Islamic Education for Youths - Level Three by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Moral Story

‎‎At the time when he retired from his job as a great general officer ‎who protected the human rights, defended the weakness, established the ‎basics of rights and struck the crimes and the criminals, he devoted his ‎time to teach and recite the Holy book for the students and guided them ‎to the right path.‎

‎‎The Money Lender Woman‎‎

The Almighty God says in His Holy Book: “Whoever looks with the ‎Light of God, God will give them salvation and provide for them ‎whence they do not reckon.” [19]‎

And in one of His Holy Sayings, He (Glory to Him) declared: “Oh My ‎obedient follower, be for Me as I want you to be, and then I will be for ‎you as you want Me to be.”‎‎‎

This is a law and something that, in reality, happens continuously when ‎a human being becomes connected with God’s Robe, meaning Prophet ‎Mohammad ‎‎‎‎(cpth) and abiding by His Statute they will be close to God. ‎Thus whatever good they ask from Him, He will definitely respond to ‎them and fulfill their requests.‎

The more one is submissive to God and conforms to His sublime ‎Legislation, the more beloved to God they will become and the more God ‎will respond to their call.‎

Our humane guide, M. A. Sheikho, was extremely close to ‎God, and because he took great care to apply His Orders and to serve ‎His creatures many incidents occurred that showed the effectiveness of ‎this Godly Law and gave proof of the scholar’s high standing with God.‎

One of these events took place at the beginning of winter when the noble ‎guide was anxious that his new house would not be in a suitable state to ‎receive his disciples during the coming rainy days.‎

He had bought the house during the summer. It was an Arab-style house ‎in the al-Muhajireen area, including a vast courtyard where fresh air ‎always circulated freely. A fountain was located in the middle of the ‎courtyard, surrounded by many beds of green plants and colourful ‎flowers and roses which spread their fragrant perfume to captivate the ‎heart and heal the spirit: it presented a delightful picture when one ‎observed their bright beauty which the Godly Hand had produced and ‎formed in all its excellence.‎

Like all other Damascene houses, the house of the noble guide consisted ‎of two floors: the ground floor which was inhabited during the summer ‎season while the upper floor was used in the winter. Both floors of this ‎new house contained many spacious, sunlit rooms providing perfect ‎ambiance and comfort to all.‎

But what distinguished this house from others was that whoever went ‎into it would feel as though they were entering a garden of Paradise. This ‎is because of the serenity and comfort they would sense within; they ‎might experience a state of deep pleasure, or even of bliss: the kind of ‎feeling that could not be found in any other house.‎

And it was no wonder, for the Envoy of God ‎‎(cpth) said, “Courts of ‎teaching Godly Knowledge are gardens of Paradise.”‎‎‎

Our noble guide had dedicated his house to weekly religious lectures, and ‎this was in addition to the special gatherings where he used to meet with ‎his close and loving disciples. This blessed house was indeed like a ‎Ka’ba, a focal point, for all his murids (disciples) and all those who ‎honestly sought truth, rectitude and religion.‎

When this great master, M. A. Sheikho, reached fifty years ‎of age he turned fully to devoting himself in spirit and time to guiding ‎people towards God: leading their spirits into His Presence under his ‎distinguished direction and the superior knowledge God revealed to him. ‎He helped them turn to God and His Envoy with love, through the great ‎realities he unveiled to them concerning God’s Perfection and His ‎Supreme Attributes, and the truthfulness and noble merits of His Envoy ‎‎‎‎(cpth) By virtue of the scholar’s endeavours in creating this feeling of ‎love for God in the hearts of his followers, their spirits were refined and ‎became imbued with the mark of Godly Perfection.‎

Large groups of young men, whether educated or not, joined his circle ‎‎(his soul has been sanctified by Allah) where they could acquire great ‎intellectual and spiritual fruits from the superior lessons they received ‎from their teacher, and enjoy happiness simply by talking about the ‎Supreme Attributes of God the Almighty. These lessons breathed life and ‎beatitude into their hearts and therefore they were unable to miss with ‎them for they felt them necessary to their daily lives.‎

Days rolled by and turned into weeks and then months, and summer ‎faded, then autumn spread its colourful cloak; that too ran its glorious ‎course and gave place to winter which brought with it chilly weather, ‎heavy rain and snow.‎

