Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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Clear Definitions of Islam, Muslim and Islamists.

When in communication, whether by writing or verbally, whether in forums or informal discussions, whether official functions or mere coffee shop chat, it is important to be precise, to avoid misunderstandings, to preserve peace, and to convey the right message.

Muslims and Islamists

In this book, when I say Muslim, I am referring to the 1.6 billion adherents of Islam, in general. When I say Islamist, I am referring to the subset of same group, but only those who feel that others must follow the same religion, as it is the only right religion, all other religion being flawed or false.

Both are adherents to Islam, both live by the Koran, both follow the sayings of Prophet Muhammad. But Muslims live their own life and mind their own business, whereas Islamists feel they need to tell the world about Islam, they need to convert the world, and Islam needs to conquer the world, and it is their duty to help. Islamists strongly feel so, that salvation in the world can only come about when everyone is a Muslim. They cannot understand how anyone can reject the Words of God, how anyone can reject the Koran.

By this simple description of an Islamist, if anyone asks me how many of the 1.6 billion Muslims I think are Islamists, I would say about 1.3. or about 81%. Now do you see why Islam is such a problem ?

I have a friend whose parents never forced Islam unto him, never asked him to pray, never demanded anything “Islamic” from him. He is a Muslim, yes. He cannot understand the problem I have with Islam and Islamists. Indeed, many Muslims indoctrinated in a nice harmless way would not understand too. These people are not the victims of Islamisation, or Talibanisation. They cannot see the harm, the danger, the bad in Islam. These people are immune to Islam and Islamists. Why they are immune is due to several factors and for different reasons. Being a supporter of Islam, they cannot really explain to the Western Mind why Islam had caused so much damage in this world. They would definitely say it is the followers who are at fault, not Islam.

Very many other people say the same. And that is why until today Islam remains a problem and keeps goings and keep wrecking havoc wherever it lands, like a perpetual Tsunami circling the globe over and over again. Sharia Laws are appearing in one country after another, in one town after another, regardless if they have non-Muslim citizens, who Islam and Islamists regards as second class citizen, and forced to pay taxes.

Islam is Islam in whatever form or variation. It includes Sunni's, Shia's, all the sects under both Sunni and Shia. It includes the Sufis, the Mystic and Controversial Sect of Islam merely because they are different. And all other cults of sects of Islam.

Islam is expanding at a rate no one can really contain. And a significant portion of the Islam that is spreading is by Islamists and the Islam they bring is the most acidic, most horrifying, most evil, all from the Koran. In this era of extreme religious madness and violence, despite the advancement of Science and Human Civilisation, it is not strange, especially for Westerners, to ask a simple question with regards to Islam. Why is Islam so extremely horrible and violent ? This book explains why.