Ideology of Religions. Scientific Proof of Existence of "God": The Catalog Of Human Population by Andrey Davydov - HTML preview

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"Spirits edified, demons instilled..."


“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears Мy voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Мe.” (Rev. 3:20)



We are hopeful that the brief information that fit into the format of this book about structure of homo sapiens, human “soul” and the “Catalog of Human Souls,” will help people to at least get the answer to the question about the meaning of their lives. And, they will not have to, like the author of Ecclesiastes, ask themselves strange questions like: "What is the benefit to a human from all his work, what does he work for under the sun?" Since the answer has long ago been recorded in the ancient sources that we discussed, and our readers already know that they state that every homo sapiens, first of all, must work hard to make himself a Human.

We also hope that the information about where artificial images come from, and the implications of following "programs" implanted in them will help people learn how to distinguish useful from harmful. Since if one does not, then images from books, movies, songs, paintings, and the Internet, which soak in as food for the mind, begin to serve, using the computer language, as program applications according to which a person begins to live. We think it made sense to write this book for this alone.

We think people will begin to understand that while reading, for example: "Vanity of vanities, saith Ecclesiastes, vanity of vanities; all is vanity" (Ecclesiastes 1:2), knowing nothing about the mechanisms of artificial images and their impact on human psychophysiology, a person starts to live and act by this program. And, in the end all of his life, all his actions, efforts are in vain, useless, do not bring results. Since synonyms of the word ‘vanity’ are concepts such as "emptiness", "anxiety", "paltriness", "commotion", "haste", "bustle", "empty chores", "scurry", "trumpery." (By the way, does this not resemble the life of a modern representative of this civilization?) In the end, a person himself turns into a useless subject, a nothing sooner or later, as everything that he does not have any meaning or benefit. In addition, ‘vanity’ is also perishability because among synonyms of this word are words ‘ashes’ and ‘dust’. And, ‘perishability’ means mortality. Therefore, a person who naively "swallowed" this statement thereby turns on the program of self-destruction.

This is how artificial images work.

Of course, everyone has the right to consider the author of Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes is the name of a book of the Old Testament that in the Christian Bible is placed among books of Solomon) an incredibly wise man. No matter whether the author was King Solomon or someone else. More important is that, in terms of information from books that are dozens, even millions of years older than this work, he is simply a naïve, confused subject who knows nothing and understands nothing. Since only a confused person can draw a conclusion like: "I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit" (Ecclesiastes 1:14). Only a person who knows nothing about his own self and the world might think he knows everything.

Or, for example, another well-known statement by the same author: "Who increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow" (Ecclesiastes 1:18). From the perspective of knowledge that the main function of homo sapiens, according to the “Creator's Plan” is to learn—it is difficult to utter a bigger preposterousness. People who trustingly "eat" these sayings can be sincerely pitied. If everyone shared this position, today science would not exist, and humanity would continue to run around with a stone ax. However, more important is that the acceptance of this position makes a person into a madman because information is food for human intellect. Blocking his access to perception of new information, one lives only in his imaginations and memories, and, as it is called, "goes crazy" because his intellect stops receiving nutrition, exactly the same as if he would have stopped feeding his stomach. However, on the other hand, multiplication of one’s knowledge by consumption of fruits from the dreamland of another philosopher-dreamer is not only pointless, but also harmful to health. After all, a reader, whether he likes it or not, whether he agrees with it or not, begins to live according to pictures “painted” by the author because a human is a living machine that works on programs, both natural and artificial.

Since all images presented in literary and other works of homo sapiens, such as painting, music, cinema, are artificial images—life of naïve, unsuspecting consumers of these products begins to "go downhill" very quickly. There is a very interesting effect: everything that another "king solomon" "paints" for a reader (listener, viewer, etc.) at some point begins to appear in his or her life. Or, as they say: "comes true." Moreover, a person perceives this as confirmation that another author of "great wisdom" was right, when in fact, he as the consumer of artificial images has successfully implemented the program of actions that was recorded by these images. He did this with his own hands, and it is unimportant that he had no idea what he was doing and why.

The fact that people now have at least some idea of what an ‘image’ is and how it works, there is hope that they will be more critical of information that comes to them from the outside. Since they will know that it will all appear inside them like a sandwich, and their cells will start to consume this information, changing them and their lives not at all for the better.

