Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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Learning Religion

Most religious schools are not schools. They are brainwashing centres. Their job is to program you or your child to “become” a Muslim. It is not easy for a typical Muslim, or even for any religious person for that matter, to understand and really ( professionally speaking ) learn about a Religion, not especially so if you are indoctrinated and brought up to be biased and forcibly so. Religious school practice indoctrination, not education. They are not schools. They are religious detention centres, some even paid by governments, most tax free.

Not wished to be whipped violently with the rattan, I said yes to almost anything and everything the religious classes and what the teachers "teach". But I always knew and could argue with almost everything “taught” to me, though I did not do it for fear of my own safety and social condemnation. The teaching just would not go into my system, my natural born system. I believe all humans are born with this system, for our own good and survival, and religious nuts go for this system earliest possible, and replace it with their religious system.

Religion surrounds you. It's called conquering or programming if you like. It is just like a virus taking over the nucleus of the target cell, making the cell produce more virus or clones. It uses everything and anything available, fear, prejudice, duress, trickery, propaganda, lies, magic, politics, relationships, love and best of all and the most convenient, family ties.

To really understand and learn about a religion, in a professional and academic way, one has to examine the religion and its teachings in an unbiased manner, in an unemotional way, in an absolute honest manner, and that is extremely difficult to do unless you are a trained professional ( of whatever profession ) or you are an academician or perhaps a scientist.

It is due to this severe difficulty in understanding the purpose and methods of a religion that religions can typically easily find weaknesses in a typical innocent human being and then make their way to the brains, take over the brains and then make the brains produce many more religious people by spreading the religion using our human seemingly harmless activities such as talking, singing, socialising, even touring. Including sex of course.

The behaviour of a religion mimics exactly the behaviour of a virus. And like the virus too, it can seem passive and dormant for even thousands of years, and come alive to strike again when conditions are suitable.

The infected person become a missionary, ( more like a machinery to me, even sounds like it ). It is for this reason that communist countries ban religion, or tried to ban it, but it did not work very well, for the religions still manage to sneak into the communist population and still stick out its ugly head out somehow. Islam behaves in exactly the same way, being also a virus religion, and the Islamic word for missionary is called "Dakwah".

As evidence, one of the biggest headache for China is the Islamic Religion. China Muslim. There are also Christians in China. There are perhaps all the Great Religions in the World in China, for they are the most populous country in the world, with a population of 1.4 Billion people. Muslims are brought up under very strict Islamic rules, brainwashed from as little as possible, and even babies if possible. Similarly, we have Baptism in Christianity.

So severe and intense is this Islamic indoctrination process, that many millions of Muslims never ever grow out of it, could perhaps never do so, and the slightest attempt at questioning their religious beliefs, percepts or convictions will trigger an Earthquake much large than the Krakatau.