Ideology of Religions. Scientific Proof of Existence of "God": The Catalog Of Human Population by Andrey Davydov - HTML preview

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Not without reason the Bible says that “God” created nature for a Human. Information from Shan Hai Jing confirms this. Not only this, but also that nature created by “God” is an ideal environment for survival of human species as far as composition of air, water, etc., food base, pharmacy, a vast reservoir of a variety of natural materials from which a person can build a house, make clothes, shoes, dishes, tools, and everything else that he needed in his life; nature also provides real living or non-living standards of how a person should be, how he must live. The Creator took care of his sons and daughters by creating all the conditions for them to live well and happily. All things were created by “God,” and created in order for His children to conform to “His Divine Plan” and live the way He planned.



If we use the language of science, natural images are etalon-carriers, examples of specific qualities present in this or that physical form. Their functionality can be translated onto functioning of human psychophysiology. Perhaps, this will be clearer through an example. Therefore, for example, to determine what psychophysiological qualities are inherent in a woman if one of the images of her individual program is a horse (Lat. ‘Equus’, the only modern genus of horse family Equidae, Perissodactyla order), it is necessary to learn the natural properties of this image. For example, we learn that a horse is a perissodactyl animal; weighs up to 300 kilograms; polygamous; herbivorous; lives on the plains; gallops with a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour. (This is far from being complete, but this is only an example.) This information is then transferred onto a person on all six factors. As a result, we get the following information about this woman: that she thinks clearly and expresses her thoughts directly; since horses have a strict hierarchy of females, she is a pronounced leader; by nature she has an athletic body, and, as a rule, it is well trained (or looks like it is, even if she does not train on purpose), has a moderate fat layer, a tendency to run (although she is not a sprinter, but a stayer); in terms of nutrition, she is a vegetarian; in the sexual factor, she tends to have a variety of sexual partners, and at the same time she is a very jealous person; emotionally testy, expresses her emotions openly and unashamedly; as for the environmental factor, she is not a good housewife—her home, will be about as clean as a stall of a horse...

This is about one hundred-thousandth part of what just one image of a person’s program can uncover about that person. However, a human is not an animal that has only one image at the base of its functioning. As already mentioned, the number of images in some human programs might exceed one hundred, and each natural image is first of all looked at in terms of its natural analog.

The Creator left this method of learning his own self to a human, so that a person could clearly see the difference between his understanding of natural images (imagination) and real natural objects. After all, homo s. has an ever-present desire to imagine, to understand objective phenomena as he wants, in a way that is comfortable, pleasant to him. And, that is fraught. As a result of such "understanding" he, figuratively speaking, will try to treat a bear as a teddy bear. However, our Creator has foreseen this. Possibly, he created two of every creature, so that people see the objective natural properties of this or that natural image that is within himself, and study.



Part 8.

“The Way To Spirit” Is To Study And To Learn


Natural images are etalons—etalons of personal qualities of a human, etalons of how he must live. As mentioned above, “God” created these etalons as objects of nature, which humans must emulate and conform to, and left the source (the “Catalog of Human Souls”) from which one can learn about his personal etalons. In light of Andrey Davydov’s discovery of the ancient source of knowledge of human “Soul,” it became clear why all ancient cultures had a ritual to worship natural objects such as animals, plants, etc. It turns out, our ancestors studied the “Divine Instruction” on what they must be and how to live in order to be creatures as powerful and with incredible opportunities as He, the Creator. Since, according to “His Will,” fixed in the “Catalog of Human Souls,” only natural Images, those images, which have been created by Him, and not the ones invented by people (and widely presented today in film, literature, the Internet, etc.) are the etalons of how people must live. However, at some point humanity violated this “Divine Law.”

As documented in history, with disappearance of the Sacred tripods, humanity lost the source with descriptions of individual “Paths to Spirit”, “Paths to God,” the Instruction to themselves left by “God.” There was nowhere to get information on what they must be, how and what for they must live, and so people (or the one who hid the Catalog, and imagining himself already equal to the Creator) started to make-up artificial images; since a human being has been created in such a way that he cannot exist without an "operating system." Thus, humanity came into total contradiction with the “Divine Will.” This period in the history of human civilization is called by different names, but the essence of processes that occurred is well demonstrated by titles like the "Golden Age" and the "Iron Age." Since with the loss of the “Catalog of Human Souls” the quality of human life has deteriorated significantly.

