Ideology of Religions. Scientific Proof of Existence of "God": The Catalog Of Human Population by Andrey Davydov - HTML preview

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86. Having lost or thrown out much of our possessions, we slept on stiff boards and, after we threw away our bed as well, we slept on the floor. However, after all these actions, we started feeling better. Our improvement reassured us that our hypothesis that someone was poisoning us had basis.

87. Our hypothesis was also confirmed on December 31st, 2010, when Olga went outside to take out the garbage and a piece of the lock on the metal front door fell off. Olga picked up the piece that fell off and discovered that it was the metal plate, which covered a portion of the lock. She asked me for help and I tried to fix the lock but discovered that the lock itself was broken too. We also discovered big cracks on each side of the lock, which clearly did not appear on their own. The broken lock completed the picture: somebody broke into our apartment and planted poisonous substances. Only FSB agents could do something like that.

88. I still did not want to believe my suspicions that the FSB were poisoning us so in order to...

89. ...

90. Then, I made the decision to tell Olga about my communication with FSB Colonel Polonchuk and the analytical work I did for him. While discussing the events of the past, we came to the conclusion that the FSB persecution began right after I refused to fulfill the FSB order on the Canadian salesman and denied official collaboration with the FSB. Because it was exactly then, in the fall of 2003, that I started having serious problems with my health, which led to the aneurism and inability to work. It was very simple to poison me, as I lived alone in my apartment at that time and it was not difficult for an FSB team to plant poisonous substances when I was out.

91. As we found out from different materials online, the style in which we were poisoned matched completely and exactly the style of killers from Special Services. This conclusion was based on experts’ opinion. For example, Russian doctor Baranov V.V. and his wife, scientist-chemist, Baranova T.A accuse Russian special services on their website in widespread secret use of “special substances” and they give detailed information on how special services accomplish poisoning. Quote: “In a democratic society, or a society that has a democratic appearance, the spectrum of traditional methods of pressure on the members of the society is inevitably narrowed, giving way to clandestine means of individual terror known as “the system of outlawed persecution” … In order to create “artificial physical unhealthiness” various means are used, beginning from those that came from the depth of history and ending with modern achievements of genetic engineering… Poisoning by narcotic substances are disguised as epilepsy, stroke, etc., poisonings by metal compounds – as gastroenteritis, peritonitis, etc.”

92. The method, which was chosen to kill Olga and I, was unapparent murder, which is a murder nobody can discover to be a murder. It turned out the FSB were disabling my common law wife and I for several years. They were depriving us of our ability to work by regularly poisoning us with small doses of toxic chemical substances. I think they kept poisoning us slowly for several years after I refused to do any more work for the FSB because Polunchuk expected me to come around and change my mind. He wanted us to show that he could control our health, our life, our ability to disseminate our research, and our ability to continue to complete Catalog. He expected me to help him. He called me every few months to ask me to help him with a new project. I continued to refuse to help him, and mine and Olga’s health consequently declined. 

93. The analysis of the poisoning issue and chronology of events explained why Olga’s health disorders only appeared after she began working with me, which was after I declined to use the Catalog of human population to fulfill Polunchuk’s orders and to officially collaborate with the FSB. Once she and I were both being poisoned, it is evident that I was being poisoned for much longer than she has been poisoned. We had similar symptoms, but in general my health was significantly worse than her health. She did not have those horrible spasms, which felt as though iron clutches were squeezing my throat and chest almost every night. She also did not have lead and cadmium in her blood. The results of my spirometry established that my bronchial efficiency dropped by 70%. Her respiration was much better than mine.

94. At the beginning this difference confused us; however, soon we realized that prior to us living together, the FSB killers were poisoning only me at my apartment from 2003 to 2009 while I lived alone. Olga’s health problems during that time were due to her visiting me at my house, but because she kept her own safe apartment, her health was somewhat protected. They started poisoning both of us only after I moved to Olga’s apartment. As we found out in special toxicological sources, poisonous substances tend to accumulate in the body and the health condition depends on their quantity.


