. Next, there is the Catalog of Central Mountains. It "stands" separately, just like the Catalog of Lands Within the Seas that crowns the whole text. Then, there are: the Catalog of Regions Beyond the Seas of South, West, North and East; the Catalog of the Great Deserts of the East, South, West, North, and finally the Catalog of (Lands) Within the Seas. Catalogs of Mountains are divided. The Catalog of Southern Mountains and the Catalog of Northern Mountains are divided into three parts, and the Catalog of Eastern Mountains and the Catalog of Western Mountains into four parts. This reminds of phenological approach, where division into seasons and sub-seasons are analogous to construction of the Catalog of Mountains; Catalog of Central Mountains is divided into twelve parts.

The birth of a particular subtype structure is strictly tied to the date of birth. However, in the case of research of Shan Hai Jing, things are not as simple as, for example, in astrology. At least because, as you know, there are 365 days in a year, or 366 if it is a leap year, while there are less than 300 subtype structures of homo sapiens described in the Book of Mountains and Seas. To be more precise, there are 293. However, Andrey Davydov has solved this problem long time ago, and finding any description is no longer an issue. It was also discovered that in most cases, if a person was born during one of the leap years (no matter which one), then his date of birth as if moves one day ahead. For example, people who were born on March 1st of leap years have the same subtype program as people who were born on March 2nd of common years. However, this rule does not always apply. In this sense, in addition to a year, month of birth has a meaning. As for the time of birth within one day—this factor is not needed in order to find descriptions of this or that person in the Catalog of human population, unless there is data that this person was born close to midnight (and, in this case we also have the technology to determine where the description of this person is located in the Catalog of Mountains and Seas).

Many of those who learn about the Catalog are interested in how 293 individual subtype programs are distributed if there are 365 or 366 (leap years) days in a year. We found that some subtype programs get reproduced a few days in a row. However, this does not mean that people born in this period are absolutely the same because manipulative modes to these individual programs are often completely different. So, in simple terms, these people are not like each other 100%, but they do share the same subtype program, individual qualities and algorithms.



Another important fact is that each subtype program consists of two parts. One of them, the author of the discovery of the “Catalog of Human Souls,” Andrey Davydov named "Active," and the second "Passive."

The “Active” part of a program of a person is responsible for the period of human activity. It is a period of real action, but also a period of active energy and strength expenditure. Therefore, every person requires rest from time to time, and not only in the form of sleep, but also in the form of some kind of activity. Not for nothing there exists a Russian saying: "The best rest is change of activity." Human activities from the “Passive” part of his individual program do not take strength, but rather help a person accumulate it, turn on regeneration processes. "Active" and "passive," to put it very raspingly and primitively, are like two different human characters because each part of the human program is recorded by different images that give a different character, style of actions of a human, and algorithms of his life. In practice, this manifests in the so-called duality of any person. For example: Mr. N is quiet and harmless at work, but at home he is active, loud, and despotic; a different Mr. N uses his intellect at work as an analyst, and during the time of rest chooses physical exercise and, as they say, "does not use his head at all." Some other Mr. N behaves as a leader in communication with several people, but when he is alone with someone—he completely subjects to another's will; and so on and so forth. There are many other examples, but the main thing here is that every person (a man or a woman) is "dual" by nature, double-natured. This "duality" is necessary because one cannot be passively recovering while at the same time actively spending himself.

Without going into a detailed explanation of what these are, we will just say that, according to our observations, in some cases, twins can share a single subtype program; meaning that one lives according to the "active" part of the program, and the other based on the "passive." We do not know yet why this happens, more research needs to be done on this, but this is the reason why, despite the fact that both twins belong to the same subtype, they differ in their personality traits, characters, algorithms and so on. According to our research, this does not always happen in the case of twins, but such cases have been observed.



Thus, with the discovery of the Catalog of human population it became possible to determine to which subtype this or that person belongs, and get a detailed description about him or her, using minimum knowledge (only the date of birth). This is a fundamentally new approach to the study of homo sapiens.

In parallel, the science of psychology gets its subject of research. It was substituted by anything during all the years of existence of this science: study of external human behavior, sphere of the consciousness/sub-consciousness, study of personal experiences, human intellect, and so on. However, research of the most important—the psyche (“soul”)—has been forgotten. Although the term “psychology” originated from Ancient Greek ψυχή—“soul;” λόγος—“knowledge.” Therefore, psychologists must study and know the “soul.” And, know that “soul” is not intellect; after all, intellect is not psyche, it is only a part of psyche. Intellect is only one of the six factors, and it is far from being the most important one. If, for example, the physical or the nutritional factor (starvation, disease) stops working, then work of intellect can be forgotten.



It should also be noted that the Book of Mountains and Seas contains descriptions of natural mechanism, which allow making corrections to psychophysiological parameters and behavior of homo sapiens.

Apparently, our Creator took care of the “Crown of his Creation” in this sense as well, and gave each human correction modes of his psychophysiology as a tool for self-control.

However, it turned out that using that same natural mechanism that is built into every human, people are able to influence each other with great effectiveness. Andrey Davydov, the author of the discovery of the Catalog of human population, named natural mechanisms of regulation and self-regulation of a human—manipulation modes.

Each person has three manipulation modes: suppression, balance and stimulation. Each one of these modes has a specific effect on the whole psychophysiology of a human.

For example, if we consider the suppression mode, as a mode of self-regulation of a system called "human"—this mode rather powerfully relaxes psyche and body of an individual, brings peace and joy, pleasure, and satisfaction. The balance mode is named “balance” because it balances, stabilizes psychophysiology, and leads to a harmonious, comfortable state. The stimulation mode is a strong irritant and a powerful motivation for an individual. This, of course, was a very brief description of manipulation modes.

In regard to application of these same modes to a person (not by himself, but by someone from the outside), then, for example, during transmission of suppression mode in his direction, a person experiences strong relaxation and often a state similar to reaction to narcotic drugs—he is lost. He is disoriented in the environment; analysis of the situation and the individual who transmits this mode becomes impossible. Therefore, this mode of self-regulation, if it is translated from the outside, is a mode of submission to the transmitter. In the case of transmission of the balance mode, the receiver feels very comfortable, gets a feeling that the transmitter is his good friend, who shares his thoughts, preferences, goals and objectives. As for transmission of stimulation mode, the transmitter of this mode is simultaneously perceived with irritation and indignation, but on the other hand stimulates the desire to patronize him. Also, through transmission of this mode one person can motivate another person to any kind of action.

It does not matter which race, nationality or gender is a person to whom manipulation