Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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The Flawed Logic of People

It is people because this flawed logic is made by almost everyone except those trained in Science or in Logic. Professionals also understand and is careful about such errors. They therefore to not jump to conclusions too quickly, and is always sceptical about what is being shoved to them.

Typically I am being told that there are good exemplary Muslims, therefore the fault must be with the Islamists and Terrorists. They are the ones who bring bad name to the religion. There is nothing wrong with the religion. And this is the typical Muslim response. You can verify this yourself. Go, ask any Muslim. Take a small stone, throw it in the air, in Pakistan say, tell the lucky guy he won 100 bucks today if he answers one simple question, then shoot the question to him.

This is simple logic, seemingly correct but flawed. If two apples A & B on the same tree, and apple A is good, and but apple B is bad, following flawed logic, then there must be something wrong with Apple B, and there is nothing wrong with the Apple tree.

The evidence that here is nothing wrong with the Apple tree is Apple A being a good and shiny red Apple. The evidence that Islam is fine, a religion of peace, bla, bla ,bla comes from the many millions of good Muslim.

So what is wrong with Apple B ? Assuming the tree is well kept and is away from pests, and sits on healthy ground with fertile soil, then perhaps it is that particular branch of the Apple Tree that produces Bad Apples. Indeed, so what do we do ? We cut off that branch.

The intelligence service of USA and many other intelligence services has reported Salafism as the fastest-growing Islamic movement in the world.

What is Salafi ?

From Wiki :-


In simple terms, Salafi is the Bad Apple of Islam. There are perhaps many other bad apples, but this is perhaps the biggest, the bulk of the problem in Islam. Hence the War against Terrorist now focused on Salafis, the Bad Apple of Islam. Not only it is the fastest movement in Islam, I think it is the biggest school in Islam, with perhaps 80% of the total Islamic world population, but I have no data or statistics to substantiate my assumption. It is just that everywhere I look in a Muslim Community or Country, there is Salafism.

So the logic of USA is that cutting of the branch that produces the Bad Apple will solve this Islamic World problem.

Now, why is it I have a problem with this logic ?