Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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What makes a Muslim Bad (and an Islamist even worse!).

The Character of a Muslim

Again, no doubt, the title itself will provoke explosions among Muslims, for when a Muslim looks in the mirror, he sees a handsome servant of God, candidate for heaven surely.

Very many Imams, whether Muslim or Islamist, follow the Koran literally. Below is a diagram of some of the consequences of following the Koran literally...


A character of a typical Muslim is dictated or controlled by the religion and doctrine. Because Muslims do not eat Pork, the mere sight of Pork makes their vomiting mechanism churn out juices they don't want. Because Muslims do not drink Alcohol, the mere sight of Alcohol tell them you are a bad evil person and a drinker, an alcoholic. They would then keep away from you or get you arrested ( if you are a Muslim) and if possible, kill you even if they have been to and influenced by IS courses, which are free.

The table in the previous page explains the character of an Islamist, and of a Muslim trying to follow the Koran literally. When under democratic civil law, or national laws which are not based on religion ( as in the USA, where there is separation of State and Church.), the Islamist or Muslim is unable to exercise his or her literal interpretation of the Koran as in the Table. our modern laws forbid killing, rape, and creating tension between religions, let alone killing each other. Hence a Muslim and Islamist wants Sharia Law, so that they can follow the Koran. And to do that they need to topple whatever government, so that an Islamic State can be established and Islamic Law or Sharia Law implemented. This is the belief and because of this belief, Muslims and Islamists conduct their daily life with this aim. They find faults with Christians, hate Atheists, hate anyone with any other religion and shuts themselves off the real world and live only in their little "Islamic World" even if it is small, even if it means only within their home. Such seclusion from society and from modern life can only result in the clash of culture and civilisation.

The interaction with the outside world, and with other people is mainly business only. Having done the business, they crawl back into their cocoon or cell. When condition permits, they begin expanding their territory such as praying outside their home n public, they pressure governments to ban pork selling and alcohol, they ask for donations for mosques and religious schools.

Innocent and naive Muslims, not knowing how Islamists work, send their children to these religious schools, where the brainwashing can be done without the parents supervision and the child is under almost complete control by the Islamists and ignorant Muslims. Result ? A terrorist school !

These schools produce young adults or some impeccable character by Muslim standards. They are Imams, they are well versed in the Koran and Hadiths, they can see no fault with the religion.

When they graduate and go out to the world, they meet people talking bad about Islam or about their beloved Prophet. Their heart is broken, their feelings hurt, and they either keep their distance or choose to quarrel with the "offending non-Muslim", the Kafir, on a daily basis.

If the encounter with non-Muslim is strictly business, no discussion of religion whatsoever, then peace prevail. In life, it is very difficult to avoid instances where our relationship is purely business. We are social animals. And in this manner, the Islam virus spreads quickly.

The good and bad in the world is defined by the religion and social moral values, thus since gambling is prohibited, should you win a lottery ticket, you are not allowed to spend a penny of it. It is considered "haram". You are to give it all away to charity. Which is rather a good concept I think, but the problem is only Muslims are subject to this Sharia Law. So the non-Muslims wins a lottery every week, it appears in the local daily, everyone sees him either pay-off all his debts or go off on a long holiday or in some lucky cases retire for the rest of his life or at least the winner appears in the local news, grinning away you could see all him gums, and says it was sheer luck. " I didn't even have to buy the lottery ticket, someone threw it away and I found it in a bin ! " says a lucky UK couple. Lucky Bastard, the typical Muslim heart says. Followed by the brainwashed Muslim mind kicking in saying, " that's Satan talking to you. Allah says Gambling is Haram. Fear Allah ! "

Be honest now, if you are a Muslim, how would you react to the news, knowing gambling is strictly "haram" under "Islamic" government ? So they Muslims say, ah, this is the problem, so we should take over the Country and run it with our Sharia Law. Only then will no one be sad any more watching lottery winners on telly. From here onwards, the Muslim hates everything and anything of the element "gamble". Horses, Football ( FIFA lol ! ), Dogs, Fighting Chicken, Frogs, whatever have you out there which perhaps is sheer innocent weekend fun is now HARAM !