We were happy to share this information. Therefore, it the beginning we stated that, despite the fact that this text was created as a new ideology of religions, we are absolutely indifferent to how representatives of religious faiths, institutions will react to this information and whether or not they will react at all. We wrote this book for people because we know that in each one of them a part of our Creator is implanted, a part of His potential. And, we want people to be able to realize this potential.

By the way, according to ancient sources this is what doing good means.



As far as our participation in any kind of civilization processes—we are not interested in them. We are no longer interested in all that does not relate to us personally. However, by words "us personally" we do not mean that what is commonly meant by this; we mean that what does not apply to our psychophysiology: psyche ("soul," subtype program) and body since the only thing that applies to them is that information, those activities which are prescribed to each of us in the “Catalog of Human Souls.” This is what is important to us. This is what we are interested in, and not something else.

Therefore, we ask all those who want to talk with us after reading this book, to not offer to us participation in non-constructive discussions, or, even more so, demand evidence from us. We are not engaged in providing evidence, we are engaged in our research studies, and evidence in this process appears on its own. From our point of view, nearly 280 published books with descriptions of people that anyone can test by comparing these descriptions with specific, real people, carriers of these programs is sufficient evidence that the Catalog of human population exists, and that we know how to decrypt this book. As for discussions, we are ready only for those that relate to the essence of the question, but in any case are not a type of "entertainment" when a person is just bored, or just wants to talk with a goal of feeling interesting and useful to someone, or to play a game "You are all fools, only I'm smart, and now I will prove it," to us this is all the same.

Also, we would like to ask to not make recommendations to us to study religious sources, supposedly referring to that we are not familiar with all of them, and so cannot offer a new ideology of religions. We are well aware of this trick of religious leaders and not only them. In our understanding, this belongs to the category of phenomena that we described in Part 10 (“Dead Souls”: Human Mutants). As practice shows, it is completely unnecessary in order to understand the essence of processes occurring in the world of religion. Just like it is unnecessary to step on feces in order to make sure that it is not a chocolate cake. For us, those books that we study are quite enough to understand all the processes, phenomena that take place in society. To us it is enough to be experts in our field, and we do not claim anything else. We do not want to seem arrogant, we are open for any life processes, but not for dead processes, meaninglessness, which civilization proposes to engage in. We are simply familiar with arithmetic, and calculated that if we consider human life span as 90 years—that is even less than 800,000 hours. We value our time, and we have things to do.



In conclusion we would like to say that we understand very well where the "legs grow out of" in any kind of mystery (see Part 10—“Dead Souls”: Human Mutants), and are working hard so that there are fewer mysteries. However, we differentiate between mysteries as something that exists in nature, but is not yet known, and "mysteries" invented by people in order to hide the fact that they lack self-knowledge, lack interesting information and just want to attract attention. And, we think that people need mysteries from the first category. Therefore, we would like the words that stand under the Epilogue—"Spirits edified, demons instilled"—to remain a mystery to our readers, a mystery that perhaps they will want to unriddle sometime, as well as other mysteries, an abundance of which were left to all of us by the Creator.





As our more than 25 years of experience have shown, when people find out about the discovery of the Catalog of human population they are usually interested in, among other things, knowing about us as researchers of this ancient source. We think this is natural. Anticipating such an interest on part of readers of this book, we decided to present some information about ourselves. Especially since currently it is impossible to find authentic information about us from other sources, and especially on the Internet.

Our story certainly applies to a very limited period of our life and work: from the year 2000 to year 2010. However, we think this is the most demonstrative and interesting period for those interested in our personal story.

And then, allow us, as it is commonly said, to leave in the manner of the English, that is—without saying goodbye. We said everything we wanted to say in this book. If someone wants to communicate with us personally, currently, the only way to contact us is via one of the Internet resources, where we sell information from the Catalog of human population: It is easy to do. Simply go to; enter your login and password; select "An item for sale"; select the option "Other Question" (next to "Select a Subject"); click "Write Message"; write your message; and then click on "Send email" to send it. The second option to reach us is to contact the Human Population Academy (see and your message will be forwarded to us. However, please note that if information that you want to communicate to us is very personal or confidential, it is possible to contact us directly only via Amazon, otherwise our response will be sent through the Academy.