Asking For Help And Protection From The Russian Authorities, Medical Professionals, And The Press

95. I believe the FSB or Russian special forces were poisoning us slowly, while still giving me a chance to change my mind about working for the FSB. I know that the FSB wanted the Catalog for their nefarious activities and I was the key to the Catalog. No me, no Catalog. Polunchuk called every few months and asks me to do work for them. That is how I know they wanted me alive and working.  Accordingly, they kept me alive (though barely) and expecting me to choose my health over my own moral principles. I believe that if I had told Polunchuk, during any of the repeated times he called me, that I agreed to work with him again and that and the FSB would have exclusive access to the Catalog, that the poisoning would have stopped. Instead, I continued to refuse to help the FSB and the poisoning continued to get worse. Once we started filing reports, going to the press, and asking for help from the police, as explained below, our health only worsened because the poisoning increased. I think Polunchuk and the FSB finally understood we would never help them and as a result, death was the only option.  (Fortunately, we fled to the United States before the FSB could execute their final plot against us.)

96. On January 4th 2011, we contacted the police in Moscow as soon as we finally realized what was happening to us. As the owner of the apartment, Olga reported that a crime occurred in connection with the discovery of the broken lock. The police accepted her statement and took the lock to conduct expert examination. However, on January 13, 2011, prior to getting the results from the expert examination, we received word that our request to initiate criminal proceedings had been denied.

97. Soon thereafter we called in experts from the Moscow Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. We wanted to find out the condition of our premises and we also hoped that if they found something bad and something out of the ordinary, FSB would be unable to force such a large organization to substitute the results of the examination. Partially, our predictions were correct. Upon conducting three examinations, the experts discovered chemical substances in the quantity, which was hazardous for health and life. They examined the air in the apartment and the air near the carpet, which was initially in the middle of the room, and which was later taken out to the balcony; they also examined the air near the bed and in the hallway closet. Excess of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in the living premises (room) amounted to: the concentrations of dibutyl phthalate was almost 10 times higher than MPC (carpet examination, which was taken out of the room to the balcony due to the strange smell in the room); the concentration of styrene was 5.5 times higher than MPC (near the bed); the concentration of formaldehyde was 3 times higher than MPC (also near the bed); and the concentration of volatile components of the aromatic mixture was 34 times higher than MPC. Air probes in the closet revealed that the concentration of styrene was 8 times higher than MPC, concentration of naphthalene was 7 times higher than MPC, and the concentration of the volatile components of the aromatic mixture was almost 40 times higher.

98. We got this information from the official reports and expert findings as of January 17 and January 26, 2011. Our apartment was officially found uninhabitable.

99. However, the examinations into the habitability of our apartment were undermined by the FSB and we believe the final examination was a forgery. The forgery of the last examination (gas chromatography and mass-spectrometry of the carpet), which we requested at the Moscow Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology on January 28, 2011 (carpet sample). We concluded that the forgery was due to, firstly, the fact that we had to wait for a along time for the results. Secondly, when Olga called them again in regards to the delay of the results, the head of the laboratory told her the lab has experienced big problems because of our request, the lab had to undergo an official inspection (which caused serious problems for their office), and the inspectors demanded withdrawal of the results of the prior examination. His statements to us led us instantly to conclude the FSB’s interference. Only this organization was capable of forcing such a large and trustworthy governmental establishment as the Moscow Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology to forge documents.

100. While talking to experts from the Moscow Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, we found out a lot of information, which was not officially documented. One of our friends, K., who was present during all the expert examinations, Olga, and I witnessed the experts’ serious confusion regarding the results they obtained. The quantity and the type of substances found in our apartment shocked them much more than us, who were ignorant of the substances’ malignancy and unusualness. The experts said that it was the first time they had come across such conditions in a private apartment. The experts did not know how to explain what they had found. Still, they diligently tried to find a reason; for example, they tried to connect such results to the external factors, such that they were probing the air outside of the apartment’s window, but they still could not find any explanations despite their varied efforts. In addition, the experts told us that such results could not be connected to furniture, which was more than 15 years old or renovations, which took place in this apartment more than 6 years ago. We were also told that our apartment contained such volatile components of aromatic mixtures 40 times higher than normal, that such was possible through a one-time ejection at a perfumery factory. In response to whether the substances found in our apartment could be considered poisonous and whether they were dangerous for our health, all the experts responded the same thing: given fixated levels of 30 to 40 times higher than norm, all these substances were considered poisonous. The experts recommended escaping our apartment, which they called a “gas chamber,” as soon as possible. We instantly remembered the Baranov’s article: “In order to create ‘artificial physical unhealthiness’ various means are used … The spectrum is practically unlimited as all substances if applied in overdoses are toxic for humans.” Baranov also stated that these special services were using different poisonous mixtures – multicomponent toxic mixtures.”

