Islamic Education for Youths - Level Three by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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‎‎Lesson Eight

Interpretation of Fortress 90 (The Universe)

Surah Al-Balad (Part One)

I seek refuge in God from the cursed Satan

In the Name of God, the All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful

‎1. “I do not swear by this homeland (the universe‎),”‎‎‎

‎2. “And you yourself are a resident of this homeland”‎‎‎

‎3. “Nor (do I swear) by the begetter and what he begets:”‎‎‎

‎4. “We have created the human in a womb.”‎‎‎

‎5. “Does he think that none has power over him?”‎‎‎

‎6. “I have wasted great wealth: he boasts.”‎‎‎

‎7. “Does he think that none observes him?!”‎‎‎

‎8. “Have We not made two eyes for him,”‎‎‎

‎9. “A tongue and two lips,”‎‎‎

‎10. “And granted him the two heights (two breasts)?”‎‎‎

‎11. “So, would he not break into the obstacle?.”‎‎‎

‎12. “What enables you to perceive what the obstacle is?”‎‎‎

‎13. “It is freeing of a neck,”‎‎‎

‎14. “Or feeding, on a day of privation”‎‎‎

‎15. “ An orphan with claims of relationship,”‎‎‎

‎16. “Or an indigent wretch cleaving to the dust (out of ‎misery).”‎‎‎

‎17. “Then he becomes one of those who believe and exhorts ‎others to fortitude and mercy.”‎‎‎

‎18. “Such are the people of goodness and prosperity”‎‎‎

‎19. “But those that deny Our Signs are the people of ‎wretchedness”‎‎‎

‎20. “The Fire will close over them”‎‎‎


In this noble Fortress, the Almighty Allah wants to clarify that good ‎works are the way that leads to belief. He wants to tell us that belief is the ‎means by which we are assisted in acquiring virtuous moralities and high ‎humanist manners, while disbelief and shunning are the reasons for lowness ‎and degeneration, and lead to a descent into gulfs of misfortune and error. ‎‎‎‎‎‎

At the onset of this Fortress, the Almighty mentioned a group of Verse‎s that ‎indicate the greatness of the universe‎ and its accurate creation, because ‎appreciating the universe‎ and observing its strict creation inspire us to glorify ‎its Creator and Former. This glorification of the Grand Creator makes us listen ‎to His Speech and follow His Guidance and supreme Revelation. ‎

‎‎Therefore, the Almighty says:‎

Verse‎ no. 1‎

‎1.‎‎‎‎‎ “I do not swear by this homeland (the universe‎),”‎‎‎

A “homeland” is a residence or dwelling, so the homeland of every ‎person is the place where they dwell. In accordance with the Perfection of ‎God – which covers everything in this universe‎ and every creature, whether ‎on earth or in heaven – if we take a more intense, careful and comprehensive ‎look, we shall see that the entire universe‎ is actually a single homeland that ‎forms a residence for these creatures. Each type has their own dwelling ‎within it, and each group among them has their own abode therein. For ‎example, the surface of the land is the abode of humanity, while its interior ‎is for ants and insects. The seas are homes for fish, while the endless and ‎vast space above is the homeland of the swimming stars. ‎

‎‎‎‎Accordingly, the whole universe‎ is a single homeland. If we observe it ‎thoroughly, we will revere and exalt our Creator and realize His Majesty. ‎

In this Verse‎, the Almighty is making a comparison to further acquaint us ‎with His Grandeur, saying: “I do not swear”, which is a statement ‎addressing humanity. Whatever of the world’s greatness you see, know that ‎your Creator is greater, and there is no limit or end to His Might. ‎

‎‎‎‎The Almighty addresses you by saying: Although this great universe‎ ‎amazes the mind, I still do not swear by it, for the thing by which we swear ‎must be great. Think of this entire universe‎, and the management of its ‎affairs, and the fulfillment of everything that happens within it, and even ‎how it was brought into existence in perfect creation. All of this is so easy ‎and simple for Me, and it is not worth comparing it with My Might and ‎Majesty.‎‎‎‎ ‎‎Having given us the first Verse‎ which helps us to recognize this ‎universe‎ and appreciate our Creator, the Almighty tells us that He was not ‎speaking about something that we cannot see. He is talking about what is ‎before our eyes, which everybody can view. God says:‎

Verse‎ no. 2‎

‎2.‎‎‎‎‎ “And you yourself are a resident of this homeland (world).”‎‎‎

That is: you, human, are dwelling and living in this homeland. You see ‎the signs it contains and witness the creatures around you, so – if only you ‎think – you can recognize your Creator Who has created this world and ‎made it a homeland for these creatures. ‎

