[96] Hakem II passed away in 366 [976 C.E.].
[97] The former name for Yangon, the capital city of Myanmar (Burma).
[98] The first Islamic month.
[99] An explanation given by an Islamic scholar as an answer to Muslims’ questions. The sources whereon the fatwâ is based have to be appended to it.
[100] The seventh Abbâsid Khalîfa. A son of Hârûn-ur-reshîd, the fifth Khalîfa. He was born in the vicinity of Baghdâd in 786, and passed away in 833. He was buried in Tarsus.
[101] Madhhar-i Jân-i Jânân was martyred in Delhi in 1195 (1781 A.D.).
[102] Manna: food provided by Allâhu ta’âlâ for the Israelites during their forty years in the desert.
[103] Jawdad Pasha, of Lophja, passed away in Istanbul in 1312 (1894).
[104] See that section of this book entitled “Qur’ân al-kerîm and Injils” for more information.
[105] Its technical word in Islam is “zakât,” which is paid once a year, and it amounts to one-fortieth of one’s property.
[106] Internationally, the name Saul is used instead of Tâlut.
[107] 2 Sam: 11
[108] Sulaiman ’alaihi ’s-salâm (Solomon). The era of his sovereignty is estimated to be 965-926 B.C.
[109] Jesuit is a missionary society founded by Ignatius Loyola in 918 [A.D. 1512].
[110] See our English book Could Not answer. In that book, there are many important questions which could not be answered by priests.