101. We also asked the experts how long a person had to inhabit our apartment for the hazardous chemicals to worsen the person’s health. They responded that it would take a long time to achieve such results and that application of the poisons required special training. They stated that a non-professional would not be able to achieve such results, but also would be under the risk of poisoning him or herself. They said it would be necessary to regularly refresh poisonous substances to maintain certain concentration. However, the experts refused to tell us as to where such specialists could be trained.

102. We knew the answer to this question ourselves, though: such specialists are trained at FSB. We learned it from the article Special Services against the ordinary people, quote: “As it follows from the open publications, the most powerful weapons of this system, so called “special means,” were and continue to be the weapons developed since the time of Vladimir Lenin in the notorious “Special Office” (Rus: “Spetsialny Kabinet”), which later transformed into top secret toxicological “Laboratory X” of professor Mairanovsky, bacteriological laboratory of academician Muromtsev and so on ... Subsequently the weapons were elevated by the modern followers to the qualitatively new level opening a possibility to organize an individual terror on a massive scale.”

103. For example, we found by some miracle, information about the so-called “Chamber” in an article stating, “Laboratory 12” or Kamera (the Room) was set up in 1921 by the Soviet Secret Service to develop trace-less poisons that would not be evident in an autopsy. The location of this clandestine poison factory is known to few people. As we drove, my contact told me he had worked briefly in the research department and assured me its activities were continuing.

104. We found out that the Special Services of the Russian Federation were using special mixtures of poisonous substances to provoke such symptoms, which regular doctors were unable to understand. These professionals made a “cocktail” of chemical substances in such a way that each “recipe” was tailored for a specific “client” considering his gender, age, health condition, etc. The Baranov’s described it as well, writing “During the later Soviet period the Special Services, first of all the KGB, used the data of medical check-ups and physical examinations for active revealing of latent, chronic diseases of a victim with the purpose of their amplification by special means in order to gradually finish off a victim labeling it as death from the natural causes.”

105. We also found out that if some of these ordinary, civilian toxicologists or, for example, experts in forensic medicine managed to uncover secret FSB “cocktails” - the people would either vanish without a trace or they would be found dead. It is mentioned in a lot of literature and we personally encountered the confirmation for it. When we contacted one expert in forensic medicine telling him that we were getting poisoned by Special Services, he not only named an extremely high price for his services, but he also stated that he would never officially document, for any money in the world, what was found in our apartment.

106. Having discovered such a huge amount of poisonous substances in our apartment, we encountered the problem as to how to clear it out of our bodies on our own, without the help of toxicologists who refused to treat us. We found a method, which cleared the blood from any harmful substances – cascade plasma filtration. The procedure purifies the blood by running the blood through special filters, which retain everything harmful while the beneficial substances and the blood itself are returned to the body of the patient.

107. At the end of January 2011 in one of the American-Russian outpatient clinic in Moscow, the transfusiologist of this clinic heard our complaints, looked through our medical records, and confirmed that cascade plasma filtration was warranted. Olga and I went through the procedure once each. My blood plasma was of such horrific color, that the doctor decided to take a picture of my filter. She told us she has never seen anything like that before in her life. Due to my plasma filtration results, she gave me a referral to conduct a heavy metal panel. The heavy metal panel showed that I had 40% higher lead content and 20% higher cadmium content than usual. And, these figures were after a complete blood purification procedure! I asked what percentage one procedure of cascade plasma filtration lowers the quantity of heavy metals in blood. The doctor responded that it would be by 20-25%. Thus, prior to the first procedure, I could have the concentration of lead at around 60% higher and the concentration of cadmium at around 40% higher. The doctor confirmed these calculations. She also added that even the quantity that was found after the filtration supported a severe toxic poisoning. In addition, the doctor said that lead and cadmium get deposited not in blood, but in bones and internal organs.

108. On January 28, 2011, the day after we discovered heavy metals in my blood, Olga contacted the police again. Olga filed the second report. We hoped that the police would be able to connect the first statement about lock break with the newly discovered evidence that our apartment contained poisonous substances and that my blood contained lead and cadmium. The first denial in starting the investigation was based on the reason that when Olga submitted the first statement about the break in, there was no indication of burglary. We thought that if the police saw new documents about the poison, then it would be obvious that someone broke into our apartment not for the purpose of taking something out of it, but to plant something – plant the poisonous substances.