And, it is very likely that if people had qualities and abilities truly equal to the Creator’s, all would be well with creation of artificial images. However, humanity has begun to do this before reaching the status of "Image and Likeness" of the Creator. Due to this it is unable to create images that are equal to natural images that He created. As it is known, an analogous situation exists in relation to other artifacts. To date, any human-made product is not equal to the level of creation, the quality of creation by nature (“God”). Quality of nature’s creation is always superior to quality of human’s creation. For example, synthetic leather by its properties is significantly inferior to natural; synthetic diamonds are not comparable to natural diamonds; this list goes on and on. Today, chemists are not able to artificially create even a relatively simple essential oil of lavender (only 250 components) that would be equal to natural.



At the same time, according to information received in the course of our research, the “God”-given potential implanted in a Human is huge, and that is really impressive. Potentially, a human is able to have colossal power, abilities unprecedented from the point of view of this civilization; in short, all that what is common to put into the category of "supernatural" in this society. In fact, according to information from Shan Hai Jing, these are not superpowers, but are ordinary, normal human abilities. Which however, may be "in a sleep mode" throughout the whole life of a person and never manifest. Due to the fact that these abilities do not open up without special efforts, it is possible to activate these treasures in one’s own self only if one knows his program from the “Catalog of Human Souls,” realizes it, studies, learns.

Prior to realizing the full spectrum of abilities implanted by nature, any living natural object must go through the path of growth, development, learning—a seed does not have the same properties as a tree, a chick does not have possibilities of an adult bird. A kindergartener is simply unable to write a doctoral thesis; instead of complex mathematical calculations that a professor of Mathematical Sciences can do, a first grader barely adds two plus two. However, this is not because they are idiots, they just need to grow up, go through the path of learning in a school, then at a university, and so on. Instead of a visual art piece that a professional artist could create, а child draws some doodle, but not because he has no talent in art, but because he needs to study.

As far as more complex things than math or fine art, such as acquisition of qualities of the Creator—development and growth in the case of a human being occur only on one condition: if a person knows and implements that program, which “God” implanted in him. And, studies his entire life, but studies not just anything.

Perhaps, an explanation is required for a person who lives not on the basis of his natural Images, but on the basis of artificial ones. The word "study" does not mean getting an education at an institution; it means self-knowledge and mastery of one’s natural qualities, as realization of his natural talents. The word "work" does not mean to dully go to work every day, even if one diligently performs his duties, and it does not mean to rush somewhere with a goal of “making a few dollars.” According to the “Divine” source, "to work" means to work on one’s own self, his own personal qualities, to work in the process of self-improvement. Only then, as it is written in the ancient book called Shan Hai Jing, through his qualities, a person can really become equal to his Creator. Other paths simply do not exist in Nature. The clearest examples are results obtained by humanity living based on lack of knowledge of themselves.

As Shan Hai Jing clearly states, knowledge and development of a Program is the most important thing that a person has to learn how to do and study. Therefore, it is safe to say that with the existence of an individual “Path to Spirit” for each person, there is one “Spiritual Path” for all humankind—to study, to learn.

And, here is the evidence. The first part of the “Catalog of Human Souls” contains models of psychological structures of homo sapiens who have not yet fully moved away from the animal world in their development. Therefore, among the images there prevail images of animals, plants and the like—stones, metals, rivers, lakes, seas, plains, mountains, and forests. However, the next parts of Shan Hai Jing describe other images, which indicate transition of a human to new levels of development. And, spirits, deities are always present among images of these levels of programs. Any person can verify this. One only needs to open Shan Hai Jing in any language, not necessarily an original, and compare descriptions in the Book of Mountains of this source to the remaining chapters that follow.

However, in order for a change from one natural program to another (a program of another level) to occur, a person must first fully, "from A to Z" realize the initial program with which he was born. And, he must realize it not in his fantasies, but in real life—make himself exactly the way he was created. “God” left the “Catalog of Human Souls” to people with parting words—study hard and work hard. Studying hard and working hard is the essence, a summary of characteristics of the image called "Spirit," which according to the text of this Book, appears in a human who has realized his primary (first level) program. As we have found out, this is the methodology of what is called "Acquisition of Spirit," Spirituality.