With the onset of winter the noble scholar, M. Amin, began to ‎ponder upon the state of his new house and how it would fare in the ‎coming rainy days, for it was the only place available to receive his ‎followers who would be coming to drink from the fount of his heavenly ‎knowledge. When he bought the house, it was still not plastered and the ‎courtyard was covered with dust for it had not yet been paved. At the ‎time this was not a problem for him and his followers for they were still ‎experiencing the warm, dry days of summer.‎

But on this particular day, thick banks of grey clouds covered the sky ‎and veiled the sun; winds loaded with cool moisture began to blow, ‎causing the rain to fall lightly at first. But it quickly increased and the ‎heavens sent it in abundance. The rainfall lasted long enough to turn the ‎open courtyard into a large, muddy pool. The noble master came out of ‎his room and stood beside the pool observing this new problem and ‎wondering what he could do about it. He thought to himself, ‘Winter is ‎here and the heavens have overwhelmed the earth with its blessings and ‎rainwater; so, what can I do about this unpaved courtyard? I see that it ‎will cause me some problems. Had it been only for me and my family it ‎would not matter. But this situation will affect my disciples and the ‎visitors who come here to learn about God!’‎

In fact, the problem might well affect more than three hundred people ‎who were used to attending the lessons in person; and this number is ‎apart from the groups who would visit him all during the week, morning ‎and evening, to quench their thirst from his heavenly knowledge. ‎Unfortunately, the noble master was facing this problem at the same time ‎that he was passing through financial difficulty, and so he did not have ‎the money to solve it. He knew that the problem could easily be rectified ‎by paving the courtyard, but this would cost a lot of money as the area ‎in question was large, and he would have to buy the floor tiles and the ‎materials needed for paving, also pay the delivery costs and the wages of ‎the workers.‎

He had always been in the habit of keeping a sum of money to provide ‎all the daily needs for himself and his family, and other necessities, ‎including the alms he gave to the deserving needy. So whatever difficult ‎circumstances he passed through, he would carry all the burdens to face ‎them easily and without any trouble, but with this new situation he felt a ‎heavy burden on his shoulders. He had to pave the courtyard as soon as ‎possible because winter had arrived, but at the same time, he did not ‎have the money to pay for it. So, what could he do?‎

He thought that he might borrow the necessary amount from his close ‎disciples, but he realised that they were all poor and thus unable to cover ‎the cost of the work. A feeling of anxiety began to flow into his pure ‎heart when suddenly he heard a knock at the outer door of his house. ‎The great guide walked steadily towards the door and opened it, and to ‎his surprise he found an old woman standing before him although it was ‎still early morning; the woman seemed to be strong and active even ‎though she was advanced in years. He recognised her, for she was a ‎famous usurer known not only to all the people in the region where she ‎lived and, incidentally, where Officer Sheikho had once been the director ‎of security, but many of the people of Damascus had also heard of her. ‎She was well known for her abundant fortune, and her wide area of ‎influence. In short, she was like a moving bank, for what money she has ‎was equal to, or perhaps more than, all the deposits in any bank. And ‎now, this money lender was standing at his door holding a heavy bag. In ‎a trembling voice she greeted the noble guide, saying, ‘Good morning, ‎abu Fat’hi.’‎

‎‘Good morning!’‎

‎‘May I come in, please?’‎

‎‘Yes, of course! Welcome, come in!’‎

She passed across the doorstep, still carrying the heavy bag, and then the ‎noble master closed the door behind her. Once inside the house she put ‎the bag down on the floor and revealed her careworn face, dripping with ‎sweat. In a breathless voice she addressed the noble guide and began to ‎tell her story, ‘Oh abu Fat'hi! Last night I could not sleep at all. I was so ‎afraid that burglars would burst into my home… at any moment I ‎expected them to come over the wall… from all directions. Oh, sir I was ‎sure that they would steal my money and deprive me of so much of the ‎fruit of my life’s work. I couldn’t close my eyes for even a moment. I ‎waited, on tenterhooks, for the coming of morning, but it was needless ‎for last night passed peacefully, but who knows what may happen ‎tonight or any other night? So I’ve decided to resort to your protection, ‎sir. I can put my trust only in you, sir, for I believe in your honesty and ‎truthfulness. I still remember your reliability and noble manners when ‎you were the director of our region. I still remember your honourable ‎conduct therefore I find no-one to be more trustworthy than you, sir.‎