And the Muslim continues his life watching out for gambling at every corner, every turn and all the time while awake, doing his duty as a good Muslim, to please Allah. And should he encounter one, a group of kids playing cards with fake ( monopoly ) money, he chases them away angrily and fiercely with a stick even if he is old and weak, then call the police or moral police or village head, whatever is the easiest authority to report to, complaining of kids being exposed to "Bad Western influences and sins". Don't you love Muslims ?.

This is typical character of a Muslim. One wonders why I say so and why I say it is extremely difficult to live with a Muslim ( with exception perhaps of liberal Muslims and progressive Muslims). He who wonder is not on the receiving end of the curse. The Cartoon below shows accurately the character of a typical Muslim or Islamist. The jokes are all fine except when it is on Islam. Muslims in general take their religion too seriously, too the point of killing fellow humans.


Note that this may be due to the wrong Islam, or abuse of Islam, or a combination of both. The Original Islam surely isn't like that at all else Islam would never have had the chance to expand much. It is common sense. Do you expect a bad product to last long in the market, especially world market ? This is why I still recommend Islam despite what you see around you today on anything Islam, and despite my writings.

What come around goes around, they say. Like a bad product that breaks down easily, it would have had a life time perhaps of six months. Islam being a Good Product, with an excellent robust design, it went on to become one of the Worlds Greatest Religion. Such is the success of Islam. 1.6 billion Muslim in the world is testimony to that.

It must be from God therefore ? Anyone using that kind of logic and argument with me will find me arguing " so then Windows or McDonald s must be from God too, huh ? ".

The original Islam must have been based on freedom, advise, discussions, debates, counselling and all good management techniques, such that it became to be loved. It is kind like the Android ( or the iPad with Apple IOS if you prefer ) that got the world excited with Smart Phones and Tablets.

The Islam today or the version now, will in simple terms, bring about Islamophobia. Luckily for me I do not develop a severe case of Islamophobia. Why ? Because I developed immunity over the years and my Islamic and early and correct, religious education was dispensed with love and freedom of expression. I could ask the teacher ( the one who asked to study the four books of god ) anything, and he has some very interesting answers ! I use my mind to handle this Islam thing, the very tool Islam forbids its followers do. Which is to think.

A Muslim is bad in terms of character, and nearly all Muslims exhibit the same character. Of course, one would expect uniformity in any organised religion. And when you have a uniformed group of people going around checking for something or for conformity, what do you have ? I call it an army.

The person him or herself maybe a very good person, but when this virus Islam descend, it changes the behaviour such that the person begin to exhibit characteristics proudly said to be Muslim by other Muslims, but rude and nonsensical though Western Eye. It is the religion that makes him bad and rude. He doesn't care any more about people or humanity, he or she cares only about God. He has actually given up on people, and turned to God and only God for help for some reason, usually due to some tragic incident in life.

Indeed many religions exhibit similar traits, but the rudeness is Islam is obvious and glaring, and since it is sanctioned by Religion, is done most innocently, without the slightest inconsideration for people around who may or may not be a Muslim. Or in the case of Western Countries, most likely non-Muslim. That is why we have Muslim communities, and this is where Islamists go to hide and they are very effective hiding places. No one can tell if a typical looking Muslim is an Islamist or an innocent Muslim. And in Muslim communities is also where all the Islamist Extremist Organisations ( such as Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram and most recent the IS.) go to find their recruits.

Is there hope for Muslims then ?

Tuning to God or Allah

Is there a hope for Muslims then, to be a well loved law abiding world citizen, with admirable characters ? Yes, there is. Yes. Like a snake bite, the poison is also the cure. The Koran is also the cure for whatever evils arising from the Koran. Study it ! ( In the name of Allah ! )

From The Koran 13:11