Our Story From One Of Declarations For United States Department Of Homeland Security.

My name is Davydov, Andrey Nikolaevich (Andrey Davydov). I, the undersigned, declare the following to be true and correct to the best of my recollection under penalty of perjury:



1. I was born in Frunze, Kirghizia of former USSR (Kyrgyzstan).  I was raised in Moscow, Russia, attended good schools, have worked hard in my life, and have no criminal history. I have two children. They live in Moscow. 

2. My partner, Olga Vladimirovna Skorbatyuk (“Olga”), and I came to the United States on B-2 visas on March 31, 2011. She and I are independently asking for political asylum from the government of the United States, in view of the fact that FSB agents (former KGB) are trying to kill us.

3. Members of the FSB are trying to eliminate me because I provided some analytical materials regarding upper Russian executives to FSB Colonel Andrey Dmitrievich Polonchuk. These materials contained opposition research against the Russian president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to show his vulnerabilities and ability to stay in power; the materials were specifically requested by Colonel Polunchuk in furtherance of an apparent plot within the FSB to overthrow Putin shortly after he came into power.

4. Additionally, over the span of approximately 5 years I provided other materials to Colonel Polunchuk that I now believe were used for nefarious purposes, including internal analysis of the FSB, opposition movements against Putin, and how to get money and from whom.  

5. Ultimately, after approximately five years of passing analytical information to Colonel Polonchuk I refused to provide him with further information due to the fact that I was offered to partake in murder. A short time thereafter, I refused to sign the official collaboration agreement with FSB. I did not know at that time that my rejection to work with FSB would automatically trigger my death sentence as one who had information compromising the apparent loyalty of FSB generals and upper Russian executives to Putin as well as evidence of the sinister involvement in various nefarious and criminal activities of members of the FSB.

6. Olga and I suspect members of the FSB are persecuting Olga and me (on account of our scientific research) because we have experienced and suffered strange, unmotivated, and inexplicable health problems since refusing to continue to provide information to the FSB. The suspicious nature of the onset of our symptoms increased when we discovered that the main door to our apartment was broken into; and when our relatives and friends, who visited our place often, started having ailments similar to ours. After contacting experts who examined our apartment, we discovered that our living space (Olga’s apartment) contained chemical substances in quantities hazardous for health and life. It was discovered that there were heavy metals in my blood; excesses of lead by 40% and of cadmium by 20%. These discoveries are supported with documents from the official institutions where the studies were performed. The experts’ opinions found our apartment inhabitable because of the large quantities of poisonous substances. In short, doctors reported that we got poisoned. The experts from the Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology who conducted the examination of our premises concluded that the poisoning substances which were found were not connected to furniture or renovation. They also made it clear that if these substances were planted there, then it was a professional who did it; perhaps, using special equipment.

They said that a non-professional would not be able to do it. The experts justified their opinion by stating that a person who was not connected to special services of the Russian Federation would have no access to the substances, nor would he or she have the ability to apply them in the manner applied.

7. We know the poisoning was not a simple criminal act or retaliation for any criminal activity because Olga, our relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and I have never committed any criminal actions or participated in any criminal activities. Besides, criminal groups are not capable of the high skill of implementation, which was demonstrated in the attempts to kill us.

8. The manner and methods of the attempts on the lives of Olga and I, such as the sophistication of poisoning mixtures, the unrestricted breaking into the premises, the wiretap of our phones/buildings/cars, the hacking of our computers, and also the complete failure of law-enforcement agencies to protect us are clearly, in my opinion, pointing out that it was the work of FSB or some kind of special forces who kill professionally in Russia and abroad; groups such as the GRU (Central Intelligence Agency) and FSB. I doubt GRU was persecuting us since they didn't have reasons for it. I can't say the same about FSB since I was conducting analytical forecasts for one of the FSB agents from 1999 to 2003.

9. After learning about my scientific research, the FSB colonel Polonchuk asked me to give him information about Putin, who just in May of 2000 came to power. Polonchuk was interested in how long Putin could conceivably remain in power and so on. I was quite capable of answering these questions since the subject of my scientific research was the Catalog of human population. The Catalog was developed based on the decoding of the ancient Chinese manuscript Shan Hai Jing (Classic of the Mountains and Seas).