‎‘That is why I have brought these golden pieces for you to take care of ‎on my behalf; in this way I will protect myself and my beloved money ‎from the eyes of thieves and burglars. And with this I give you a full and ‎free hand to take whatever sum of money you need and to spend any of ‎it in whichever way you see fit. But this will be on one condition only, ‎and that is to hand the full amount of golden liras back to me on the day ‎I return to collect them. If you agree on this condition you can take the ‎amount you need and I will not charge you any interest on it at all. I just ‎want to find the full amount of money when I come back to get it. Here is ‎the bag of gold coins, take it and protect it. Now I can go to my business ‎with a peaceful mind. But again I remind you, when I visit you again I ‎want to see it as I left it, without a single penny missing. Do you agree?’‎

The noble master took the bag from the woman, saying, ‘As you like, but ‎don’t you want a receipt for this money?’‎

‎‘Not at all,’ the woman answered, ‘a man like you who is entrusted with ‎men’s souls can surely be entrusted with even the greatest amount of ‎gold. No... No I will not take a receipt from you.’‎

However, the noble guide refused to keep the money in his charge ‎without giving her a receipt which he wrote and signed with his own pen. ‎And so, the woman said goodbye to the honorable master and left the ‎house with a calm mind and tranquil heart. Her heavy steps expressed ‎the exhaustion she suffered because of the previous sleepless night she ‎had spent, worrying that thieves might break into her house and steal her ‎bag of gold. ‎

Glory to Him! How Great He is! He directed this woman to his obedient ‎servant at the proper time, and did so even before M. Amin ‎prayed to Him to ask for His Help! It was only because the feeling of a ‎heavy burden had begun to creep into his noble spirit as he thought of ‎the new situation of his house in winter and joined it to his straitened ‎circumstance, that the Almighty soon dispelled his worries by totally ‎unexpected means. He sent to him a moving bank and placed at his ‎disposal a sum of money, interest free, and many times greater than the ‎sum he needed. Thus, the noble master was relieved of his worry and his ‎features relaxed as he decided to borrow some of the woman’s money ‎since she had willingly offered it to him. In this way he could pave the ‎courtyard and make some necessary improvements in the house so that ‎the entire problem would be quickly resolved. ‎

When the work was finished, the noble master was extremely happy for ‎everything had been easily accomplished. He turned to God in praise for ‎His Arrangement and Help which enabled him to continue his lofty ‎lessons of guiding people to Him without any trouble.‎

Many days passed before another favor came from God to this noble ‎guide when one of the shops which he had inherited from his late father ‎was sold; so he took a part of the price he received for the shop, equal to ‎the sum he had borrowed from the money of the money lender, and put it ‎back in her bag after he changed it to golden coins.‎

That same evening our noble man went to bed with his heart full of ‎immeasurable gratitude for the Almighty Allah (Glory to Him) Who ‎supported him and eased the difficulties in his way, helped him to finish ‎the work and return the money he had borrowed to the bag before the ‎woman came back and asked for what was hers.‎

That night he closed his eyes, delighted and at ease, and surrendered to ‎sleep. Then, as dawn broke the muezzin called for the dawn prayer, and ‎so our great guide performed the communication with God and then he ‎began to glorify the Almighty Allah. Suddenly he heard the echo of a ‎voice as though coming from a distance. It reverberated around the entire ‎quarter repeating one phrase, ‘I have missed it… I have missed it.’‎

‎‘How odd! Who could it be?’ the noble master thought to himself, ‘It’s ‎still early morning, so who is shouting like this and in this area? Oh God! ‎I hope it’s good news.’‎

The quarter where he lived was known as the area where the upper class ‎of society and the ruling element in Damascus lived in and where silence ‎and tranquility constantly prevailed. ‎

‎‘So,’ he thought, ‘who is causing this clamour and speaking in such a ‎strange voice?’ But the answer was soon revealed when he heard loud ‎banging on his street door followed by the same voice echoing the same ‎words:(I have missed it… I have missed it)‎

