Islamic Education for Youths - Level Three by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson Fifteen

Interpretation of Fortress 88 (The Overwhelming)

Surah Al-Ghashiyya (Part One)‎‎

I seek refuge in God from the cursed Satan

In the Name of God, the All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful

‎1. “Has the account of the Overwhelming (Event) come to you?‎

‎2. “Some faces on that Day will be downcast,‎

‎3. “Of standing deeds,‎

‎4. “Suffering a scorching Fire.‎

‎5. “And given to drink from a seething spring.‎

‎6. “There shall be no food for them, but food of bitter disgust:‎

‎7. “It will neither nourish nor satisfy hunger.‎

‎8. “Some faces on that Day will be soft,‎

‎9. “Well-pleased with their labours,‎

‎10. “In a lofty Garden:

‎11. “Where they will hear no idle talk.‎

‎12.‎ ‎‎‎`Therein will be a flowing spring,”‎‎‎

‎13. “And couches raised high.‎

‎14. “And cups placed ready,‎

‎15. “And delights ranged in order,‎

‎16. “And inclusive bliss richly spread.‎

‎17. “Would they not look at the camels, (and consider) how they ‎are created;‎

‎18. “And at the sky, how it is raised high;‎

‎19. “And at the mountains, how they are set up;‎

‎20. “And at the earth, how it is spread out.‎

‎21. “Therefore you remind them (Oh Mohammad), for you are ‎one to act only as a reminder.‎

‎22. “You have no domination over them,‎

‎23. “Save those that turn away and disbelieve.‎

‎24. “Allah will then inflict the greatest torment upon them.”‎‎‎

‎25. “Indeed, to Us is their return;‎

‎26. “And then it is for Us to call them to account.”‎‎‎


‎‎‎‎This noble Fortress aims to remind humanity of the Day of ‎Resurrection, and to show what state people will be in on that Day.

Undoubtedly, we will come back to our Provider. If a person was an ‎evildoer in the worldly life, they will stand humble and servile before the ‎torture which will befall them. On the contrary, if they were charitable, they ‎would stand up, happy and optimistic with the bliss and honor they receive. ‎God says:‎

Verse‎ no. 1‎

‎1. “Has the account of the Overwhelming (Event) come to ‎you?‎

To ‘overwhelm’ is to completely cover or to overcome. ‎

An “Overwhelming Event” could be any great and weighty occurrence ‎which descends upon people, fully overwhelming the spirit and surrounding ‎it so that it almost becomes impossible for it to think of anything else. ‎

For example, one such overwhelming event would be a storm facing ‎travellers at sea, which would alarm them and put them in fear of shipwreck ‎and drowning. ‎

Other overwhelming events would include flooding or a military attack by ‎enemies. When such occurrences befall people, their spirits become focused ‎on the stress caused, and surrounded by their own anguish. This takes place ‎to the extent that the spirit becomes wholly absorbed in these events. ‎

However, the Overwhelming Event referred to in this Verse‎ is the ‎resurrection on Doomsday. ‎

‎God described this event as overwhelming because it will descend upon ‎everything in creation, and everything that has come into existence from the ‎beginning of creation till the end of this world, and nothing will be left ‎unaffected. ‎

It will cover people with its unpleasantness to the extent that people will ‎become abstracted from and forget everything else.‎

This Verse‎ is in the interrogative tense in order to emphasize its meaning, ‎to establish the facts in the spirits of humanity, and to demonstrate the ‎importance of that great Day. ‎

It means: have you not attained knowledge of that Day? Have you not ‎been acquainted with the news of the Overwhelming Event, which is surely ‎coming and which will encompass every being in creation and occupy their ‎spirits, making them forget everything else?!‎

Should you not think of that unavoidable Day, so that you may begin to ‎make your preparations for it from this moment forth?‎

The Almighty described people’s states on that Day to us. He first ‎mentioned the state of people who commit bad actions. He says:‎

Verse‎ no. 2‎

‎2. “Some faces on that Day will be downcast,‎

The word downcast indicates humiliation and subjection. ‎

Verse‎ no. 3‎

‎3. “Of standing deeds,”‎‎‎

That is, the works which those spirits have done during their lifetime will ‎stand before their eyes on that Day, and will never disappear from their ‎sight. ‎

Why will these faces be downcast and bent?‎

They will stand in this way because they will view what is about to befall ‎them, and what has been prepared for them. ‎

The Fire will be there awaiting them, with hot and boiling water for them ‎to drink, and food of bitter taste to eat.‎

I wonder, if a person views these things in front of them, will they not ‎stand with bowed head, cringing, submissive and bent?‎

They will stand downcast because they are about to suffer a scorching ‎Fire. God says:‎

Verse‎ no. 4‎

‎4. “Suffering a scorching Fire.”‎‎‎

That is, they will be burnt and be engulfed in a scorching Fire. ‎

Verse‎ no. 5‎

‎5. “And given to drink from a seething spring.‎

‎‎That is, from a hot springs of boiling water. ‎

Verse‎ no. 6‎

‎6. “There shall be no food for them but food of bitter disgust:

‎‎The words “bitter disgust” suggests suffering and yielding. This is ‎because the food which the people of Fire will have is painful, detestable ‎and loathsome. However, despite their pain and detestation, their spirits ‎will yield to it, because they will have no choice. This is like the example of ‎a sick man who has to take unpleasant medicine. ‎

Verse‎ no. 7‎

‎7. “It will neither nourish nor satisfy hunger.”‎‎‎

‎”It will neither nourish”: nourishment is not accomplished until a spirit ‎becomes free and cured of disease, and this cannot be achieved except by ‎entering the Presence of God. That is because nothing heals the polluted ‎spirits from defects except God’s Light. ‎

Therefore this food will not sustain them, since it cannot cure anyone. It ‎is only a means of distraction with which the people of Fire distract ‎themselves, so that they can forget their pains. ‎

“…nor satisfy hunger”, because there is no nourishment in this food. ‎

As for the people of Paradise, the Almighty revealed their state in that ‎weighty position, saying:‎

Verse‎ no. 8‎

‎8. “Some faces on that day will be soft,”‎‎‎

The term ‘soft’ expresses the luxurious circumstances of these people, ‎

However, what is the reason for this luxury?‎

God clarified the reason to us, saying:‎

Verse‎ no. 9‎

‎9. “Well pleased with their labours,”‎‎‎

This means that they will be pleased with the good deeds they have ‎rendered in their life, for these deeds will now allow them to enter high ‎Paradise. God says:‎

Verse no. 10

‎10.‎‎‎‎‎ “In a lofty Garden:”‎‎‎

Regarding this point, it is necessary to shed light upon the state of people ‎in Paradise and how they will enjoy themselves therein. This is important in ‎order to recognize the limitless Favor of Allah, the Almighty, for humanity, ‎as well as His great Graces. We say:‎

As previously mentioned, each person is composed of a spirit, a soul and ‎a body. ‎

We have explained that the spirit is the main element of a person. It is ‎that which enjoys and suffers, and which tastes flavors and savors their ‎pleasures. ‎

However, in this world the spirit is confined within and surrounded by ‎the body. It perceives only pictures, and enjoys delights by means of the ‎physical senses from behind a veil. ‎

This situation is not like that in the life to come. In the other abode, the ‎spirit will envelop the body and surround it on all sides, as the flame of a ‎candle completely surrounds its wick. ‎

If we suppose that the wick of a candle is a body, then its flame and its ‎light would be the spirit. ‎

In the afterlife, the spirit will not view with the physical eye or hear with ‎the physical ear. The whole spirit will be eyes and ears, and it will taste, ‎smell and speak with its entire self. ‎

That is the state of the spirit on that Day. ‎

Accordingly, it will get more pleasure there than it does here. Its ‎enjoyment now is but partial and indirect and from behind a veil, while on ‎that day it will be complete and direct. ‎

When the spirit wants to look at something in the life to come, it will be ‎in no need of an eye, just as it will not need a mouth or teeth when it has ‎food. Its rays will flow to food, and allow it to taste it and enjoy its flavors. ‎It will have no need to chew it or cut it with the teeth. ‎

Such being the case, its delight there will be greater than its delight in this ‎world, and will be completely different. ‎

In this world, people soon satisfy their appetites, whereas in the life to ‎come nothing will restrict the spirit from enjoying and taking continuous ‎pleasure in anything. ‎

God says: “This is a picture of the Garden which the ones who see ‎by God’s Light have been promised: the rivers (of blessings) run ‎‎(underneath it): eternal are its fruits, and so is its Shade (the Godly ‎Manifestation)...‎‎‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 13, Ar-Ra’d (The Thunder), Verse‎ 35‎

And He (glory to Him) says: “And abundant fruits, never-ending, ‎and not forbidden.”‎‎‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 56, Al-Waqi’a (The Inevitable Event), Verse‎ 32-33‎

Similarly, a person’s enjoyment of their spouse in Paradise will be ‎spiritual. Their spirits will flow to one another and achieve pleasure without ‎cessation or separation. ‎

Accordingly, when in Paradise, a person will not need a bed to sleep in or ‎a pillow to lie on, since their body will not feel tired or require sleep. The ‎residents of Paradise will not desire a glass to drink from since the body will ‎have no need to drink. ‎

All the Verse‎s included in the Qur’an in this respect indicate the qualities ‎and the realities of things, and the bliss which people will enjoy as a result. ‎

Returning to God’s Saying, “In a lofty Garden” we say:‎

The word “Garden” is an expression of a place where a person feels ‎spiritual happiness, veiled from others. ‎

Every person in Paradise will live in bliss equal to the charity they have ‎carried out in their life. ‎

One’s bliss will be hidden from others, and sensed only by themselves. ‎The lofty Garden means the endless, high-ranked Paradise. ‎