109. It turned out that our hopes were futile. On February 8, 2011, we received an official denial of the request to initiate a criminal investigation based on the presence of poisonous substances found in our apartment. The basis for this denial did not tolerate any criticism and it was obviously fabricated. It more resembled idle reasoning and guesses of a police lieutenant, Aleksey Yurevich Nadirov, because they clearly contradicted the conclusions, which experts had made and documented. The lieutenant’s conclusions implied the scientific conclusions of the Moscow Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology were incompetent.

110. Some time after the denial in February 2011, this lieutenant Nadirov, our district police inspector and one other person with captain shoulder straps came to visit us. We were surprised that the district police inspector would come to our home, much less do so accompanied by individuals of higher rank. The police captain seemed very suspicious due to his behavior and the questions he asked. His behavior more resembled that of a FSB agent based on my experience with FSB agents. The incident strengthened our opinion that the FSB or similar organization was working against us.

111. During the period of December 2010 through the end of March 2011, Olga and I felt like handcuffed prisoners. Beginning December 2010 we stopped going outside together. We would go outside alone only when it was necessary (buy groceries, visit doctors, etc.). We were doing it in order to prevent our killers from breaking into our apartment.

112. In addition, I could not go outside because of my serious problems breathing while walking. Olga was buying groceries and medicine. Once she would come back, she had to completely undress right at the entrance and take a shower right away; she would also wash all the clothes that she was wearing to go outside. Due to such special nature of the events, she had to wear only light windbreakers even when it was freezing outside because she could not wash a fur coat, sheepskin coat, or feather down-padded coat.

113. Olga and a person who would accompany her (she stopped leaving the apartment without a companion) were forced to stop using cell phones. We noticed that our cell phones were not only tapped, but were also used as special microphones, through which our persecutors were able to follow everything that was happening in our apartment and follow the destinations of owners of these phones. Our connection to the outside world was completely interrupted.

114. After some time, Olga practically stopped going outside because we were afraid of more cardinal actions on the part of our murderers especially after contacting official organizations and seeing their reaction to our requests for help. Elena Skorbatyuk (Olga’s daughter) and our acquaintances brought us groceries and medicine.

115. In addition, Olga and I were forced to stop communicating with our parents, since we were afraid that someone would persecute them as well. Our communication circle was very narrow: Olga’s daughter, two acquaintances who were helping us during these difficult times, who I mentioned above; our therapist, who was trying to treat us somehow, and our lawyer. Our lawyer was helping us with solving issues with the police and other governmental agencies, which we were forced to contact. Based on our observation, a person or persons were planting poisons on the people in our circle since they became sick as well. For example, our friend's spirometry detected bronchial obstruction, although her bronchi were normal in the past, she did not smoke. When murderers from FSB were forced to stop using their previous methods of poisoning us because one of us was always at the apartment and they could no longer sneak in while we were out, they started poisoning everybody who was entering and leaving our apartment in order to get the poisons still into our apartment. We also received certain “packages” brought our guests as “mailmen.” However, due to the fact that Olga and I accumulated much more poisonous substances in our bodies than our guests by that time (and the “cocktails” were created for us and not for them), our health worsened to a much greater extent than those others in our circle.

116. We stopped using phone connections and we contacted people through multiple electronic mailboxes. Our acquaintances experienced strange incidents and malfunctions of their mobile and Internet connections. For example, one day when Olga woke up, she saw a missed call from her friend. She called back but this friend told Olga that she did not call her. They were both confused. Later they resolved it. Her friend told us, that once she hung up after talking to Olga, she reviewed all her outgoing calls. She discovered not only Olga’s number, which she has never dialed, but she also saw as right in front of her eyes this number was getting erased from her phone. Additionally, another time we unplugged the Internet connection cord from our computer; however the computer was still connected and was able to open up Internet pages. I experienced multiple examples like the ones described above.

117. In February 2011, apparently after our murderers made certain that we not only discovered their plan, but we were also trying to report what was happening to us – we noticed a light on at the attic of the house across. At the same time we noticed that our enemies could get the information not only through the conversations on the cell phones but also through conversations that took place at home. It forced us to think whether “internal sound bugs” were installed in our apartment. We felt that we could not longer speak freely in the apartment. We kept a notebook and a pencil on the kitchen table and we started communicating with each other and our few acquaintances exclusively in writing.

