Islamic Education for Youths - Level Three by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson Seventeen

Interpretation of Fortress 87 (The Most High, Glory to Your Lord in the Highest)

Surah Al-A’la (Part One)‎‎

‎‎I seek refuge in God from the cursed Satan

In the Name of God, the All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful

‎‎‎1. “Make (people’s spirits) glorify the Name of your Provider, ‎the Most High”‎‎‎

‎2. “Who has created (everything) and proportioned (it) well”‎‎‎

‎3. “Who has estimated (a livelihood) and guided them (to it),

‎4. “Who brings forth the pasture,‎

‎5. “Then turns it to precious desiccated containers (dry yellow ‎plants which still keep the vital benefits to be eaten in ‎summer).‎‎‎

‎6. “We shall let you read so that you will not forget:”‎‎‎

‎7. “Except what Allah wills. He knows what is open and what ‎is hidden.”‎‎‎

‎8. “We shall ease for you the smoothest path,”‎‎‎

‎9. “Therefore give admonition if (or if not) admonition ‎avails.”‎‎‎

‎10.‎‎‎‎‎ “He who stands in awe (of Allah) will remember,”‎‎‎

‎11.‎‎‎‎‎ “But it will be ignored by the most miserable one,”‎‎‎

‎12. “Who will suffer the Greatest Fire,”‎‎‎

‎13. “In which they will then neither die nor live.”‎‎‎

‎14.‎‎‎‎‎ “Indeed, successful shall be those who purify ‎themselves,”‎‎‎

‎15.‎‎‎‎‎ “Who remember the Name of their Lord and so ‎communicate with Him,”‎‎‎

‎16.‎‎‎‎‎ “Yet you (oblivious people) prefer the worldly life,”‎‎‎

‎17.‎‎‎‎‎ “Even though the life to come is better and more ‎lasting.”‎‎‎

‎18.‎‎‎‎‎ “All of this is in the earlier scriptures:”‎‎‎

‎19.‎‎‎‎‎ “The scriptures of Abraham and Moses.”‎‎‎


In this noble Fortress, the Almighty God wants to clarify to us that if we ‎do not feel awe for Him, we will not recollect Him, nor will the admonition ‎of His Envoys profit us. Consequently our spirit will not be qualified to ‎enjoy the favor which Allah has prepared for us.‎

Moreover, in this case, such a person will prefer the present transient life ‎to the life to come, and will pay no heed to their fate after death.‎

Therefore, due to the Clemency that this Merciful and Sympathetic God ‎has for us, He sent us some Verse‎s at the beginning of this Fortress which ‎will implant this awe in our spirits. If we consider them carefully we shall ‎fear to disobey our Provider, and then we shall remember God and His ‎Graces, and we will succeed. ‎

Firstly, to explain the first Verse‎, we say:‎

Verse‎ no. 1‎

‎1. “Make (people’s spirits) glorify the Name of your Provider, ‎the Most High”‎‎‎

‎‎The word glorify in Arabic which means Sabeh is derived from the wordSabh which generally means swimming or floating, we say the stars swim ‎in the space, the fish swim in the sea, and swimming can be physical or ‎spiritual and immaterial. For example, if a person looks at the glowing ‎globe of the sun, and knows that it has been flaming and radiating for ‎thousands of years and continues to do so up to this moment, then their ‎spirit will glorify it and swim in its greatness, thinking and wondering. ‎Similarly, if a person looks at the refulgent stars in space and knows that ‎there are millions of millions of light-years between one star and the next, ‎and that they are in attraction and connection with one another despite their ‎tremendous dimensions and the measureless distance between them, this ‎person will also swim in their greatness and soar in their thoughts of that ‎great power.‎

If they knew that the human race would need more than five million years to ‎walk across the surface of the star, if this was even possible, although it ‎occupies only a spot in the heavens, then their spirit would swim in the ‎largeness of this illimitable heaven.‎

Thus spiritual swimming is accomplished through profound meditation on ‎things.‎

In this noble Fortress, the Almighty orders His noble Prophet ‎‎(cpth) to help ‎people swim in the Name of their Provider – that is, to acquaint them with ‎the Might of this Creator and His high Prestige – in order that their spirits ‎will swim and soar through this endless Greatness, and become immersed ‎in this Potency, whose borders or limits cannot be apprehended by ‎humanity.‎

The word “Name” refers to all of the supreme Names of God, which ‎indicate His Majesty, Potency, Compassion, Clemency, Wisdom, ‎Omniscience and other Name Attributes.‎

