Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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The Correct Logic

To begin with, a healthy Apple Tree with no "medical" problems, ( if the term medical can be applied to trees ), ( my apologies to you English Language fanatics, who must, most irritatingly, correct every single English error in this book and in the world ) will produce 100% Good Apples. They are all A Apples.

Should an Apple Tree produce a bad apple, even a single one, then the tree is suspect. And surely so, yes ? You may argue it is only that branch, which produces bad apple or apples, but is not the branch a part of the tree ? Is it not of the same DNA ?

Is not Salafi Islam also Islam even if Sunni Islam ?

Now let me ask you this. Assuming we rid the world of this Salafi thing, do you think it is then safe ? Islam would then be accepted again as a Great World Religion, at par with say Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Atheism ? Will we really be able to live happily ever after ? Excuse me, what ? How old are you ?

Going back to basics, our Apple Tree, if you cut of that Bad Branch, the remaining tree would consist of only good Apples. With lesser quantity maybe, yes, but they are all good. To that end, I would agree with your argument

But let me ask you this. When you cut off a branch a tree, typically a new branch will grow. Let's assume that bad branch is now chopped off, and a new branch is cutely budding into existence. Who on this planet Earth can guarantee me that this new branch will produce Good Apples and only Good Apples, and no bad Apples at all ? Who ?

Come forward, let's have a bet. I will bet you my life savings, which isn't much. Why do you think I take all the trouble to write this book, eh ?

In all likelihood, if we Abracadabra the Salafi, a new shoot will grow looking innocent, grow fast and healthy, until such time the Apples appear, and then surprise surprise ! It's Salafi 2.0 !

This is why I do not agree with the USA or whomever else idea it was, to go after the Salafis. That ain't going to solve the problem. It's not even a temporary fix ! Do you know how many Salafis there are in the world ? Do you know where they are ? It is obvious as good or as bad as a war with Islam. Saying the war is against Terrorists and not against Islam will not help. Not to an observing guy like me. Not to an Atheist who thinks. And certainly not to the many Muslims around the world.

And that is the reason the Explosions and Wars and Killings keep going. The logic employed is simply wrong. Yes, the Wars are needed perhaps, we need to preserve Law and Order and Peace on Earth, but any military man know to defeat an enemy you cut off the supplies.

The fuel of Islam is the Koran. No, not burn the Koran, that's stupid. That's like burning the Bible, a lot of good that would do to stifle Christianity ! Lol. Take an honest look at the Koran,and edit, censor it, whatever you want to call it. Fix it ! Not edit this book.

Find out why the branch that produces Bad Apples do so, do the Scientific Research, come up with a solution. It's Cancer perhaps, ya ? Well, lets go after the Cancer cells. Do we need to chop off the whole branch ? No I think. We are talking about millions of innocent lives here. We examine the branch carefully, we find the culprit, and we treat or take away or destroy the culprit.

We examine the Koran properly, we treat or take away or destroy the offensive verses ( edit ). Yes I know, I have been crazy all my life.