Verse‎ no. 11‎

‎11.‎‎‎‎‎ “Where they will hear no idle talk.”‎‎‎

The phrase “idle talk” means untrue speech.‎

Verse‎ no. 12‎

‎12. “Therein will be a flowing spring,”‎‎‎

The word “spring” here refers only to the spirit. ‎

In Arabic, the word spring also has the meaning of ‘eye’. ‎

As previously mentioned, in Paradise the spirit will itself become an eye. ‎Therefore it will always flow from one bliss to a higher and more wonderful ‎one, without stopping. ‎

Verse‎ no. 13‎

‎13.‎‎‎‎‎ “And couches raised high”‎‎‎

Here, the word “couches” refers to everything that people lie on in order ‎to get some rest. In Arabic, the word for ‘couch’ also refers to ‘pleasure’. ‎Accordingly, the word “couches” here indicates pleasant things which the ‎spirits rely on in order to attain bliss. ‎

Therefore, the phrase “raised high” means the high-ranked things which ‎raise the spirit from one positive state to another superior one.‎

Verse‎ no. 14‎

‎14. “And cups placed ready”‎‎‎

A ‘cup’ is a vessel which contains delicious liquid prepared for people to ‎drink. ‎

In Arabic the word ‘cup’ is ‘coop’ which is related to the verb ‘encabba’ ‎meaning ‘apply to.’ Accordingly, the word ‘coob’ refers to anything which ‎the spirit applies to. ‎

The word “cups” here refers to the things which the spirit applies to ‎eagerly due to the delight which they contain.‎

As for the word “placed”, it indicates unceasing desirability. ‎

The phrase “placed ready” therefore indicates that people in Paradise ‎will be fully healthy so that they can continuously enjoy what delightful ‎things will be placed before them. ‎

Verse‎ no. 15‎

‎15.‎‎‎‎‎ “And delights ranged in order.”‎‎‎

This Verse‎ means that good, sweet, and desirable things will be placed ‎before the spirit in succession, one after the other, to allow the spirit to pass ‎and flow through them, so that it moves from one perfect attraction to ‎another which is even more perfect. ‎

Verse‎ no. 16‎

‎‎‎16. “And zarebas (inclusive bliss) richly spread.”‎‎‎

In Arabic, the word “zareba” is derived from the verb ‘zaraba’, which ‎means ‘to put together’. ‎

For example, we say: ‘sheep zareba’ to mean the place where sheep are ‎put together.‎

However, in this Verse‎ this word signifies the things where all delights and ‎pleasures are included together. ‎

‎‎‎ ‎‎‎…richly spread”: that is, the pleasures of these things flow throughout ‎the spirit. They will spread within it and never separate from it. ‎

In short, we say: ‎

Humanity’s enjoyment of Paradise is based on realities, not images. For ‎example, the pomegranate that is presented to the people of Paradise is ‎comprised of the delineation mentioned in all the previous Verse‎s and is ‎referred to with the words: “couches”, “cups”, “attractions” and “zareba”. ‎

Pomegranate and couches contains (that is, pleasures), cups (meaning ‎that the spirit applies to it), attractions (meaning that it is sweet and ‎delicious and the spirit passes to it), and “zarebas” (which is to say that it ‎contains many delights which all flow together to the spirit and spread ‎within it).‎

‎‎‎‎It is the same when it comes to enjoying women or men or any other kind ‎of bliss. People’s enjoyment will depend on reality, and will be continuous ‎and unceasing. ‎

How happy will be the state of the people of Paradise! Glory to Him! ‎What a Generous Obligor He is!‎

‎‎‎‎Guidance and abidance:

‎‎We must establish in our heart the fact that death encompasses every ‎human willy-nilly, therefore human must contemplate this unavoidable end ‎and prepare himself for that day through doing good deeds, however, The ‎Almighty God has clarified to us the way to enter paradise and warned us ‎not to disobey His orders. If we do so, we shall lead ourselves to fire. ‎‎All ‎what God has revealed is the serious fact, so all what you have to do is to ‎decide to follow the way of attaining the true belief in God and rendering ‎good deeds which lead to Paradise.‎‎

Questions‎‎ and Exercises:‎

‎‎‎1- Why has God called the Day of Resurrection the Overwhelming Event?‎

‎‎‎2- As we mentioned previously in the above lesson that the spirits who ‎have done bad actions during their lifetime their deeds will stand before their ‎eyes on the Doomsday, and will never disappear from their sight so they ‎become downcast. Why will these spirits be downcast and broken?‎

‎‎‎3- According to the interpretation of these holy fortresses we know that ‎the food which the people of Fire will have is painful, detestable and ‎loathsome. However, despite their pain and detestation, their spirits will ‎yield to it, explain why?‎

‎‎‎4- Do the people of paradise need a bed to sleep and glasses to drink ‎from? ‎

‎‎‎5- What are the differences between the spirit enjoyment and pleasure in ‎this worldly life and in the life to come. Which one is more delightful?‎

‎‎‎6- Illustrate the meaning of Garden (Janah)? Why has God called the spirit “a flowing spring” in the life to come?

‎‎‎7- Explain the meaning of the Verse‎s which are mentioned in this Holy ‎fortress: “And delights ranged in order.” “And zarebas (inclusive ‎bliss) richly spread.”
