Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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Analysing Islam

When a professional use their God given brains and analytical capability to analyse something, he needs to remove any emotional attachments he may have on the subject, so as to be impartial.

If you are an Atheist reading this book, I do apologise for the use of the word God in the previous sentence, but my many years of arguing with religious nuts about god and about using our brains led me to the habit of using the phrase “God given brains”, often with anger during my younger days, nowadays with the same phrase minus the anger. Because I now understand why religious people do not use their brains, do not think. They are not allowed to when it comes to religion, and it is as simple as that.

Typically I will be told I am not supposed to use my brains when it comes to religious matters, because our brains are limited, they say, and God knows better. Hence we should just follow, just obey and be a good slave of God, and that is the commandment of God. To argue, is to be bad, and God sends bad people to hell eternally. Just obey, just follow and everything will be fine. In stark reality, everything is not at all fine with the World.

When asked why then did God give us brains and thinking capability, what for, you will find the answers given by religious people most amusing, at least to me. My favourite was when engaged with a friend, in a heated argument about religion, my friend responded by saying, "there you go again, questioning God. Don't you get it ? You cannot do that, you cannot question God, who are you to question God, you simply cannot question God ! To which my response was a simple, “ I was not questioning God, I was questioning you ! “

It seems that one with no answers gets very irritated when you ask the very question he is unable to answer. My favourite is “why does God or Allah speak Arabic, a language I do not understand at all and have no clue whatsoever ?” The typical answers is that “God knows better why, you should not be asking that sort of question, you should ask about the Laws of God “. At this point I know I am talking to a daft idiot who follows their religion blindly like a herd of cows, and hence try my best to continue putting an innocent straight face, while suppressing the body shaking giggle that is developing slowly in me and about to erupt into a full scale thunder rolling laughter.

And so I walk away quickly and peacefully and let the matter rest. I suppose if it were not my friend, if it were a Taliban, I would have lost my head, literally speaking, or perhaps he would have lost his first. I don't know. Nothing irks the religiously motivated people more than those who question God. Those who mock and ridicule God is irritating enough, but those who dare question God, must indeed be Satan. Religious people have a special way of preventing people asking about God. They call it blasphemy.

In some countries, there is even a blashemy law, and in some cases punishment by death. Such medieval cruelty exists even today.