10. Using the Catalog of human population, one can deduce the characteristics of any person and his/her actions by using special estimation methodology that I developed. Specifically, the Catalog of human population can determine vicious or illegal actions, which he/she would like to hide from scrutiny. At the request of Colonel Polonchuk, I gave him the abovementioned information about Putin and others (see below). Colonel Polonchuk was not only ordering the information about the former President of the country, but also was a part of the team, which didn't want Putin to be at the power. We believe that Polonchuk had an intention to finish us so Putin could never find out about his attitude, plans, and past actions.

11. It is also possible that Colonel Polonchuk and his FSB colleagues were planning on using the Catalog of human population as a powerful tool for theft, all types of violence and for accomplishing other criminal actions. He gave me several hints that FSB strongly objected to the general public finding out about the existence of this ancient source of knowledge. Since I didn't agree to participate in their criminal riots in the role of analyst and due to the fact that Polonchuk realized during the time of working with me that their analysts were not capable of getting the information about people from Shan Hai Jing or the Catalog of human population without my help, Polonchuk decided to act based on the principle: “If not ours, then nobody's!”


Beginning, Introductions, Verifications, And The FSB’s Colonel Polunchuk

12. This story began in Summer 1999. One year before the Russian president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin came to power, I met Colonel A.D. Polonchuk, who was a SVR colonel (Foreign Intelligence Service, one of the FSB departments). I have to note, however, that I found out Polonchuk was a FSB officer only a year later, in the summer of 2000.

13. In June or July 1999 a man called me, and he introduced himself as Andrey Dmitrievich Polonchuk. According to him, he found the information about me and my scientific research in the Moscow magazine Power of Spirit, where I published the article “Myths Or Structures Of Psyche?” in co-authorship with one of my acquaintances from ITAR TASS V. Fedoruk. At that time I was doing the same thing I do now - I was conducting scientific research and I was decrypting the ancient Chinese manuscript Shan Hai Jing (Classic of the Mountains and Seas), which turned out to be the Catalog of human population (hereinafter Catalog). Using the Catalog of human population methodology which I developed, one can obtain the information from this ancient source about any characteristics of any person, regardless of whether we were acquainted or not, his/her race, nationality, social status, and other factors. Moreover, one can obtain such detailed information about any person, knowing only the month, day, year of birth and the gender (place and time of birth are irrelevant). The Catalog describes the entire human population which is why it was called the Catalog of human population. By the time I met Polonchuk, my technology of decrypting Shan Hai Jing was completed (I began my research in 1975), tested it for 3 years on a sample of approximately 3,000 people, and validated using the scientific standards point of view.

14. The Catalog's attributes attracted my new acquaintance, Polunchuk to contact me and ask me for information. Shan Hai Jing’s decryption not only opens up the possibility of obtaining information about the type of person one is dealing with and specifically about his/her true essence and hidden motivation mechanisms, but also about his/her actions including those actions, which the person is trying to keep clandestine. In addition, the Catalog offers information about the methods of how to regulate (manipulate) people using untraceable methods of influence without being noticed as such.

15. Polonchuk told me he was very interested in my research and offered to meet me. He also asked me in advance whether I had information about him personally. I obviously responded affirmatively, since “Shan Hai Jing” has information about any person. Then Polonchuk asked me in a very polite manner to bring these materials to the meeting.

16. Several days later we met not far from MHAT theatre, at the boulevard. I brought the information, which Polonchuk requested, a decoding of his individual program from the Catalog in the form of express analysis. Polonchuk reviewed the documents I gave him and he was very impressed with the materials. According to him, he saw himself in the description. We parted ways after this.

17. Polonchuk was organizing our further meetings over the phone. We were meeting in different cafes and restaurants including café Pyramid near the movie theatre Pushkin at the Pushkin Square, a Chinese restaurant at the new MHAT building, and a café near the metro stop Ohotnyj Ryad.

18. At first, Polunchuk exclusively requested personal information from the Catalog: about his relatives, son, wife and acquaintances. He justified his requests stating that he had to be certain that the technology of estimating the structure of human psyche and decryptions of human programs from the ancient text Shan Hai Jing were really working. I never objected to his requests for verification of my theory and gave him all the information he was requesting.