According to descriptions found in Shan Hai Jing, the next level of "operating systems" described in this ancient treatise is a more advanced stage. It is accompanied by liberation of a human from former psychological structures and achievement of consciousness of a higher level of development. From our point of view, this is the real transformation of an individual, true human evolution; rather than that what is still sometimes seriously called by the word "evolution"—evolution from an ape that homo sapiens never was.

The “Catalog of Human Souls” describes several levels of development, unique for each subtype. However, it does not make sense to discuss them in this very brief overview. Especially since any development always assumes full completion of the initial stage first, and jumping over steps like on regular stairs simply will not work. We suppose that right now it is enough to know that descriptions of individual “Paths to God,” individual “Paths of Spiritual Development” have been found, and that any interested person can start using this information right away.

And, for those wondering what "superpowers" this method of self-improvement and Spiritual Development of a human uncovers, we recommend reading about the abilities and capabilities possessed by gods and spirits in various mythologies. Since, from our point of view, ancient myths are not fairytales, but fixations of real events that occurred. Our ancient ancestors lived in very harsh conditions and had to work hard day and night to earn their living. When, and most importantly why did they engage in such an unserious thing as creation of images of fantastic animals, spirits, deities? As much as the descendants of the ancient people want to feel superior in their level of development, we are of the opinion (and we have good reasons) that the ancient were not so naïve, unpragmatic, and careless to create, store and transmit empty knowledge to their descendants.



For each person a clear knowledge of the “Will of the Creator” with respect to his own self provides huge benefits, opens incredible opportunities. Even if we talk about the most plain ones that relate to daily routine, even then instead of continuing to exist at the level of a half-animal, trying to fit into conditions and roles proposed by secular society, breaking and deforming oneself—now any person can be his real self, and live his own life. And, a life that is not invented, directed by someone. After all, people do not even know that they are not the ones who invented artificial images, which they think is their precious individuality. These images are actually invented by secular ideologists to make people manageable and comfortable for use.

Such artificial formations as "duty", "guilt", "shame", etc., which were invented by ideologists of secular society in order to have control over an individual, are also losing power. Manipulative threads, by which, figuratively speaking, a human is pulled like a puppet—will be permanently torn. However, that will hinder survival of an individual in the environment by a lot. The Creator created all natural programs in such a way that any person could fit into the world well, both in nature and in society, and without loss of strength, as it happens now, be really powerful, healthy, talented, brilliant, harmonious and happy. In this case, an individual will consider society as a free supermarket. However, that also must be studied and learned. The main thing is to have the keys. (We will discuss this point in greater detail in another book—Society As A Free Supermarket.)

However, most importantly, a person needs to learn in order to one day rise to the level of his Creator. This purpose is implanted in every human being as the goal of his life, for any individual, regardless of subtype. This is the purpose of existence of the biological type homo sapiens on earth, and this is recorded in the “Catalog of Human Souls.”



Discovery of the Catalog turns an ordinary view not only on the entire ancient mythology (and many other things) upside down; for example—the ancient pyramids. As already mentioned, the ancient source (the “Catalog of Human Souls”) of knowledge about a human and his Spiritual development describes 293 subtypes that exist on the first level. However, after the descriptions of intermediate levels, at the end of this treatise there is a description of only one program—Human. No subtypes. Other material sources in this civilization show the same. As we were able to find out, this exact principle has been fixed in such a structure as a pyramid (while scientists are still trying to find the meaning behind pyramids).

Pyramids as architectural structures exist not only in Egypt or Mexico. Pyramids as built structures can be found in different cultures: Mesopotamia, Sudan, Nigeria, Greece, Spain, China, Korea, Central America, North America, India, Indonesia, Peru, and so on. Pyramidal buildings also existed in the Roman Empire and Medieval Europe. From our point of view, this once again confirms that at some point in human history the Catalog of the human population was present all over the world. From our point of view, researchers of pyramids are absolutely correct in their observations—this very common form of architectural structure rarely carries a utilitarian function.

