Islamic Education for Youths - Level Three by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson Twenty Two:

Smashing the Idols

Our dear students:

‎‎‎The lesson today is about a great deed of our Master Ibrahim's‎‎‎‎ (pth), and ‎it is mentioned in the Holy Quran revealed from the Almighty God to be an ‎immortal reminiscence for all humankind, these stories are not just ordinary ‎tales or literary novels, but they are factual stories and true lessons by them ‎evilness and falseness are destroyed and ended and the right is built and ‎supported. Actually, all the stories in the Holy Quran have a moral lesson and ‎everlasting benefit for the humans who seek and look for the truth.‎

‎‎‎‎‎Our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) grew up in a small town whose people ‎worshiped idols, even his parents worshiped idols, but he was unlike them in ‎their astray, he contemplated and thought about his creation (his body) and ‎every sign around him, his contemplation led him to realize that idols couldn’t ‎be creators or providers then why would he have worshiped and appealed to ‎them for his desires?‎

I our master Ibrahim have to request of and appeal to the Almighty God, not ‎to an idol made by human's hand, this idol couldn’t move from its place to ‎another one, but it needs someone to move it...‎

His contemplation led him instantly to know that worshiping idols is a really ‎foolish action…but alas it was a common thing among people, they inherited ‎this worshiping and followed it from their grandfathers without any serious ‎considering why would we not follow this wrong creed, even without any hint ‎of right thinking about the bad results returned from this action!‎

On the other hand, our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) could through his thinking in the ‎universe‎ wonders (signs) be himself led to know the Almighty God and to ‎witness that there is no god except Allah, which means that there is no ‎controller and actuator in the universe‎ except the Almighty God, after that he ‎urged his people to attain this true belief through their thinking of the universal ‎signs, as previously had done, out of his love and compassion towards them, ‎therefore our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) asked them, criticizing their false creed of ‎worshiping idols, hoping to activate their thinking through his question, the ‎Almighty God says: {When he said to his father and his people: “what are ‎these images, to which you are devoted?”}

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 52

The word (images) means the idols, these stones which had been sculptured as ‎ancient people and represented their images.‎

The word (devoted) means: to worship and to plunge into loving it the most.‎

After questioning them they answered: {They said: “We found our fathers ‎worshiping them”}

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 53

‎‎Accordingly, they acknowledged within their answer that they followed their ‎father’s way without any concerning the falsity of it, they worshipped those ‎idols as their fathers had done.‎

‎‎Actually, human shouldn’t follow anyone without thinking if the way he ‎follows is true or false. The Almighty God has bestowed a great jewel on ‎human which is thought, that human could distinguish and investigate to find ‎the truth. ‎

Thus, our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth), when he thought about everything of God's ‎signs and Creation, his thinking led him to the truth and to reject those idols.‎

He said‎‎‎‎ (pth) to them: {He said: “Indeed you and your fathers have been in ‎manifest error.”} ‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 54

‎‎The word (error: straying from the right path) is the opposite of guiding, and ‎the word (manifest) describe their error as an obvious and exposed one, ‎therefore he‎‎‎‎ (pth) told them that they were far away from the path of ‎happiness and guidance, it was an obvious error as clear as the sun of the clear ‎noon when you saw a man worshiped an idol! A stone which you sculptured ‎by your own hands, how could it be a god!? Did this stone create the human ‎ears, eyes, hands and legs!? Did it create him therein his mother womb then ‎bring him out to this worldly life!?‎

It is necessary for human that they should contemplate the universe‎ and think ‎about the circulation of earth around itself where the day and the night are ‎produced. How Grandeur is He the Almighty Who moves it in such circular ‎movement, also human must contemplate how the rain comes down from the ‎sky, the sun, the clouds, the winds, and how then this rain pours down through ‎an organised way, isn’t there a steering controlling Hand behind all that?! Man ‎must think about the existence of the water and the springs in the earth, Who ‎has created and controlled them?! about these Vitamins and nutrients found in ‎foods and fruits, each fruit contains a different kind of them! Surly there is a ‎creating steering Hand which puts these different nutrients in each fruit. ‎‎Who ‎does stop the sap from reaching the ripe fruits? If it is not so, they (the fruits) ‎will continue to grow more and more, for example the apple will be in a huge ‎and in a great unacceptable size, How Great is He Who esteems everything in a ‎very proper balance?‎

‎‎‎Is it the idol who created the human, putting his organs each one in a special ‎site of his body and all of that in his mother's womb? Absolutely no, so Who is ‎the Creator then?‎

When they heard that declaration: they said: {Have you brought us the truth, ‎or are you one of those who play about}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 55

They found that his revelation was true, but they were people of malicious ‎spirits and limited thinking, so they didn’t believe in him, the truthful Envoy, ‎because they thought that he made joking or he cheated them through his high ‎speech.‎