19. This verification process lasted almost a year and included reviews of various subjects known to Polunchuk, so he could compare my findings with his own understanding of the subjects. At the end of the verification process, Polonchuk announced that he had no objections or complaints in regards to received information. And only then, in the summer of 2000, during one of our meetings, he introduced himself as an FSB agent and showed his identification as a Colonel in the Foreign Intelligence Service. During the same meeting, Polonchuk asked me to prepare analytical materials about V.V. Putin, who recently (in May of 2000) came to power. The goals of this analysis were the following: find out if the new Russian President was temporary or not, how long Putin would stay at power and so on.

20. I didn’t have any problems with answering these questions; I could obtain all the information about the new Russian President, which Polonchuk was interested in, using the Catalog. The analytical work he requested regarding Putin was beyond the depth of any analysis I had conducted previously, which is why as a researcher I found the request rather interesting. In addition, the work paid well. I was exclusively conducting scientific research, so I couldn’t miss this opportunity. Most importantly though, when I agreed to this offer, I didn’t know that all the analysts who were conducting similar forecasts for FSB didn’t live for long. And, people who had compromising information about FSB generals and colonels (in this case I had information that Polonchuk, his management, and colleagues were part of an anti-Putin group) were eliminated even faster. (Obviously if I knew then what I know now about the manner and methods of FSB work, I would have halted my communication with Polonchuk regardless of the pay.)

21. I completed my work and gave the materials about Putin to Polonchuk and Polunchuk handed me the agreed-upon fee. Polonchuk was disappointed in the results of this research: his bosses, a group of his colleagues from FSB and him were hoping that Putin would not remain in power for long and that Putin would be replaced in one to two months. This group, most probably, counted on becoming loyal to a new leader, one who conceivably would replace the new President. (Polonchuk never openly stated that he was against Putin, but his actions and his indirect discussion made his loyalty clear to me). The research into Putin’s personality pointed out that the anti-Putin hopes had no chance of realizing. My analysis clearly indicated that Putin not only would occupy the President's chair for long, but that he was also planning on building a power system, which would cover the entire Eurasian region. My findings also showed that Putin would be able to find financial means for this global project.

22. Although I believe that I upset Polonchuk with my predictions about Putin, he later enthusiastically thanked me for my analytical work, gave me a bonus, and explained the bonus by stating that I seriously helped him and his bosses by calculating who Putin was and what kind of policy he would implement.  He said that because of my analytical work, this FSB group was not only not fired, but also through knowing Putin’s characteristics they were able to position themselves to advance in their careers. However, I was still really surprised about this generous bonus. On one hand it was quite logical, yet on the other hand it wasn’t typical for FSB to be generous with money, as I had noticed over our past several transactions.

23. It is necessary to note that money and research curiosity were not the basic reason to my agreement to fulfilling orders from Polonchuk. My main reason for agreeing to work with Polunchuk was that I hoped the relationship would lead to large investments from the government for a new laboratory for my research. Polonchuk and I discussed the possibility of additional funding, he did not say exactly where the money would come from, but he did say that he and his organization for very interested in having the Catalog at their disposal through their own laboratory, and I thought it would mean more funding for me to perform broader research, the creation of a laboratory that I would run, and which would attract different specialists that would assist me to expedite the process of creating the complete version of the Catalog. The personnel added financing at the already existing laboratory, the laboratory “Totems” founded by Andrey Vladimirovich Varfalomeev, was insufficient for the level of research necessary to complete the Catalog. I believed that the Catalog was so important to the Russian people and the entire world that it needed to be completed on a governmental scale with government assistance and Polonchuk agreed with my opinion. In fact, during one of our conversations, Polonchuk expressed his interest in financing the advancement of the project of creating the complete version of the Catalog. His interest persuaded me to work as an analyst, fulfilling unofficial orders from FSB. I knew the FSB and Russian special services had large personal monetary funds, not to mention many connections they had in different social layers, so I was convinced that they would fund my research if I kept working with them.

24. Although he showed interest and kept telling me that the Catalog would receive the financing I sought, month after month, Polonchuk prolonged the decision regarding the financing of my laboratory. He often told me that we would talk specifics about the fina