Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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Peace Between Religions

If we meet another person who tells us our religion is wrong, that his religion is the true religion of peace, and that we should discard our religion, and he goes on about it everyday, even mocking us, and inciting others to hate us for having a different religion, even if we live in peace, for how much longer can we hold our peace ?

In Islam, the Koran states that “there shall be no compulsion in Religion”. Most other World Religions teach their followers to respect other religions, and to promote their own religion not by force but by good deeds.

As an example Christian Missionaries do lots of good “acts” and bring about good to poor and needy societies, and typically welcome people from other religions wanting to do the same. During the days of the Spanish Inquisition, anyone who does not accept the Bible will be prosecuted, murdered and any community not accepting the Bible will be destroyed, burned down to the ground and wiped out.

Christians do not like it when I talk about the evil done by Christians in the past, but if we are to be honest with ourselves, it is all fact and history and well documented. There is simply no way any Christian on Earth can tell me that his religion is “Sinless”. Contrary to that, the history of Christianity is full of “Sins” an acts done only by people who can be described as mad, cruel and inhuman.

Peace Within Islam

How much longer can a peace loving Muslim live in peace when he is awoken every morning for “prayers”, when he is expected to starve in Ramadan, even arrested if he eats, and not look at women at all.

How much of life miseries can you take as a women when you cannot exhibit even a single shadow of your beauty, when your opinions are not accepted, when you are told you can never be an Imam, when you are even shunned from learning ?

In short, the problem with Islam today is Islam itself. An implosion is happening right now, all over the world. Muslims killing Muslims, by the millions. The religion is crumbling down. What is wrong ? Why ? Easy.

The doctrine of Islam itself, the Koran, talks about violence, killings, stoning, lashings or whippings. Why are we surprised that Muslims do these things ?

The original Islam talks about God or Allah, and that we should pray to Allah. Who do the Muslims pray to today ?

Just who do the Muslims actually pray to today ? Here are my answers. :-

a) The religion itself, Islam. The belief in Islam is a Personal Belief. It is however taken as the religion. Those who “defend” Islam, are they defending their Personal Belief in Islam, or are they defending Islam itself ? If they are defending Islam itself, who in Islam asked them to ? Did the Prophet of Islam ask that Islam be defended ? Or did he ask that Muslims should believe in and Pray to Allah ?

The Prophet never asked anyone to defend Islam, as he knows better. He knows future generations will see the value in it, and will continue it. And he also knows that religion has a lifetime or life cycle, if you like. But Muslims worldwide are not as confident and feel they need to "protect" their religion, and this atmosphere creates tension and conflicts. This is never intended by the Prophet, for what the Prophet of Islam left was meant for world consumption. For mankind if you like.

b) Muhammad, The Prophet of Islam never asked anyone to pray to him. He asks people to pray to God. But Muslims today pray to Muhammad. He is elevated to have the same status and position as God. Hence the God of Islam now has a human character. And not a very good human too, I would say. A stinking unpleasant emotional wreck, more like it.

c) There is a commandment in the Koran which prohibits compulsion in religion. Yes, the Koran itself prohibits compulsion in religion, meaning there should be freedom in Islam. It is an extremely important commandment, which means freedom for all Muslims. This however is largely ignored, mostly due to political ambitions and if not so due to personal ambitions by Imams and teachers who are eager to see how much control they have over their “students” or audience.

It means Muslims themselves, Imams and everyone else who use force or coercion, do not follow the religion. How is it that they are surprised things go seriously wrong and bad, when they themselves break sacred commandments ? When will Muslims understand that it is no good blaming their failed religion on other religions or other people for it?

We then have a whole plethora of other Gods, Money, Artists or Celebrities, Imams, Politicians, Corporates, and of course Ideas, taken as God or from God. This adds such variety and colour to Islam that it would blind a blind man.