To draw our attention to the system by which creatures multiply in this ‎homeland (or world), the Almighty says:‎

Verse‎ no. 3‎

‎3. “Nor (do I swear) by the begetter and what he begets:”‎‎‎

The Almighty God did not bring the creatures to this world all at once, ‎but He made their exodus successive and sequential, and put rules and laws ‎in place for this. He arranged it in a way that shows Godly Wisdom, Might ‎and Compassion. This was to give a lesson and a sign to humanity, so that ‎we might be guided to our Creator and know our Originator and Provider, if ‎only we contemplate this a little. ‎

The Verse‎ “Nor (do I swear) by the begetter and what he begets:” ‎indicates two aspects:‎

The word “begetter” refers to the parents through whom a child is born ‎and brought into this existence. ‎

The statement “and what he begets” implies the child and the stages of ‎life and development through which it passes up till the time when it is ‎born. ‎

In fact, every living creature comes into existence by means of two ‎begetters, a male and a female. I wonder: ‎

Who made everything in pairs?‎

Who made one of them male and the other female, and planted sympathy, ‎harmony, cordiality and attraction between them?‎

Who gave them instincts and qualities and put mercy, tenderness and ‎affection in them, thereby making one of them a mother and the other a ‎father, male and female?‎

That is just a little of what we understand by the statement: “Nor by the ‎begetter”.‎

Now, in regard to the statement “and what he begets”, we inquire: who ‎put the child in its father’s loins?‎

Who then carried it to its mother’s womb and set to watching over it and ‎rearing it?‎

Who turned the semen into a clot of a blood, and then turned the clot into ‎a lump of flesh?‎

Who fashioned the lump into bones and then clothed the bones with ‎flesh?‎

Who created a stomach, liver, heart, and intestines for this new creature?‎

Who formed nerves, vessels, limbs, and proper systems for it?‎

Who composes the human of such faultless composition?‎

Can a drop of unworthy fluid or a minute germ change or develop by ‎itself to become a complete human being? Must there not be a Provider that ‎supplies it and keeps His Eyes on it?‎

Was it your father or your mother who created you? Must there not be a ‎Great Creator Who created you and took care of you until you became as ‎you are now? ‎

And now, having attained full manhood or womanhood, is it fitting for ‎you to turn from your Creator and forget His Charity towards you? Should ‎you not ponder your origin, and think of where you were created from, ‎when a period of time once passed when you were nothing worth ‎mentioning?‎

Do you not remember the day when you were a powerless creature and ‎an insignificant germ?‎

Should not you think of yourself when you were swimming inside a drop ‎of semen with millions of millions of germs, invisible to the naked eye?‎

Will you recover your senses and remember the Potency which created ‎you, and the Wise and Merciful Hand that looked after you and provided ‎everything for you?‎

Should you not know that there is a Grand Creator, an Omnipotent ‎Director and a Merciful Provider?‎

To remind us of the firm abode where we were brought up as semen, ‎when there was nobody to protect us except our Creator, and none to ‎supply us with what we needed except our Provider, the Almighty says:‎

Verse‎ no. 4‎

‎4. “We have created the human in a womb.”‎‎‎

The word womb in this Verse‎ is the place of assemblage. The “womb” ‎is a proper medium containing all the conditions necessary for the life of the ‎embryo. ‎

In the womb, there is a suitable temperature for the baby’s life, and the ‎blood brings it all the nourishment and essential gases that it needs. ‎

In the womb, the embryo is carried on the placenta so that the blood will ‎be prevented from entering its mouth. I wonder:‎

Who has found such conditions inside the womb, requisite for life, and ‎made it into a safe lodging and a firm home for you, to serve until you ‎become a complete human being of perfect creation?‎

Are you going to forget all of this Kindness and Godly Care after you ‎have achieved your full growth, and become a person of power and ‎prestige?‎

Do you think that there is no power in the entire world that is greater ‎than yours?!!‎

God says:‎

Verse‎ no. 5‎

‎5.Does he think that none has power over him (to provide for him)?‎‎‎

Indeed if anybody ponders their growth inside their mother’s belly and ‎contemplates the days of their early childhood – if they think of this again ‎and again, asking themselves about the Care which watched over them in ‎the past and continues to watch until now – their spirit will bow in ‎submission to its Provider and surrender to its Creator. This person will ‎ascertain that if their Provider did not supply them with power and oblige ‎them with blessings and prestige, they would be powerless, poor and ‎insignificant. They are nothing without God, and there is no power or might ‎except by Him. ‎