118. Later after this, more things happened which supported our fears that we were being poisoned and watched. We started hearing strange noises that were coming from the apartment upstairs where nobody lived for a long time. We also noticed, that when we were sleeping with the balcony door open, we would always wake up really beat and I would have even stronger and more frequent suffocation fits. We remembered the information from the Baranov’s website: “If there is no possibility to intrude into the dwelling, poisoning substances are usually delivered as vapor or aerosol via the ventilation system of the building, or by a special drill that can run through a residence ceiling or a wall, or by other methods.” Olga tried to call the neighbor above, but he would not pick up his phone. Then she contacted the property management who informed Olga that according to their information this apartment was currently empty. We also discovered new strange similar stains above our main entrance door and on the kitchen ceiling. All our houseplants turned yellow, dried out and died. All of this led us to conclude that we had to leave our apartment as soon as possible.


The Final Months In Russia

119. Late on the night of February 11, 2011, without any word, with our phones turned off, and taking only minimal necessities with us, Olga and I left our apartment for good. We moved to the apartment of our friend, who agreed to give us shelter.

120. This arrangement significantly helped us to survive. Upon entering our friend's apartment, we instantly noticed that the atmosphere there was quite different from what we were used to. And, we immediately realized the reason: the air in our friend's apartment was fresh. It did not contain unpleasant or heavy smells like those in our apartment. We found ourselves thinking that, after a few months of confinement, we practically had forgotten the taste of normal air.

121. Time passed, and being that it is inappropriate to live in somebody else's apartment for a long time and we could not go back anymore to our apartment, we had no place to live. We had to do something. So we tried to get attention of law enforcement agencies yet again and to obtain their protection. In the middle of February of 2011, Olga filed a third statement with the police. Olga filed the statements because she owned the apartment.

122. We also contacted journalist Alexander Lebedev (, who is the owner of Novaya Gazeta (New Newspaper) ( We provided him with materials about our medical problems, the police reports and responses, the letters to the President and Prime Minister, and about my relationship with Colonel Polunchuk of the FSB. I was not afraid that Mr. Lebedev would alert the FSB about my claims because I myself was already telling the FSB I was aware of their actions and I thought that if my story made the press, then the FSB would back off. I thought publishing our story would protect us. Mr. Lebedev responded that he received the materials and they were interesting to him, so he personally gave them to his editors. The editors contacted us by phone and said that our information was interesting, but they needed some clarifications before publishing our story and that they would call us back. But then, we were forced to turn our phones off again and our connection to the journalists was interrupted. Since we could not use or trust our phones, we decided that it was useless to contact other magazines or newspapers.

123. On March 3, 2011, without any response from the police, we sent a letter to President A.D. Medvedev and Prime-Minister V.V. Putin.

124. In the middle of March 2011 we received a response from the presidential reception that they directed this case to police. It was a dead end. In regards to Putin's reception, despite the law, which requires this governmental agency to respond to the appeals of all citizens, we did not receive any response to our appeal.

125. I would like to reiterate that all our statements to official agencies were sent with the copies of the expert medical examinations. Thus, we presented the proof that Olga and I were being poisoned to death. None of the governmental agencies responded. None of them came to our aid. None of them tried to protect us. None of these myrmidons of the law, these blind agencies cogs – i.e. from the police from the Novo-Peredelkino District, public prosecutor's office, MVD, Moscow Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, Presidential reception and Prime Minister reception – were going to interfere with the activities of the FSB. The abovementioned agencies deliberately left us, who were sick and absolutely helpless, alone against the FSB who were trained professionals attempting to kill us slowly in a professional and purposeful manner. This was all done despite the existence of the European Convention on Human Rights, which includes such rights as the “right to life,” “right to security of person,” “right to security of residence,” and “right to security of personal privacy.”  Despite the proof that our constitutional rights were violated, none of the governmental agencies responded to our multiple statements and none of them protected us.

126. In March 2011, we took one last step. We sent a letter to the FSB of the Russian Federation. However, we did not wait for their response (and as it turned out later we did the right thing, because the FSB supposedly conducted the verification in a very short period of time and based on this verification denied further investigation). Due to all the actions that we took, our lives were in even greater danger than before. Once we realized the mortal danger has increased, we had nothing else to do, but to leave our Russia forever. We exhausted all the chances of survival in this country; the country, where governmental agencies, which were called for protecting its citizens by law, were killing them with impunity.

127. We had to act with no delays. Despite our bad health conditions – I could barely breath and Olga was not in the best shape either – we had nothing else to do but to escape, leaving everything behind. At that time we had only one visa in our passports – American visa, which was still open from the last visit.


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