Interpretation of the Thirtieth Part of the Holy Qur'An


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Book Description

In Am'ma Part we can see how Al’lah overwhelms us with His Favor and Charity and guards us by His Mercy and great Care. Within it, we can see the Godly Justice has been manifested Itself with Its most magnificent meanings. How great is he who recites them or reads them! How great is he who draws attaintion to them or publishes them! For those people are indeed sources of truth, right and religion. All of these blessings are but drops from the ocean of the favor of he (cpth) who rose high above all that is high. Glorify him (cpth), then, and appreciate him (cpth) in order that you can comprehend these meanings and be able to apply them. Let him (cpth) be your highest example and your leader forever and ever.

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