However, humanity’s degeneration and decline from an elevated rank ‎result from the neglect of contemplation of ourselves and the signs which ‎God created in this universe‎, the preoccupation with food and drink, the ‎absorption in worldly concerns, and the desire for material wealth. ‎

People have become ungrateful disbelievers, not seeing the grace of the ‎Donor and thinking that they have obtained and earned what they have ‎through their own power, their own thinking, their own endeavor, and their ‎own hard work. ‎

Verse‎ no. 6‎

‎6. “I have wasted great wealth’: he boasts.”‎‎‎

Here, to “waste” means to ‘spend’. ‎

The phrase “great wealth” refers to large sums of accumulated money ‎which have been stuck together. ‎

That is what most people are like. They say, I have wasted so much ‎money on this building or I have bought this cloth for x pounds, instead ‎of saying, Had Allah not obliged me with His favor, I would have ‎remained hungry and penniless’ or ‘Had Allah not granted me the power to ‎earn a living, I would have been homeless, living in the open with no home ‎or lodgings.‎‎‎

How far from God are those who do not respond to His Revelation! ‎

How great is the ungratefulness for the Benefaction of He Who keeps ‎supporting us with His Grace, and Who never forgets us!‎

To remind us of a bit of that Favor, the Almighty says:‎

Verse‎ no. 7‎

‎7. “Does he think that none observes him!”‎‎‎

That is, do those who live in luxury think that they supply themselves ‎with life? Do they earn what they earn by their own power and effort?!‎

Do they think that there is no one that attends them or continually ‎provides them with strength and life?‎

The Almighty turned our eyes to the appendages and senses through ‎which we are able to attain what we have. ‎

God says:

‎‎Verse‎ no. 8-9‎

‎8. “Have We not made two eyes for him,”‎‎‎

‎9. “A tongue and two lips,”‎‎‎

I really wonder: really wonder: how easy is it for a person to work or ‎earn an income in the case that they have a severe ‎‎disability? If they have ‎no lips and no tongue, can they talk, or even utter a single word?!‎

We know that the different consonant sounds and the voice emanate ‎through the joining of the two lips with the assistance of the tongue, and ‎that is how the human is able to speak. ‎

If it had not been granted such tools, the human species would have been ‎like a speechless animal, yelping or mewing. However, the flexibility of the ‎lips and their ability to contract and extend, as well as the various ‎movements of the tongue to all sides (up and down, right and left): all of ‎this help the human to talk and express the inclinations and thoughts that ‎cross its mind. They are also useful in eating, chewing and swallowing food, ‎so that we can enjoy good health and activity. ‎

God then draws your attention to the nourishment that He supplies for ‎you during early childhood, when you were suckling tasty milk from your ‎mother’s breasts. He says:‎

Verse‎ no. 10‎

‎10.‎‎‎‎‎ “And granted him the two heights (two breasts)?”‎‎‎

The word “heights” refers to high places which save people and protect ‎them from drowning in the floods that are caused by heavy rains and the ‎inundation of low places. ‎

The word “heights” also indicates the uplands. ‎

However, according to the context of this Verse‎, this means the high part ‎of the woman’s chest which helps the baby when it cries out for food. Thus ‎this physical feature saves the infant from hunger and satisfies its needs. ‎

The word “heights” as it is used here is meant to refer to the breast of the ‎mother. ‎

Out of God’s Favor for humanity, He created milk in the breasts of the ‎mother for the sake of the infant, to fulfill its need for food and drink. He ‎then taught this child how to access this food. ‎

Having revealed some Verse‎s which acquaint us with ourselves and show ‎us the Charity of our Creator towards us, the Almighty wanted to clarify the ‎way that leads to belief in order that we acquire humanist qualities. He says:‎

Verse‎ no. 11‎

‎11. “So, would he not break into the obstacle.”‎‎‎

The Arabic word for “obstacle” is ‘aqabah’, which is a rough ‎mountainous path that blocks a person’s way; however, if they pass it, they ‎will attain ease and comfort. ‎

“So, would he not” serves the purpose of urging and exhorting someone ‎to perform a particular action. ‎

The word “obstacle” here is meant to refer to the performance of a good ‎deed, which is difficult for the spirit at first. For example, a human spirit ‎naturally likes money and does not like it to be lost. However, when it sees ‎that spending a sum of money will bring great benefit for it, spending ‎money becomes easy, and the spirit does not delay in doing so. ‎

Furthermore, the spirit favors rest over exerting effort or doing hard ‎work. However, if it finds that tiring effort will be reciprocated with its own ‎perpetual rest, it becomes willing to sacrifice its momentary ease for the ‎lasting comfort it will later attain. ‎

