Islamic Education for Youths - Level Three by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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‎‎Lesson Seven

Interpretation of Fortress 91 (The Sun)

Surah Al-Shams ‎(Part Four)‎

‎‎‎After the Almighty God has drawn our attention within the beginning of ‎this Surah to some great cosmic signs (wonders), He the Almighty out of his ‎Compassion and Mercy upon us has wanted to warn us of losing our life in ‎vain and to advise us to evade the path of distress and malice which leads to ‎inhumanity, therefore He put in our hand a real example of ‎‎people who ‎didn’t think of these cosmic signs (wonders) which if they had thought ‎about, they would have led them to be acquainted with their Creator and ‎having the true belief, but they indulged themselves in this inferior life, God ‎Says: ‎‎ ‎

Verse‎ no. 11‎

‎11. “(The tribe of) Thamud have denied (their Prophet) in their ‎transgression.”‎‎‎

‎”To deny” “To deny” means to refuse to believe something despite ‎knowing its truth. ‎

”Thamud”: these were the people of our master Saleh‎‎‎‎ (pth).‎

The Arabic word for “transgression” is ‘tughyan’, which means the ‎exceeding of boundaries. It is derived from the Arabic verb ‘tagha’, ‘to ‎transgress’, which means ‘to go beyond a limit.’ ‎

The word ‘tughyan’ can be used in Arabic for exceeding both physical ‎and metaphorical boundaries.‎

For example, when the sea rages and its waters flood the shore, in Arabic ‎you may say, The sea ‘tagha’ over the shore, and if someone exceeded the ‎boundaries of the law and deviated from the path of humanity you would ‎refer to them as a ‘transgressor’. ‎

The preposition ‘in’ (translated from the Arabic ‘bi’) in the phrase ‘in ‎their transgression’ indicated the reason that they denied their Prophet: ‎namely, their unreasonable transgression. This means that the people of ‎Thamud did not believe God’s Envoy‎‎‎‎ (pth) because of their transgressions. ‎They rejected his revelation and did not pay attention to his warning or see ‎the evil and destruction that was folded behind their deeds. ‎

From here, it becomes clear that the lecherous wanton cannot see the ‎truth of the Godly Orders and the blessings that are hidden under them, just ‎as they cannot see the realities of the forbidden things and the harm and evil ‎which they cause. ‎

They can only see pictures. They sense their wantonness, but cannot ‎perceive the evil hidden therein. ‎

They notice the straightness of the believers, but do not witness the ‎advantages of their deeds. ‎

Such people will never discern the facts unless they straighten on the ‎basis of the Commands of God. ‎

In fact, a person will not desist from their denial, whatever miracles or ‎signs they see. Wrongful deeds stand as a veil between the spirit and the ‎facts. ‎

The Almighty cited the people of Thamud for us by way of example. ‎Those people asked their Prophet to bring a she-camel forth from the rock ‎as a miracle to prove the truth of his mission. The Almighty Allah brought ‎forth the she-camel with her baby as they had asked, and made them share ‎their water with her. God says: “He (Salih) said: ‘This is a she-camel. ‎She should have her share of water as you have yours, each ‎drinking on an appointed day’.” ‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 26, Ash-Shu’ara’ (The Poets), Verse‎ 155‎

Although they had seen this sign, which was as clear as the shining sun, ‎they did not appreciate it or care about it. More than this, the most viperous ‎and black hearted one among them advanced on the she-camel in an attempt ‎to encroach upon her. God says:‎

Verse‎ no. 12‎

‎12.‎‎‎‎‎ “When the most wicked man advanced (in impiety).”‎‎‎

They were blind to the destruction that they were wooing with their ‎actions. The Envoy warned them, but they did not give ear to his warning. ‎They deprived the she-camel of her baby and rebelled against the ‎Commandment of their Lord. God says:‎

