Islam and Christianity by Huseyin Hilmi Isik - HTML preview

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[1] Darwin, died in 1299 (1882 A.D.).

[2] Rahimah-Allahu ta'ala: May Allah's mercy be upon them.

[3] Hayvan-i natik: Creation which is able to speak.

[4] Malik bin Anas, passed away in Madina in 179 (795 A.D.)

[5] Galileo, died in 1051 (1642 A.D.).

[6] Henry, died in 1106 (1694 A.D.).

[7] Salahaddin Ayyubi, passed away in 585 (1091 A.D.)

[8] Please see our English publications Could Not Andswer and Why Did They Become Muslims.

[9] Ibrahim Haydari, passed away in 1299 (1881 A.D.).

[10] German name of its original is West-Ostlicher Diwan.

[11] There is detailed information on these kinds of worship in the five fascicles of Endless Bliss.

[12] Please see our publication Why Did They Become Muslims.

[13] Every group of twenty pages in the Qur'an al-karim is called "one juz."

[14] Ishaq Effendi, passed away in 1309 (1891 A.D.)

[15] In the Name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful.

[16] The amount of jizya is forty grams of silver from the poor, eighty grams from the middle-class, and a hundred and sixty grams from the rich. Other commodities, such as corn of equal value, may be given instead of silver. Women, children, the ill, the destitute, the old, and men of religion are not taxed with jizya.

[17] Rahmatullah Effendi passed away in Mecca in 1306 (1889 A.D.).

[18] Something clearly commanded in the Qur’ân al-kerîm is called fard, pl. farâid. When the command is to be done by every individual Muslim it is termed fard ayn. When only one person in a community of Muslims has to do it, it is termed fard kifâya. In other words, when one Muslim in an assembly, a community or a city of Muslims carries out the fard kifâya, the rest are absolved from that particular obligation.

[19] Ibni Sinâ (Avicenna) Husain, passed away in Hamadan in 428 (1037 A.D.)

[20] Ahmad Khân; passed away in 1149 (1736 A.D.)