‎Therefore, he replied: {“Nay, your lord is the lord of the heavens and the ‎earth, Who created them and of that I am one of the witnesses.”}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 56

The Verse‎ {Who created them} means who brings them into being in a ‎complete discipline, take a look at the universe‎ and contemplate it profoundly, ‎doesn’t it have a steering One who creates it and supplies it with life? Who did ‎create the universe‎ in such an arrangement and in a great order? ‎

Who does arrange the four seasons and the day and the night?‎

Haven't you contemplated why the Almighty God created and arranged ‎everything in this universe‎, and why He sent you to this worldly life?‎

As for his words {I am one of the witnesses} he means that if you want to ‎witness this Divine truth, I can show you it, if you question me about anything ‎of these heavens and earth I will answer you, I reveal to you the truth if you ‎want. But they repelled his supreme logical revelation and thought that he ‎could be joking and cheating them with his new words which they never heard ‎before. By the way, the one who doesn’t think profoundly is the one who ‎scares everything.‎

Because they repelled his logic and high revelation he argued them, therefore ‎he‎‎‎‎ (pth) decided to urge their thoughts in a practical way and determined to ‎smash their idols to make them realize that they (the idols) had absolutely no ‎power nor strength, so he drew up an elaborated plan to smash their idols and ‎did it in a proper time,‎

The Almighty God says {And by Allah, I shall plot a plan (to destroy) your ‎idols after you have gone away and turned your backs}

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 57

The words {And by Allah} means that the whole Al'lah's steering and ‎controlling of this universe‎ is done within all His Supreme Names and whatever ‎happens in the universe‎ does not happen but by His Will for the human ‎benefits and goodness.‎

And the Verse‎ {I shall plot a plan (to destroy) your idols} means that he‎‎‎‎ (pth) ‎decided to wield a plan, through it he could destroy their idols completely. He ‎said that in his noble spirit, ‎

But didn’t our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) recognize the ‎consequences of that dangerous act?

Absolutely he did, he was the best one to recognize the consequences of this ‎great procedure, and knew that his life would be the price for that great plan, ‎for he would face a whole strong nation by himself, but he determined to ‎make himself-sacrifice for the way of the Almighty God to guide his ignorant, ‎astray and lost people who lost the hereafter of immortal paradises and bliss, ‎all that was because they were worshiping idols, this silly worshiping would ‎bring them the distress and misery in the worldly life and the Fire in the ‎hereafter.‎

He determined to do a great thing and appeal to God to bless his deed, ‎however, if the plan worked, it would be the reason to change all his people's ‎life.‎

He was waiting for the right time to come, as his people were celebrating in an ‎important, public celebration where everybody disported and spend the night ‎there, thus our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) took the opportunity to enter the temple, ‎carried an axe in his noble hand… through his premeditative decision he began ‎to smash all the idols except the biggest one, he left it and hung the axe over it, ‎making a big surprise for them where no human could imagine or conceive it in ‎that time.‎

The Almighty God says {So he broke them to pieces, (all) except the biggest ‎of them, that they might turn to it}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 58

The word (pieces) means they were turned into small parts which were ‎thrown on the ground.‎

And the rest Verse‎ {that they might turn to it} means that they (the people of ‎our Master Ibrahim) might return to the Almighty God and awake from their ‎unbelief, return to their thinking in order to be guided to the Divine Truth, thus ‎if they had thought of these idols which were thrown in pieces on the ground, ‎they would have realized that these idols had no strength nor power to defend ‎themselves and the biggest one which was still unbroken among those idols, ‎couldn’t protect the rest of them and it had no power nor will, then they would ‎know their astray and regret that they worshiped idols, therefore guiding ‎them would be easier by giving them help getting them out of the darkness of ‎disbelief to the Light of God and His Envoy.‎

The public celebration was almost finished, and that night was to end ‎after it had witnessed what they had committed during it of evil deeds. They ‎carried their burden on their necks, but they didn’t know what that great ‎youth had done with their idols, when the priests of the temple entered their ‎temple they were astonished of what they had seen they opened their ‎mouth and their eyes were constrained on that calamity in great sadness and ‎pain.‎

‎‎‎The Almighty says: {They said: “Who has done this to our gods? He must ‎indeed be one of the wrong-doers”.}

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 59

Among themselves {They said: “We heard a young man talking (against) ‎them who is called Ibrahim”} ‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 60

The name Ibrahim means that our Master Ibrahim denied their worshipping ‎idols and loved his Lord.‎

They decided to bring our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) to make sure and establish the ‎truth of what they heard, they wanted to bring him before people in order that ‎he might be known by people and to testify that he was the doer, they ‎interrogated him and didn’t give the sentence without hearing him, so their ‎action denotes that all things and affairs of this universe‎ are not controlled but ‎by Al'lah's Will, otherwise, if this statement was not true, they would kill him ‎promptly.‎