Our research suggests that pyramids are not just places of burial or temples. We discovered that a pyramid is a structure that fixates in stone for centuries, for many generations the main treasure and "compass" for human civilization—the Catalog of human population. Any person can confirm this right now. To do this, simply open Shan Hai Jing (Catalog of Mountains and Seas) in any language and look at the structure of this source. (Although one certainly should have the full version of this book, as it is sometimes sold in sections, for example, only Catalog Of Mountains.) By going through this book from beginning to end, it is not difficult to notice complete similarity between the structure of descriptions of human programs in the “Catalog of Human Souls” and structure of a pyramid: a construct as a base with four directions (in the Catalog these are chapters titled Eastern Mountains, Southern Mountains, Western Mountains, and Northern Mountains) and the center (in the Catalog titled Central Mountains), and the book ends with only one description—the description of a being called "Human," Human as likeness of “God.”

Therefore, ancient pyramids is a fixation (for centuries) of the principle of development of the human biological type, the principle of Spiritual Development: if an individual studies and learns, he leaves the zone of varieties of human subtypes that are at the level of development of half-animals, and becomes a creature called a "Human" (“God,” Creator). Anyone who develops in this way, using the language of the Bible, makes himself the "Image and Likeness" of “God.”



The principle of the method of development for humanity as a single species (using the terms of religion—the “Spiritual Way”, “Path to Unification with God”) is fixed in another ancient structure of this civilization—in the ancient Egyptian Sphinx. Perhaps it is not by accident that mythology of different nations is so full of chimeras that combine features of several different animals in a single image.

By its form the Sphinx as if tells people that unlike animals, a human has a more complex structure that is recorded by more complex subtype programs. And, since these programs carry by far more qualities, functions, and abilities than programs of animals, they are recorded not by one image, as in the case of animals, but by many images. From out point of view, this principle is clearly shown in a Sphinx because it is a chimera, a collective image that has properties of several animals: a human head, a lion’s body, a tail of a snake. From our point of view, the solution to the riddle of the Sphinx is that in the case of homo sapiens under a human form hide a variety of images, including images of animals. As studies of Shan Hai Jing clearly show, a chimera is a principle of human structure. From our point of view, someone has built the Sphinx a long time ago specifically to demonstrate this principle. This is why the Sphinx has a human face—to let people know that this principle applies to them, to homo sapiens.



In conclusion in regard to the main objective of growth and Spiritual Development of a human, it is necessary to note once again that those homo sapiens representatives, who have no goals to make themselves in the "image and likeness" of “God,” who are not familiar with their “Soul” and with the “Catalog of Human Souls,” who do not wish to study and work (primarily work on becoming consistent with the will of the Creator) will never have any qualities of the Creator. Do not even dream of it. And, in fact, this has long been confirmed by material results obtained by the people of this civilization.



Part 9.

What Are Artificial Images.


As already mentioned above, “God” created a human in His Image and Likeness, and implanted potential of a Creator into each person. And, gave everyone the freedom to choose exactly how and in what direction to use their existing abilities. The “Divine Will” in respect to a Human was recorded in the “Catalog of Human Souls.” However, it so happened that humanity lost this Catalog, and began to use the “God”-given potential in a completely different way. In the direction opposite of the “Divine Plan,” people began to create artificial images.

As a result, throughout all these years civilization produced an incredibly big mass of artificial images. And, every epoch, each culture created and creates its set of images: there were Apollo or Odin, then Zorro, Batman, Shrek, etc. This civilization has come up with a lot of modifications of artificial "software" without coming close to even approaching the question of every person having natural "software" ("operating system") given by nature at the moment at birth. On the one hand, this is explainable since people had to live on some basis because they differ from animals in that their "operating system” of the “Soul” does not work "automatically," as in the case of animals, and must be studied, comprehended and mastered. But, on the other hand, artificial "operating system" differs from natural like papier-mâché or plastic apples differ from natural apples.

Civilization involved in creation of artificial images, figuratively speaking, forces people to eat plastic apples instead of real ones. It is not difficult to guess that such "diet" leads each person to imminent death. No one has ever been able to remain alive and healthy while drinking gasoline instead of water, and replacing all natural foods with synthetic.

This, so to speak, "plastic diet" leads to an enormously rapid wear of the entire human psychophysiology, premature aging and, as a result, death. However, the result is extended through time, and it is similar to the effect of a person taking daily micro dozes of poison.

