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[81] Al-hadîqat an-nadiyya, p. 460.

[82] For details on Wahdat al-wujûd, see Endless Bliss, I, chapter 40, and III, chapter 56.

[83] See the paragraphs 49-53 above, and Endless Bliss, V, chapter on zakât.

[84] This is written in detail also in the books Al-mustanad, Usûl al-arba’a fî tardîd al-Wahhâbiyya, Ad-dawlat al-Makkiyya and Hediyya-t-ul-Mehdiyyîn, which were reproduced in Istanbul in 1395 (1975).

[85] The first volume of al-Hadîqat an-nadiyya has been reproduced by Hakîkat Kitabevi in Istanbul.

[86] Al-Mu’allim, monthly periodical; see above, p. 233. The Arabic original of the passage is published together with the book al-Ustâd Mawdûdî in Istanbul.

[87] Ibn ’Âbidîn wrote on ‘unlawful nikâh in Radd al-muhtâr: “If one worships ’Alî (radiy-Allâhu ’anh) or says, ‘Jabrâ’il was ordered to reveal the Qur’ân to ’Alî, but he made mistake and revealed it to Muhammad,’ or ‘Abû Bakr was not a Sahâbî,’ or ‘Hadrat ’Â’îsha committed adultery,’ he becomes a kâfir. If he says that ’Alî (radiy-Allâhu ’anh) was superior to the two caliphs (Abû Bakr and ’Umar ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anhum’), or curses or slanders a Sahâbî, he becomes a man of bid’a.” In the third volume, he wrote: “If one curses at or damns the two caliphs, be becomes a kâfir. Though those people caled Durzîs, Mulhids and Ismâ’îlîs practise the five fundamental duties of Islam, they become kâfirs because of their belief in transmigration of the soul and by regarding wine and intercourse as halâl and giving false meanings to âyats.” Ibn ’Abidîn, in his book Uqûd ad-durriyya, quoted Shaikh al-Islam ’Abdullah Effendi’s extensive fatwâ about the Shî’ites and names the groups that fell into kufr among them.

[88] It is heard that some people admire the religious and political movement of Homeini of Iran and extoll his personality, despite the known fact that he was hostile to the Sahâba and to all the Sunnîs. They should carefully read this hadîth and fatwâ, learn from them and wake up from unawareness.