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[21] Answer which is given by an Islamic savant to Muslims’ questions. Sources, references have to be appended to the fatwâ.

[22] Jamal ad-dîn Afghânî, died in 1314 [1897 A.D.]

[23] Bahâeddîn-i Bukhârî, passed away in 791 (1389 A.D.)

[24] The author of Mishqât is Valiyyuddîn Muhammad, who passed away in 749 (1348 A.D.)

[25] Janâza Prayer: When a Muslim dies, other Muslims assemble together in front of his coffin and perform a certain prayer called salât-ul-janâza. Thereby, they pray so that his sins will be forgiven, and he will be given many blessings, etc.

[26] Ibn Hajar, passed away, 974 (1566 A.D.)

[27] Abdulhakîm Effendi, passed away in Ankara in 1362 (1943 A.D.)

[28] Muhammad Ibni Âbidîn passed away in Damascus in 1252 (1836 A.D.).

[29] Muhammad Tirmuzî passed away in 279 (892 A.D.).

[30] Ahmad Abû Nu’aym passed away in 430 (1039 A.D.).

[31] Ibni Abid-dunyâ Abdullah passed away in Baghdâd in 281 (984 A.D.)

[32] I’tiqâf means to stay in a mosque and pray day and night during the last ten days of the month of Ramadân.

[33] Ahmad Baihakî passed away in Nishapur, in 458 (1066 A.D.).

[34] Tabarânî Sulaymân, passed away in Damascus in 360 (971 A.D.).

[35] Muhammad Ma’thûm passed away in Serhend in 1079 (1668 A.D.).

[36] Sultan Alamgir passed away in 1118 (1707 A.D.).

[37] Allâhu ta’âlâ.

[38] According to some encyclopedic dictionaries in English, the Latin translation was completed in 383 C.E.

[39] The original meaning of Apocrypha, which in Greek means ‘secret, hidden’, is ‘Fourteen books included in Vulgate, and the Septuagint, which is the Greek translation of the Old Testament compiled before Christianity.

[40] Sir Winston L.S. Churchill (1874-1965), British statesman and writer, prime minister of England, from 1940 to 1945 and from 1951 to 1955.

[41] The word ‘Father’ means ‘Allah the greatest.’