The potential implanted in a human is realized by 5% at best due to these "apples" (artificial images).



The essence of the phenomenon called "artificial images" can be expressed differently. For example, in the language of religion, it is those evil demons and devils that possess, and force people to act contrary to the “Divine Plan.” As a result, they eventually force a person to engage in self-destruction. In other words—they actually kill. If we explain the same phenomenon using the computer language, this is the worst of viruses that can infect a computer. For a while, this virus just disrupts normal algorithms of functioning of a system, but, as a result, sooner or later these violations make a computer completely unusable.

Translated onto human psychophysiology, artificial images as a "virus" cause the human organism to work incorrectly, not at full capacity, cause mistakes (including fatal ones). The practical results of these failures are a variety of misfortunes that happen to a human: failures, all sorts of problems, illnesses, and old age. Sooner or later, due to these violations, each of which break the system called human psychophysiology more and more, a human goes out of order, in other words—dies.

In the case of computers, probably in some cases a good specialist can fix a serious failure. However, in the case of a human, this occurs without a possibility of recovery. Thus, it was stated above that artificial images kill; slowly, but daily and inevitably.

Any artificial image (an image that was not created by “God,” but invented by a human) disrupts human functioning as a living system so powerfully that sooner or later this system gives under. And, in this civilization it is observable everywhere and can easily be noticed. People rarely live more than 90-100 years. And, this is at best since human life is usually much shorter. Meanwhile, physiologists state that by nature human body is designed for a youthful and healthy life of a few hundred years. And, the Bible says that people who follow the “Divine Will,” who realize the “Divine Plan,” like Noah, lived up to 800, 900, 1,000 or more years. From this it is easy to conclude that all human troubles, sickness, misery, and as a consequence, reduction of length of their lives is the work of those "evil demons," which are actually produced by people themselves. This is “God’s Punishment” of those who digress from His “Divine Will.”

The Creator created a human as such a powerful being (potentially) that human psychophysiology can work for some time even when it is infected by a "virus." No animal would survive in such living conditions that people make for their own selves and remain alive in them for a while. “God the Father” took care of a human by implanting natural images as a basis for his functioning, and thereby provided a huge strength margin to a human being as a living system. However, one should understand that if he is still alive, it does not mean that he lives right. Moreover, it does not mean that he or she will live forever.

People should probably also know that it is not the "all-seeing God," who does the process of tracking of which images people base their lives on, but it is one’s own organism, on the inside—that is how it is programmed. Nothing can hide from this mechanism; it cannot be fooled or cheated. And, people have to pay the highest price for their mistakes in regard to their psyche and body. Sometimes the price is very high. This refers to biological death of an organism.



It should be noted that according to our research of Shan Hai Jing and other ancient books related to it (we do not want to mention those books at this point), death is not a mandatory event for a human. Even more so, death is not natural at an age that in civilization is considered to be death as a natural order of things.

According to these sources, death is the result of a human mistake or mistakes, which caused a fatal damage of him as a living system. And, if a person stops making such frequent and fatal mistakes, he can live as long as he wants. (Shan Hai Jing mentions such long lifespans that it is not worth to tell modern people about them because they will sound too fantastic to them.)

As stated above, a "virus" called artificial images makes people make fatal mistakes. Errors that led to death of an organism are actions, behavior, human decisions. It is such a wide range of causes and effects that a detailed analysis in the format of this text is not possible. However, in a nutshell, people die not according to the laws of nature, and certainly not on the principle "God gives, and God takes away," but above all, due to lack of information about themselves, about others, about the world, about nature.

Also, from our point of view, religion is absolutely correct that this is occurring due to deep ignorance, laziness, stupidity, insistence on continuing to be stupid, unwillingness to work and learn; in other words, due to unwillingness to lead a life of a human instead of that of an animal. However, absolutely each one of qualities mentioned above are qualities that a person receives by creating or using artificial images. There is no other reason. "Devils", "demons" are not something that exists externally and comes to a human from the outside. "Devils", "demons", "evil spirits" are that what each human creates himself, and that what lives inside him.

As artificial images, these "evil spirits" appear and multiply due to human pride, laziness, and ignorance