Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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Who should read this book.

This book isn't for Muslims. It is for Westerners who have to frown very hard to try and understand what on planet Earth this Islam is, and why it is they way it is today. Here is where it is all explained clearly. Extremely violent and hopelessly backward at best. There are perhaps some good values exhibited by Islam today, but they are in Scientific terms said to be negligible and there are perhaps millions, more than a billion even, of good Muslims out there, but all Muslims and Islamists exhibit a certain characteristics, and a certain habitat alien to the West, and a nuisance by Eastern or Asian standards.

This book is then for those who wish to understand why this is so, what makes a Muslim a Muslim, and the overall World-View of a Muslim. Having understood what a Muslim is, paves the way for one to know Islam the religion, and thus bring perhaps enlightenment as to why the Islamic World is the way it is today, a mess of chaos with million upon millions of unhappy followers.

That a Muslim or an Islamist is bad is a relative description. A typical Muslim may be seen as bad or at best as an undesirable character by the Western mind, but may be described as a good Muslim by another Muslim. It is not a case of one man's meat, another man's poison. It is a case of values, culture, perceptions or bias. A Muslim is a Muslim, it is us who categorize that Muslim is good or bad. But by any ruler and any standard in any society anywhere in the world, there are such universal values such that murderers are always feared, hated, avoided and eliminated ( for the sake of the society, no one wants to die ), forceful and persistent pushy people ( for no good reason ) are despised, arrogant and bigoted individuals are a real nuisance and much hated. It is by this ruler that I use to measure a Muslim and an Islamist.

I know that there would still be Muslims who would steal their way into reading this book, well, please enjoy yourself. I am grateful, but I maintain this book is only for non-Muslims, not as a law or anything like that, but that a typical Muslim reading with find it extremely unpalatable perhaps to even being outrageous and nonsense. It would enrage Muslims.

In fact the litmus test to know if you are a hopelessly biased Muslim or you are a professional Muslim, is whether you find this book pungent. If it is unpleasant to you, then you know you are perhaps an Extremist or at least a Fanatic Muslim, and you are candidate for a Terrorist. Perhaps you already are a Terrorist, but you don't know it.

If you find this book entertaining and informative, you are then perhaps a professional Muslim. Non Muslim in general would find this book easy reading I think, perhaps only religiously motivated people might find it slightly distasteful. Authoritarian Muslims will throw this book out of the window seven meters away, then blow hot air on something or somebody, dissatisfied at the sheer insult to his religion.

I try to give enough information in this book for the Western Mind to engage an Islamist or a Muslim in a discussion or debate. But if an Islamist or a Muslim do not want to, or cannot even talk about himself or his religion, then there can be no debate, no discussion, no Q & A session. Such an individual is already beyond repair. You best leave him or her alone.