Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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The Mark of Islamisation Today

The Islam today, being the wrong or unsuitable Islam, is loud, provocative, arrogant and divisive. Cults typically separate young adults or children from their family or siblings in order to capture the child as a new member. They do the same for adults, but it is slightly difficult with an adult because adults can be independent and have free will. So only those depressed or lonely or with some kind of mental disorder gets trapped into these cults. Most Religions works in the same way. Most have a "marketing division". Called " missionary" and is described by Google as " member of a religious group sent into an area to proselytize and/or perform ministries of service, such as education, literacy, social justice, health care and economic development. "

The first and foremost bad character of a Muslim is dress code. A Muslim today will not follow the dress code which is the norm of the society. They will dress according to their Religious or perceived Islamic norms or requirements ( usually Arabic ), thus giving Islam a "character", and showing to everyone on world stage that he or she is a Muslim. It's also Advertising, subtly done. This happens typically when a Muslim is convinced Allah and the Koran must be right, they seem to fear Allah, the Omnipotent God and feel the need to dress in Arabic manner, or at least totally covering all their flesh. Only then would they "feel" they are a good Muslim, and only then they would be welcomed into the society.

The showing of flesh, even leg or thigh is frowned upon by fellow Muslims, and considered " haram ". Western long pants is OK, short pants no. Long skirts OK, Minis no. For women, the head and hair must be covered. For men, anything below the navel must be covered, down to the knees, but this is old Islamic standard or norm. Today, even short pants or sport shorts are said to be haram. Such is the extremities Islam has gone into or become.

The new Muslim recruit then begin to be unhappy with their family members who do not dress accordingly ( assuming they are all Muslims, which they usually are in a family ), their friends and begin persuading the close ones to follow suit, much to the disgust of the friend. Friends who are having a strained relationship avoid suggesting Islamic dressing, less they earn a punch.

Their efforts are reinforced by the Muslim society, who all dress in the same way. Traditional dresses are thrown out, with the excuse they are unIslamic enough or outright haram. Preferred ones are all Arabic, looking, and and the best would be to dress like the Prophet Muhammad, although there is no portrait of Muhammad anywhere in the World, for he forbids his Portrait being drawn, knowing there will be thousands or millions following his physics. And for women, the many wives of the Prophet of course. ( Just look at the Elvis Fan Club, they nearly all look like and dress like Elvis ! ).

In Islamic States, the dress code is made a law. Once it has gained its place as a social norm, it wants to be formalised as Laws. Religious Laws now become State Laws. This is Islamic State. The frowns and glares now is officially sanctioned, and if you in short pants, you are now a criminal. Say no more.

So of course, having had their laws, Muslims and Extremists want them policed. Then comes a new division or department called "moral police". They are like all other policemen, but they specialise in your morals, as like the CID specialises in Crimes and Narcotics Specialises in Drugs, and Traffic Specialises in Road Traffic. Should you be seen enjoying a cigarette in your mouth in the month of Ramadan, someone will call the police, and your cigarette can be very expensive indeed, as if it is not already expensive with some 80% Tax. This is the very atmosphere Islamic State (IS) will create, an atmosphere of Fear and Insecurity, so that you will always depend on them, so that you will always Fear Allah.

We can say that Islamists today wants to turn the entire planet into a Mosque, for the way Muslims dress when going to Mosque is taken as exemplary and recommended. I am not surprised. It has all happened in Christianity before, Convent Schools and such, and Christian Religious Centres or Institutions are full of women with scarves, called "Sisters" or Nuns. So what's new ?

For the women, before they go out to town, they spend an additional hour or so making sure they are all covered up, less they get frowned at or worst still arrested. For the men, being men, still walk to town in short pants, to get the daily cigarette and newspaper, and now met with stern stares and frowns from elderly people ( the elders in a society ) all hanging on the their Koran, for they know the end is near for them, and young Muhammad here jogging in shorts to 7-Eleven may just spoil their chances of getting into heaven. So they get very very angry.

The fear is that on Judgement Day, God ( or a Guardian Angel ) may play that video and asks, "you were there, you saw his ugly legs, and you did nothing ?' What sort of a Muslim are you ?. So they do their duty. Young Ahmad gets reprimanded. For years ever since the legal age of smoking Ahmad have been walking to the corner shop to get his supplies with no problem, and now suddenly Young Ahmad is a criminal. Young Ahmad not wanting to get into trouble with the Elders or the Law, oblige, and dress as if he is going to an Arabic Harem.

Except for a formal function or gathering where the dress code is clearly specified ( whether Muslim whatever, even naked as for the nudists beaches), I don’t see why Young Ahmad in shorts walking to the corner shop to buy newspaper is of any concern of mine. But if the surrounding community is a Muslim community, very soon, someone will approach Young Ahmad, expressing his displeasure. Ahmad cannot say "mind your own business". No. It is Islamic Law. The next time he does it, he gets arrested. Don't you love Islamic communities ?

This is exactly what is happening in Islamic Societies and Countries all over he World, and since in Democracy majority rule is being taken as the rule, they way forward by vote, all Muslims countries then follow majority rule of wanting Islamic or Sharia Law, and they all move way backwards, 1400 years back into the so called Jahiliah Era ( Dark Ages or Ignorant Ages ).

What the World must do today is to read the Signs. If we all fail to read the signs, we will all end up in the same soup. The fertile soil for Islam to grow is Democracy. The mechanics of Democracy allows Islam to set foot, and slowly, subtly, but surely take over the entire Family, Village, City, Country, and no doubt Continent even, and when it does, they will declare themselves as the new Democracy ! And by now I think you all know what that new Democracy is. Welcome to the Hotel California.