“…your provider” is your creator Who supports you with life, existence ‎and power.‎

“…the Most High” is the Highest One who is greater in all of His Names ‎than any human conception. ‎

Whatever you know of His Grandeur, He is even Grander and Grander. ‎Whatever of His Compassion or Might you may perceive, He is in fact even ‎higher than your perception.‎

In all of His supreme Attributes that you may recognize, He is greater and ‎higher, for there is no end to His Perfection.‎

Accordingly, the Verse‎ “Make (people’s spirits) glorify the Name of your ‎Provider, the Most High” tells us: show and tell people what you have ‎been shown and have learnt of the Perfection of your Provider, so that they ‎may draw near to that High Provider and their spirits may swim in His ‎boundless Perfection.

The way that leads to the recognition of the Perfection of God is revealed ‎in God’s Words:‎

Verse‎ no. 2‎

‎2. “Who has created (everything) and proportioned (it) well,”‎‎‎

This Verse‎ means that if you, human, notice the perfection in creation, ‎you will know the Perfection of God.‎

As you think about creation and reflect on it, and feel that it is great, you ‎thereby glorify the Creator and appreciate His Magnificence and Perfection. ‎This is because creation leads one to its Maker.‎

To “create” is to bring something into being.‎

To “proportion” is to make creation balanced and without fault.‎

Thus this universe‎ and everything in it has been created perfectly, lacking ‎nothing, and free of any deficiency.‎

If you ponder this universe‎ with its earth and heaven, its sun and moon, ‎its mountains and rivers, its seas and lakes, its animals and plants, and its ‎beasts and insects, you will see that everything that it contains is absolutely ‎perfect.‎

No matter what you look at or scrutinize, trying to find a demerit, your ‎sight will fail to find any imperfection, and will be humbled at its inability to ‎find any fault in creation.‎

For further illustration, we say:‎

Suppose that the sun changed its orbit and approached the earth, so that ‎it was closer to it by a single mile. The sun would certainly burn up the ‎plants and animals and even all humanity, leaving no living being on the ‎surface of our world. However, this is not possible, as all is in the Hands of ‎the Omnipotent Creator.‎

This means that the One Who placed the sun in space proportioned its ‎situation and its relationship to the earth, so that it would occupy a suitable ‎location and its orbit would be appropriate.‎

This refers to the Perfection of God.‎

This also applies to the moon and the stars. They have all been put in the ‎most perfect situation in splendid discipline in terms of their location and ‎the distances between them, and their lights and rays. The Omnipotent ‎rotates them according to a strict discipline. He is the One from Whom ‎everything that issues includes perfection in all its aspects.‎

Another example about day and night:‎

Suppose that the earth circulation’s was too fast, so that the night and ‎day each only lasted for one hour. We would definitely not be satisfied with ‎one hour’s sleep, any more than we would with a single hour of work.‎

On the contrary, if its rotation was too slow, so that the day and the night ‎each lasted for five days, we would be sure to feel bored with sleep and rest ‎during this long night, and would be tired of working during such a long ‎day.‎

Thus, the circulation of the earth has been regulated. The One that created ‎the night and the day has proportioned this regulation so that it is perfect ‎and expedient.‎

If a person considers everything carefully, they will find that all of the ‎plants and animals have been created appropriately. It is just the same with ‎the human body. If a person thinks of it, they will find that every organ has ‎been put in a suitable place and is proportional in its dimensions.‎

If the thumb was longer than its current, normal length, you would be ‎unable to perform the deeds you routinely perform. You would find ‎difficulty in your actions if it was shorter than usual, or if it was mutilated.‎

Also, if you did not possess your fingers you would have never achieved ‎the deeds you have up to now.‎

Thus, everything has been done perfectly, and the One that created ‎everything and brought it into being is the One Who has made them well. ‎This is why they have appeared in such perfection, which indicates the ‎Existence of Him, the Almighty.‎

People! Ponder and meditate time after time on whatever your eye ‎catches, and you will be led to your Creator. You will recognize the supreme ‎Perfection of your Provider.‎

Verse‎ no. 3‎

‎3.‎‎‎‎‎ “Who has estimated (a livelihood) and guided them (to it),”‎‎‎

To ‘estimate’ is to make a judgement about the size or amount of ‎something. For example, you may say: the merchant estimated the price of ‎the goods, or the man estimated the amount of wheat he needed to put ‎into storage.‎‎‎