We can see from the above mentioned that the spirit considers all good ‎actions difficult at first. However, the spirit can learn that all of God’s ‎Commands result only from His Love for the human spirit and are designed ‎to generate its own advantage. When the spirit performs these actions in ‎compliance with these Commands, these deeds will result in good things and ‎ease for the spirit, as they will be followed by everlasting comfort and ‎happiness. ‎

Therefore, the Almighty God, Who created you and let you dwell in this ‎homeland (the universe‎), when you were nothing worth mentioning before ‎this; this Merciful Provider, Who took care of you when you were an ‎embryo inside your mother’s belly, and did not stop the flow of His ‎Benevolence over you until you became a little child – nay, until you became ‎a complete human being; I say, this kind Creator, Who made two eyes, a ‎tongue, and two lips for you, and Who granted you the two heights: He ‎advises you and admonishes you to perform good actions. He invites you to ‎enter His Presence out of His love for you and His Sympathy for you. If you ‎obey Him, you will join the people of happiness and will be together with ‎the true, the martyrs, and those who became worthy of God’s Donation. ‎

The doer of good and the doer of evil are not alike to Allah, for He is a ‎Just Provider.‎

He rewards everybody according to the helpful acts they accomplish and ‎according to what they deserve. ‎

That is what we can understand from the Verse‎: “so, would he not break ‎into the obstacle.”‎‎‎

To inform you of the importance of this obstacle, He says:‎

Verse‎ no. 12‎

‎12. “What enables you to perceive what the obstacle is?”‎‎‎

‎‎Then He spoke about this obstacle in some detail, saying:‎

Verse‎ no. 13‎

‎13.‎‎‎‎‎ “It is Freeing of a neck,”‎‎‎

“Neck” here refers to humanity – or you can say it refers to every living ‎creature. ‎

“Freeing”: here, this word means saving or helping. ‎

The “Freeing of a neck” means providing relief for any creature in ‎trouble, and lending a helping hand to anyone that is suffering from some ‎affliction or going through some kind of distress. This is because distress is ‎like a rope that is wrapped around the neck of its owner, so that when you ‎save them it will be as if you are freeing their neck from this rope, and ‎relieving them from binds and restrictions. ‎

For example, when you dispel somebody’s worry or meet their need, or ‎when you free them from capture, or discharge them from debt or save them ‎from drowning or quench their thirst: if you complete any of these actions, ‎you will have broken the obstacle and freed a neck. ‎

Thus the phrase “freeing of a neck” encompasses a wide range of ‎actions. It covers every act of deliverance, help or chivalry, just as it covers ‎every living being – even down to the level of a little cat, an insignificant ant ‎or a withered plant. ‎However, the noblest deed you can achieve is when you find a person that ‎has shunned the path of belief and has fallen into errors which will drive ‎them to misery and Fire, and when you make all efforts to save this person ‎from their disbelief. If you are able to attract them to belief through kind ‎treatment and reasonable guidance, and if you can help them to distinguish ‎between their advantage and disadvantage so that they believe and find the ‎way of happiness, then it will be as if you had freed their neck from wicked ‎desires and the snares of Satan, as you will have allowed them to proceed ‎freely in the way of belief. ‎

In this case, you will also have freed their neck from another thing: the ‎torment of Hell-Fire; you will have transported them to basking in the ‎Gardens of felicity and Paradise. ‎

Such a deed – if you are lucky to perform it – is regarded as one of the ‎greatest deeds before God, and this is the task of the Prophets and Envoys. ‎


‎- Memorize Fortress Al-Balad very well with your teacher in your ‎school and cooperate with your friends and family at home trying to ‎memorize it very well and to understand its great interpretation

‎‎Questions‎‎ and Exercises:‎

‎‎‎1.‎ ‎‎The Almighty Says “I do not swear by this homeland,” ‎What is the homeland and Why does not the Almighty God ‎swear by it??‎‎ ‎

‎2.‎ ‎‎Why did not the Almighty God bring the creatures to this ‎world all at once and what is the wisdom behind bringing ‎them through successive generations (through marriage)?‎

‎‎‎3.‎ ‎‎What does this Verse‎ indicate “We have created the human in a ‎womb.”?‎

‎‎‎4.‎ ‎‎What are the things that absorb human thought causing him ‎to shun God’s path, consequently they lead him to distress, ‎degeneration and lowness? ‎

‎‎‎5.‎ ‎‎The Almighty God Says “And granted him the two heights” ‎What are these two heights which God offers human and ‎guides him to? ‎