With this, he could guess who the source of all this noise was, so he got ‎to his feet and quickly rushed to open the door. It was she, the money ‎lender! She had come back to reclaim her bag of money.‎

Without any word of greeting she said to the noble man, in her Bedouin ‎accent, ‘I’ve missed it… my money… my gold… I want my bag of ‎golden liras.’‎

‎‘Okay… okay… you will have it,’ the noble master replied, ‘the gold is ‎complete, not one lira less.’ She went into the house and the noble ‎master entered one of the rooms and then came back holding the weighty ‎bag and handed it to the woman.‎

She drank the delicious cup of coffee that had been offered to her and ‎then said goodbye to the noble guide and left the house holding her ‎beloved bag, not just with her hands, but seemingly with her eyes and ‎heart too.‎

Behold, dear reader, the Wise Actions of the Almighty and Merciful God! ‎

Unaware of God’s Will and against her own will, the Almighty directed ‎this money lender to relieve His beloved obedient servant of his distress ‎and to alleviate his difficult circumstances. He sowed in her heart a ‎feeling of alarm about the security of her gold and so pushed her to seek ‎refuge in the noble guide and bring him, unconsciously, a release from his ‎own anticipated troubles. He did not allow his obedient follower, the ‎man of high intentions, to suffer straitened circumstances or to be put in ‎any kind of tight situation.‎

Rather, He sent that woman at the appropriate time to solve his problem ‎and, again at exactly the right time, He sent her back to reclaim her ‎money after the borrowed sum had been replaced, and not a moment ‎sooner.‎

If this demonstrates anything at all, it shows the great rank of this ‎truthful guide with his Provider.‎

The Almighty says in His Holy Book, the Qur’an, ‘Every difficulty is ‎followed with ease’ [20]‎‎‎‎‎ ‎

In this noble Verse‎, Allah, Glory to Him, states a firm rule and effective ‎law: Whoever is straight in observing His Commands and Statute, He ‎will assuredly raise his prestige and remove any difficulty that may stand ‎in his way.‎‎‎

This is true for every righteous human being. As for those whose ‎difficulty arises in their spirits out of their care for the advantage of their ‎brothers and sisters in humanity and for fear of their future in the after-‎world, and not out of any personal purpose, how high their spirits are ‎and how close to God they are!‎

‎Let all humanity strive in that same way.‎‎‎


‎‎‎I consider and understand the Holy Verse‎s and their sublime meaning ‎in Surah Al-A’la, consequently ‎‎I appreciate and love the Almighty God ‎for His favor and charity, His mercy and sympathy, His Omnipotence ‎and Grandeur. After I read the story of the great scholar Mohammad ‎Amin Shikho (God has sanctified his soul) and know how God relieved ‎him by ease and smoothed his path and accomplished all his wishes, I ‎will try to perform his guidance including his interpretation of the ‎Verse‎s in the Holy Qur’an by attaining humane, good deeds then I am ‎‎(God Willing) going to achieve happiness and to draw nearer to the ‎Almighty God.‎‎‎

Questions‎‎ and exercises:‎

‎‎‎1-‎ ‎‎The Almighty God says “Make (people’s spirits) glorify the ‎Name of your Provider, the Most High”‎‎‎

What is the meaning of the word glorify which means in ArabicSabeh? ‎‎Who is the one who helps people to swim in the Name of their ‎Provider?‎

‎‎‎2-‎ ‎‎What does this Verse‎ “...The Name of your Provider, the Most High” ‎indicate?‎

‎‎‎3-‎ ‎‎What is the meaning of this Verse‎ “Then turns it to precious desiccated ‎containers”? ‎

‎‎‎4-‎ ‎‎What is the reason behind the old lady coming to meet the great scholar ‎M. Amin in the morning on that day when he decided to pave ‎the out yard floor of his house?‎

‎‎‎5-‎ ‎‎Why did the old lady entrust her money to the great scholar, why did ‎she rely on him very much? ‎

‎‎‎6-‎ ‎‎What do you deduce from the story of that old lady and what is the ‎wisdom of her coming and resorting to the great scholar Mohammad ‎Amin Shikho (God has sanctified his soul)?