Islamic Education for Youths - Level Three by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson Twenty Three:

‎‎‎The Plot to Murder an Eminent Officer

Dear students:

The true sincere scholars are the inheritors of the Envoys of ‎God, as we saw in the previous lesson when the people of our Master ‎Ibrahim‎‎‎‎ (pth) decided to burn him with fire, the criminals in this story ‎also decided to kill the great scholar M. A. Sheikho (God has ‎sanctified his soul)...but why?‎

‎‎‎‎‎The alarm bell should be ringing… the criminals have agreed unanimously to kill our ‎officer, M. A. Sheikho! Will it be the end of our officer? Or will God defend ‎and keep him?‎

Be with us, dear student, as this exciting story unfolds!‎

Indeed, our courageous officer dedicated his life to getting rid of criminals and cleansing ‎the state of al-Sham [27]‎‎‎‎‎ of them and their evil actions and inhumane deeds. He took an ