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[73] The greatest cruelty is to prevent Muslims from performing ’ibâdât and from teaching religious knowledge to their children, to cause them to commit harâm and to spoil their îmân.

[74] Please see our publications Advice for the Muslim, Endless Bliss, II, 34, and Confessions of a British Spy for details about Wahhâbîs.

[75] Reference to the Turkish translation of Sayyid Qutb’s Islamic Studies.

[76] For the translation of this letter, see Endless Bliss, III, 18.

[77] Al-fatâwâ al-fiqhiyya, p. 149-50.

[78] Marriage contract as dictated by Islam. Please see Endless Bliss, V, 12 for detail.

[79] Documents of the Right Word, 480 pp., available from Hakîkat Kitâbevi, Fâtih, Istanbul, Turkey.

[80] The following information is given under the entry TABARÎ ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaih’ in the biography section of the Turkish book Seâdet-i-ebediyye: “Abû Ja’far Muhammad bin Jarîr (224 [A.D. 839]-Tabaristân-310 [A.D. 923]-Baghdâd) was a great scholar profoundly learned in the branches of Tafsîr and Hadîth. Two of his most valuable works are Jâmi’ul-bayân, a book of Tafsîr consisting of twenty-three volumes, and Târîh-ul-umam, a masterpiece of history, which was abridged by a Shiite named Alî bin Muhammad Shimshâtî. This Shiite-laced abridgement, which was translated into Turkish and entitled Taberî Târîhi (History of Tabarî), misleads those who read it. It is written on the sixty-eighth (68) page of the book Mukhtasar-i-Tuhfa-i-ithnâ ashariyya by Alûsî that Muhammad bin Jarîr bin Rustam Tabarî is a Shiite. And that Muhammad bin Abil-Qâsim is another Shiite is written in Asmâ-ul-muallifîn. These people should not be confused with Hadrat (Abû Ja’far Muhammad) ibn Jarîr. On the other hand, a book of Tafsîr which is mistaken for the book of Tafsîr of Tabarî entitled Jâmi’ul-bayân is the Shiite book of Tafsîr entitled Tabarsî, a pseudo title for the book Majma’ul bayân by Fadl bin Hasan Tabarî (d. 548 [A.D. 1153], a member of the aberrant Shiite sect Imâmiyya.