The Almighty Al'lah says: {They said:”then bring him before the eyes of the ‎people, that they may testify”.} ‎‎; they may testify that he was the doer.‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 61

Our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) came in stable steps, walking in honour and superior ‎strides, feeling proud of his great deed, the happiness clearly appeared in his ‎noble face as he came to receive a great reward or a surprise gift! But actually ‎he came into an impendent danger.‎

Whereas, he entered inside the temple, he found many faces full of extreme ‎anger and rage, with eagerness to know what happened that night, then ‎immediately they asked him:‎

{They said:”Are you the one who has done this to our gods, O Ibrahim”}: are ‎you the one who destroyed our gods? ‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 62

Our master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) looked at the broken idols, then he looked at the ‎biggest one with the axe pendent on it, and answered them:‎

{Ibrahim said: Nay, this one, the biggest of them did it, Ask them, if they ‎can speak!}: “the biggest of them did it” it may answer you “Ask them…” ask ‎them who did that. He said that to them, they might think about their false ‎worshipping, “If they can speak” if they could answer you about the one who ‎did it.‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 63

He stimulated their inactive thoughts in spite of their will, their worshipping ‎idols turned their hearts and minds into stones, even though he‎‎‎‎ (pth) ‎stimulated their brains to think true.‎

Truly, it was a great plan which came out from a true believer and thinker with ‎insight-eyed, so what will they answer him now?‎

‎They admitted and pronounced against their will that the idols didn’t speak, ‎therefore how could we ask them!‎

‎{So they turned to themselves…} they were astonished with his answer and ‎realized their slander and hypocrisy and that all their deeds were wrong.‎

‎{And said: “Verily, you are the wrong-doers”.} they acknowledged the truth ‎and admitted that they were astray, they realized the Truth and returned to it. ‎After that soon their voices became louder feeling ashamed of themselves that ‎a young boy in an early age revealed that they, their fathers and grand fathers ‎were astray, however, after having the clear proof with no false and no haze in ‎it and their belief was confuted, they retreated and remained unbelievers. ‎Satan had already returned to them whispering in their chests, so some said to ‎others you left the gods without protection.‎

‎The Almighty Al'lah says: {then they turned to themselves(their first thought ‎and said): “Indeed you know well that these (idols) speak not}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 65

‎‎The word (turned to) means that they retreated.‎

They returned from what they thought in their minds which were motivated ‎by our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth), to their false way and remained in their going ‎astray, they said to each other: You are responsible for leaving the idols ‎without protection, you should protect them, whereas our master Ibrahim ‎‎‎‎‎‎ (pth) answered them strongly and firmly to put an end to their transgression ‎and arrogance.‎

God says: {Ibrahim said:”Do you then worship besides Allah, things that can ‎neither profit you, nor harm you}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 66

What a silliness! You worshiped stones … which are thrown pieces on the ‎ground?‎

If those stones couldn’t defend themselves, then how could they harm or ‎benefit you!? Answer me!‎

‎{Fie upon you, ‎‎and upon that which you worship besides Allah! Don't you ‎mind the Truth}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 67

The word (Fie upon you) means: what a silly way you adopt (and upon that ‎which you worship besides Allah ): your adopted way and continuing in such ‎false thinking absolutely make me fed up with that. After I revealed the truth ‎with logical knowledge and Divine proof, but you insist on remaining on your ‎false belief even after ‎‎I put you on the true track!‎

Truly it is a foolish act.‎

Why don’t you think that those idols have nothing, no power, no strength and ‎unable to perform any act, the Almighty God gave you this valuable jewel, it is ‎the thought which enables you to think and attain the Divine Truth, so why ‎don’t you think in truth and leave your stray way behind!?‎

How is it to you to leave your God the Great Creator Who has favoured you ‎with uncountable bounties and bestowed upon you all bliss! and go with a ‎stray people who died long time ago!‎

‎‎Dear student,

You see that all the actions and sayings which our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) ‎acted and said were full of honor, he was ‎‎among them the high sublime ‎ranked man while his people were in low rank. When those deviated people ‎were clearly confuted, those of uncompassionate and inhuman full-hearted ‎decided to burn our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) as a punishment for his great deed, ‎his Divine call truly fell on deaf ears, actually they made their ears deaf and ‎refused to listen to any logical proof of the great Envoy revelation.‎

The Almighty says: {they said: “build for him a building, and throw him into ‎the blazing fire”}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 37, As-Saffat, Verse‎ 97

They judged him to be thrown in fire, but he‎‎‎‎ (pth) was very brave and ‎didn’t care about their threatening because he was striving to guide them ‎through any way:‎