Verse‎ no. 13-14‎

13. “The envoy of Allah said to them: ‘It is Al’lah’s she-camel! ‎And (prevent her not from having) her drink!’ “‎‎‎

‎14. “However, they disbelieved him, and bereaved her. Thus, for ‎their sin, their Provider took away their blood and razed them.”‎‎‎

Thus we find that the lecher who is immersed in their forbidden lusts is ‎nothing but the person with the most courage among people to exceed ‎God’s Bounds and to despise His Orders. ‎

However, what shall follow this choice to despise the Orders of God?‎

What shall that lechery and that daring in exceeding God’s Bounds gain ‎for this person?‎

There is no doubt that perdition and ruin will follow them. God says: “Thus, for their sin, their Provider took away their blood and razed ‎them.” ‎

The Arabic word corresponding to the statement “took away their ‎blood” in Arabic is ‘damdama’. This verb is composed of two words: the ‎first is ‘dum’, which means ‘blood’ in Arabic, which is the liquid wherein ‎the soul flows; the second is ‘duma’, which means ‘went and ceased’. ‎

Therefore the verb ‘damdama’ tells us that God released their life’s blood ‎when He sent out a cry that brought out their souls and dried their blood. ‎

“To raze” in Arabic is ‘sawwa’, which means ‘to bring something to the ‎level of the ground’, and also ‘to equalize’. The phrase “and razed them” ‎means that Allah brought that entire tribe to the level of the ground, ‎turning its members into bodies that were as motionless as the ground. ‎

After the Almighty sent us this story, showing us the end of Thamud and ‎the punishment of all those who denied the Envoy of God, He wanted to ‎send us a warning in the following Verse‎. He says:‎

Verse‎ no. 15‎

‎15 “Does he (the transgressor) has no fear of its ‎consequences?” ‎

That is: do those who deviate from the right path and sink into their ‎wicked desires not fear the outcomes of their deeds and the ultimate ‎punishment of their lechery?‎

Do they not take a lesson from what happened to the people of Thamud?‎

Do not they know that wantonness and exceeding God’s Bounds are ‎always followed by destruction?‎

Finally, we say in short:‎

If anyone thinks of the universe‎ – as we indicated at the beginning of this ‎Fortress – until they recognize their Provider through contemplation of His ‎Signs, and then purifies their spirit of its dirty desires by approaching ‎Al’lah, such a person will succeed and gain blessings. On the other hand, ‎anyone who shuns Allah and corrupts their spirit by immersing it in ‎lechery will have misery as their fate, and will incur nothing but pain and ‎failure. God says: “Whoever does good, it is for (the good of) his own-self; ‎and whoever does evil, it is against it (own-self). Thereafter to your ‎Provider you shall all be brought back.”‎‎‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 45, Al-Jathiyya (Crouching), Verse‎ 15‎


‎‎‎1-I should have an inner moral court, as the noble prophet ‎‎(cpth) ‎recommended, that is to judge my action before sleeping every day to repent ‎of any hesitation in my way to God or any fault I have done.‎

‎‎‎2-Avoid having bad and immoral friends, and if you have you must leave them ‎immediately.‎

‎‎‎3- Avoid committing God’s prohibitions and forbidden desires or evil actions.‎

‎‎‎4-I have to be righteous as much as I can; obeying God’s order, having my ‎prayers performed and reading my Qur'anic rituals.‎

‎‎‎5-Help the others and treat them kindly and be charitable as much as you can.‎

Questions‎‎ and Exercises:‎

‎‎‎1-What is the reason behind Thamoud people's denial of our master ‎Saleh's Message?‎

‎‎‎2-How did the Almighty God destroy the tribe of (Thamoud)?‎

‎‎‎3- Who is the most transgressing person as he exceeds God’s ‎boundaries violating His orders?‎

‎‎‎4-‎ ‎‎What does the Almighty God illustrate for human In His saying in ‎the end of Surah Al-Shams:{Does he (the transgressor) has no ‎fear of its consequences?}.?