Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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About the Author

My background and how I think.

First and foremost, I am a retired professional.

I was brought up as a strict "Muslim", and is thus familiar with Islam in many ways. I would definitely be considered an Apostate today, which is why I forbid Muslims to read this book. I do not consider so myself, I consider myself as never been a Muslim at all actually. Merely following the herd. Pretending to believe for fear of being prosecuted or punished. The truth however is that Islam had been forced unto me ever since I was a child. I practised and lived as any typical good law-abiding Muslim. The truth is that I have been a Deist all my life, and today I still am a Deist, or if you like and Atheist with an Agnosticity of above 90% in the Belief in God.

After having a near death experience (NDE), I decided to just throw Islam away in favour of irreligious, or no religion, because the Religion of Islam had done so much damage to my life, leading to the NDE, that to save my own life, I had to do what is necessary, i.e. to remove or separate the source of my troubles, to remove Islam. And from then onwards, became an Atheist.

Of course millions of people in the world do not understand this, especially typical Muslims, who no doubt will say I am crazy and that it all has nothing to with Islam, but perhaps good Doctors and Spiritualists of any religion can understand and is all no surprise to them.

To cut a long story short, my real religion is actually "Belief in God". Period. I do not believe in Religion, especially for what Religion has done to us mankind. Reading history tells me it is bad enough, and given the very many religions in the world, all claiming to be the "right" one is enough to say me that perhaps they are all wrong, thus I had better find my own God.

Religious teaching helped tremendously. In my early Islamic school days, the excellent Islamic teacher commanded us to study all the "Books of God" which he says are "The Zabur, Torah, Bible and the Koran" . Only then you will graduate in religion he says. But study the Koran first.

From Google : Zabur


When I studied Islam, I discovered that Prophet Abraham, said to be the "Father of Religion", which is all the Monotheistic religion, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, was the one who went looking for God and finally "found Him" (God ), with the Koran describing Abraham as saying "God is near you". "God is nearer to you than you are to yourself.", I decided upon myself that that is my path in life, to look for God.

Ever since that day, I live my life as an Abrahamic Muslim, which to my surprise, is rejected by almost all Muslims today. Living in and amongst Christians & Christian communities allowed me to pursue my Abrahamic path, allowed me to experiment and practice Islam my way, and allowed me to enjoy the beauty and glory of the Christian World as well as the good values and useful teachings of Islam.

Then came the Internet, and through the Internet I discovered there are several groups who follow the path of Prophet Abraham. I got excited followed this group, but found out later they had not much to offer, besides lots of information about Prophet Abraham. So I took it upon myself, to follow Prophet Abraham Spiritually, I looked for God, and therefore became a Spiritualist, leaving religion a long way behind as mere technical tool for mind and body control of a person or society or both. It ain't from God.

If religion is really from God, there wouldn’t be so many of them ( religions ) and if any is truly from God, it must have surely worked wonders. That is how my mind works. I follow the evidence. And it also says to me religion cannot be from God if it takes 1400 years to "save the world", and clearly today the world is still in a mess. And by that my Islam is out of the window. And with it goes the Bible. And with it, All Religions, wrapped under one big package which I call "human software".

Personally for me Islam has destroyed my life. Muslim societies follow strictly the "words of God" and every time I go for my own solution to life problems, I seem to run against some kind of religious Law. When I sat down for a meal at a restaurant, to contain and reduce my Gastric Problem, in Ramadan, I was rudely chased away. The owners seem very afraid of religious authority and their policing. When I asked the restaurant owner why does he open in the first place, he says he is catering for non-Muslims. I told him I have Gastric and need to fill my stomach else it would bring me lots of pain. He demanded to see a doctors letter. When I could not produce one, he asks me to leave.

This is typical of the kind of difficulty in a Muslim society that practices compulsion or force, and it can be so intense and severe in a Muslim society that an atmosphere of fear and unhappiness or depression fills the air.

To qualify this statement since I know a little about Islam, I should say the wrong or distorted or tainted or contaminated version of Islam has destroyed my life. Surely this kind of Islam cannot be from God, surely God isn't so daft, and surely a God Allah, most Gracious and most Merciful. There ain't a single drop of mercy in a Muslim society that I can see, but well, I may be wrong.

I am not going to allow this virus Islam, to run loose and rule the world, and see or leave my children to suffer in their life now and in their future life, because of Religion, if I can help it. And I can. I can document valuable information regarding what I know about Islam to try and provide for them, and for all our children, a better, much better life, than the so called Islamic life ( the are all forced to be Muslim by Law. It's the Law man ! ).

I want people to know and enjoy all the good values in life, while using Islam to way it should be, a guidance to endure the hardships in life, and to handle and cope with the many life issues, such as death and bereavement. They should go for whatever Religion or Solution they feel best suites them..And what I have been given from my Father, which is Love and Freedom, which enabled to achieve such success in my life, I now pass on to my children. It is simple. It is called FREEDOM !. And I note that it is no stranger to the West.

The Islam today takes away this very freedom. That is why it failed, and that is why it is such a horrible ugly monster, any sane human being would rather embrace other religion any time. If only Muslims could do the same.

There are some, perhaps many Islamic Countries that had chosen Islam as their Official Religion, and the Crescent Moon ( The Mark of Islam ) on their national flags typically announces this. What these countries mean is that for Official Functions they utilise the rituals in Islam as a uniform and organised way to gather citizens. It makes for an orderly system and society. Such as prayers for the dead and the soldiers and coping with natural disasters.

Islamists have today hijacked this, saying an Islamic Country must obey God's Law, and by that they mean Sharia Law. They are trying their best to do this in all other Muslim populated countries, to make it such that it means everyone in the country must be a Muslim, of the Islamic Religion that is, and the only Law applicable is the Shariah Law. Now that's really time travel, backwards 1400 years away.

At the very least, these Islamists introduce a heavy bias towards Islam, making non_Muslims citizens second class citizens, putting extreme pressure on the current Governments of the day to "Islamize" the country further, making full use of the Democratic stance of the county to spread their influence to ultimately overthrow the current government and declare an Islamic State or Islamic Government, their way, the evil way.

Is it all unstoppable ? I think not. I think we can stop it. In one word, EDUCATION.