God the Almighty says: {And I fear not those whom you associate with ‎Allah in worship…}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 6, Al-An’am (Livestock), Verse‎ 80

The people of his village emblazed a fire for several days until the blaze of the ‎fire became high and reached the sky, they wanted him to be as a lesson that ‎no one would dare to touch their idols again, but the Almighty God wanted to ‎show them a great miracle through their own hands and the fire they prepared ‎and emblazed.‎

The Almighty says: {They said: “Burn him and help your gods, if you will be ‎doing”}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 68

They couldn’t get near the fire which they had emblazed because of the sever ‎blazing of it, therefore they invented the ballista (striking machine) to put him ‎on it and throw him upon the fire.‎

Indeed, the Almighty God allowed them to carry out their harmful plan with ‎the consent of our master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth), he determined to sacrifice himself to ‎make them see a miracle in order to be guided... When they put him on the ‎ballista in order to throw him upon the fire, Gabriel (PBUH) came to our Master ‎Ibrahim and asked him: Did you need anything? He‎‎‎‎ (pth) said: From you ‎nothing, then Gabriel said: Then from God? Ibrahim said: I don’t need to ask as ‎long as He is aware of my state, O my brother, leave me. ‎

Dear student, according to this marvellous conversation you can recognize ‎easily that our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) knew well that the Almighty God is full of ‎sympathy and mercy. ‎

When they threw our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) upon the fire, {We said:”O fire! Be ‎you coolness and safety for Ibrahim”}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 69

Accordingly, before their eyes he got out from their great fire without any ‎burn or any harm resulted from the ballista cast, he‎‎‎‎ (pth) got out with his head ‎uplifted and face shinning more than the full-moon in the dark night, all what ‎he desired from his people was to throw evil out of their wicked spirit and to ‎be guided to the Almighty, their Provider and Creator.‎

But unfortunately, despite that great miracle they didn’t appreciate or esteem ‎him, they were neither guided by a logical Divine fact which he had revealed ‎before nor by the present miracle which happened before their eyes, ‎moreover they determined and insisted on their destroying shunning.‎

‎{And they wanted to harm him, but we made them the worst losers}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 70

The statement (wanted to harm) means that they had managed or planned to ‎harm him through burning him with the fire in return for his deed of smashing ‎their idols to be as a lesson for everyone.‎

The words (worst losers) means great loss; there is a lost person, more lost ‎person and the most lost person, this later is the one who has the greatest ‎forfeiture.‎

Those people resisted our master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) and therefore they lost the ‎paradise prepared to them by Al'lah which he could lead them to if they would ‎believe in God and his Envoy (our Master Ibrahim), therefore their loss was ‎great and intensive.‎

Alternatively, he left them, leaving their issue to the Almighty God.‎

It is very important to recognize that after he got out unscathed from the fire ‎no one of the whole nation dared to touch or hurt him, however all what ‎happened to him happened according to God’s Will to be a miracle for his ‎people to see that the Envoy of God couldn’t be burnt by fire, therefore they ‎would believe him and follow his Divine instructions, but they shunned him ‎and repelled against his guidance, accordingly he‎‎‎‎ (pth) abandoned them ‎emigrating to another area searching for another people who might glorify the ‎Guidance of the Almighty God and follow Its instructions.‎

The Almighty says: {He said: I will emigrate for the sake of my lord, Verily He ‎is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 29, Al-Ankabout, Verse‎ 26


‎1-‎ ‎‎How did our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) attain the true belief in the Almighty ‎God?‎

‎‎‎2-‎ ‎‎Why did our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) want to smash the idols?‎

‎‎‎3-‎ ‎‎Did our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) estimate the consequences of his deed ‎when he smashed the idols?‎

‎‎‎4-‎ ‎‎Explain this Holy Verse‎, the Almighty God says {So he broke them to ‎pieces, all except the biggest of them, that they might turn to it}? ‎

‎‎‎5-‎ ‎‎Was our master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) afraid when the people of his town called ‎to question him about smashing the idols? How did he come?‎

‎‎‎6-‎ ‎‎Why did the Almighty God allow those people to apply their harmful ‎judge on our Master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) by throwing him upon fire? Why did ‎not the fire burn our master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth)? ‎

‎‎‎7-‎ ‎‎Is the speech and the answer of our master Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) when he said, ‎‎(that the responsibility of smashing the idols was that of the biggest one) ‎considered as a lie or as a sin?! Or was it the most suitable speech on that ‎state?! ‎


Contemplate the hearing system of yours which the Almighty God ‎bestowed upon you, these ears which collect the voices and make you ‎able to know what happens around you, think deeply of this system. ‎Then, mention the wisdom and the benefit, which you get through your ‎thinking, behind the creating of this system.‎