As we see, in these examples, estimation is made by people of experience ‎and knowledge. God the Almighty, Who created all the different kinds of ‎creatures, estimated the proper provisions for each to fulfill their individual ‎requirements.‎

In fact, no rain falls, no plant grows and no boon is granted without being ‎measured beforehand. God says: “There is not a thing whose stores are ‎not with Us, and We do not send it down except in its due, ‎determined measure.” ‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 15, Al-Hijr (Stone Buildings), Verse‎ 21‎

The Almighty did not only create the creatures and found the agreeable ‎provision for each, but also acquainted every creature with its own food and ‎guided them to its location.‎

The bee, for example, rushes to the flowers and sucks their nectar soon ‎after emerging from its hive.‎

Equally, as soon as it hatches from its egg, the chick immediately begins ‎to search in the soil for food. When the foal comes out of the mare’s belly, ‎you will also see it hasten to its teats to suck their sustaining milk, even ‎though it could not have seen or known about them before.‎

I wonder: who guides the bee, the chick and the foal to their own ‎appropriate sources of nourishment?‎

Who has taught the little baby how to suckle the milk from its mother’s ‎breast?‎

It is He, the Almighty, Who has estimated the provision that every ‎creature needs, and then created it and led them to its location.‎

Verse‎ no. 4‎

‎4. “Who brings forth the pasture,”‎‎‎

The word pasture indicates the herbage and plants which the animals ‎graze upon and live on.‎

The Almighty – Who has estimated your sustenance needs and employed ‎the animals for your service and to provide you with the necessary ‎nutrition– not only secures your living, but also takes responsibility for ‎feeding these animals. He does so due to His Care for you, and to complete ‎His Favor towards you.‎

This Verse‎ draws our attention to the benevolence of God towards us and, ‎at the same time, to the arrangement through which God creates this ‎pasture.‎

Observe, human, the winds and how they blow and run, and the clouds ‎and how they swim and stick together! Look at the rains and how they fall, ‎and the sun with its rays and heat! All these agents – and others – are ‎factors which help to revive the land and bring forth from it the pasture.‎

That is but one aspect of what is signified by the previous Verse‎.‎

Verse‎ no. 5‎

5. “Then turns it to precious desiccated containers (dry yellow ‎plants which still keep the vital benefits to be eaten in ‎summer).‎‎‎

What is “desiccated” is what is dry, and has lost greenness and freshness.‎

The word “containers” here refers to grass, which contains the ‎substances necessary for the nourishment of animals.‎

This pasture, produced for animals by God, ripens and creates what is ‎necessary for the animal’s nourishment, and then stores it inside. You can ‎then see that it becomes desiccated and stiff. This helps the animal to graze ‎during the summer.‎

Verse‎ no. 6‎

‎6. “We shall let you read so that you will not forget:”‎‎‎

To read a book is to look in it and to know its content.‎

To let somebody read something is to make them see and witness what ‎facts that thing or that book contains.‎

This Verse‎ tells us: if you, human, look into this universe‎ with an attitude ‎of thought and meditation until you appreciate your Creator, then your ‎spirit will draw near to Him, feeling deep reverence for Him. Through such ‎reverence and closeness, your Provider will let you read. That is, by His ‎Light He will show you those things which bespeak His Magnificence. You ‎will then witness their realities, and will never forget them.‎

Verse‎ no. 7‎

‎7.‎‎‎‎‎ “Except what Allah wills. He knows what is open and ‎what is hidden.”‎‎‎

You do not forget what you have seen, and it will remain apparent to ‎your spirit as long as it keeps close to its Provider. However, when you turn ‎away from Him your spirit will become blind and will witness nothing. You ‎cannot dispense with your Lord, so do not turn away from Him for even a ‎twinkle of an eye.‎

As for the Verse‎ “…He knows what is open and what is hidden”, it ‎means that the Almighty knows well everything that you hide as well as ‎everything that you reveal, so let your secret thoughts be in agreement with ‎your open actions. Be truthful in your demands in order that your Provider ‎shows you what you want to know.‎

Verse‎ no. 8‎

‎8. “We shall ease for you the smoothest path.”‎‎‎

This means that your nearness to your Provider makes you aware of the ‎good deeds which will entail you ease and benefit, so you seek them out and ‎you are required to perform them. Allah will guide you to them and ‎facilitate their practice for you.‎‎‎

Exactly as it was going with the great humane scholar M. Amin ‎Shikho whose heart is full of sympathy and mercy upon the creations, ‎the Almighty God always draws the facilities for him according to his ‎benefit before even asking for it.‎