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[86] A short stick (about 20 centimetres long and no more than one centimetre thick) cut from a certain shrub called Erâk (salvadora persica) growing in Arabia. One end of the miswâk is pounded into fibres and used as a toothbrush.

[87] The communistic regime has been overthrown now.

[88] Confessions of A British Spy, 1991, Hakîkat Kitabevi, Fatih, Istanbul, Turkey.

[89] A nickname for Imâm-i-Rabbânî Mujaddid-i-elf-i-thânî ‘quddisa sirruh’ [d. 1034 (1624 C.E.), Serhend, India]. Please see The Proof of Prophethood, the English version of his book Ithbât-un-Nubuwwa. Letters from his valuable work Maktûbât occupy a major part of our book Endless Bliss. ‘Sila’ means ‘combiner’. He was called so because he combined two extensive branches of Islamic knowledge, i.e. the Sharî’at, which contains all the Islamic canonical principles, laws, commandments, prohibitions, etc, and the Tarîqa, which is the collection of all spiritual paths and orders in Islam. These two branches had been considered apart from each other until his time.

[90] Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’ is the last Prophet. No prophet shall come after him. Islamic scholars will teach Islam to people till the end of the world. The greatest ones of these scholars are called ‘mujaddid’. Every thousand years after Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’, Allâhu ta’âlâ will restore the Islamic religion and protect Muslims from degeneration through a very profound Islamic scholar called ‘mujaddid’. Imâm-i Rabbânî ‘quddisa sirruh’ is the first of such mujaddids. ‘Mujaddid-i-elf-i-thânî’ means ‘the restorer of the second millennium’.

[91] Intercession. In the Hereafter, pious Muslims, people loved by Allâhu ta’âlâ will intercede with Allâhu ta’âlâ for the forgiveness of sinful Muslims. This intercession is called shefâ’at.

[92] Islamic century is meant.

[93] A village in the vicinity of Van, a city in eastern Turkey.

[94] Benjamin Disraeli, (1804-1881), English Premier in 1868, and again in 1874, until 1880.

[95] Meyer Arschel Rothschild, (1743-1812), German banker and the founder of the international banking firm, House of Rothschild; and also his son. Nathan Meyer Rothschild, (1777-1836), British banker.