Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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A person so indoctrinated do many things in the name of religion. Many Muslims do so, to please Allah. The call for Sharia Law by Muslims all over the world is simply to please Allah. When Allah is pleased, they get the chance to go to heaven. They believe that is the solution to world problems. And it must surely work since it is from Allah. Why? Because Allah promises so, and Allah never fails in his promise. Simple and logical, yes ?

Logical for the simple minded amongst us, yes. The rest of us an clearly see how very dangerous this "logic" can be. Muslims are usually indoctrinated into the religion. It is brainwashing. The mind is shut off, and the body obeys instructions in any form ( verbal or written or memorised ) in a mechanical manner. It is a divine terminator machine.

This is the state of mind, a state of perpetual trance, in which Muslims live, kept going by many mechanism, the most famous and obvious being the five times a day compulsory prayers. It ties you to the religion, it does not allow for time for you to think and ponder, it keeps you going, they way the religion wants you to not the way you would rather. The Muslim prayer rituals are not in the Koran. It is dictated by the Prophet. And the Prophet of Islam is no fool. He goes on to say that "what I say is what Allah says." And hence the five daily prayers including all details of the rituals, the abolition, the bending sitting, standing postures, the reading of verses, remain the same until today, as it is taken as a commandment from Allah. That, is Islam.

A murderous, cruel, and inhumane Terrorist pray the same way as a good innocent Muslim at some corner of the world. If and when they meet, they will pray together. Given that the Terrorist or Islamist has some age advantage and slightly better IQ than the innocent Muslim, how long do you think before he can convince the junior to join him in his "jihad" ?

So where is the problem with Islam ?. Clearly, it is the Religion itself.

Muslims must fix this problem themselves. There is already a platform, the OIC. The rest is the matter of will, both personal and political will.

If you do not accept that there is a problem with Islam, then there is no hope ever of solving this crisis. You are doomed and the religion is doomed. Alternatively, you can become irreligious, brush aside all the noise as mere noise, and go on with your life que sera sera. Just hope that a family of Salafis do not move in next door as your new neighbour.

How do I know all this ? It is all already prophesied, none other than by the Prophet of Islam himself. The Spiritualists, the Sufis of Islam know this. The Imam of Ground Zero Mosque in the USA is a Sufi.

It is called the end of religion ( Arabic Kiamah , within context ). The best part I like about prophesies, and in particular Muhammadan prophesies, is that he goes on to say that " towards the end of time, Jesus will come back, and all Muslims are commanded to follow Jesus, who will save the World".

I simply love to repeat this prophesy to ignorant, good Muslims who will either reject it outright with wide eyed suspicion at me ( even if it is well documented ), or to an orthodox conservative or Salafi Muslim, usually old people, who tells me that that refers to the end of time, meaning end of the world . Certainly not now and not in this era, not in our lifetime.

As if this old nut can see the future, little does he know the Prophet was talking about religion, and the end of time, and in the context of that particular prophesy about Jesus, it refers to the end of time of Islam ( It applies to all other religions. It is a generic law, a Natural Law if you like. ) A new Islam must emerge doing good to mankind. There will still be bad people, murderers on earth, but they do not do so because of Islam.

I am convinced only this will save Islam. For the so called Hafizs ( one who memorizes the entire Koran ) , we take option (b) we Regulate the Religion strictly. And if a New Koran is produced, we tell them to be honest about the old verses they know, when teaching.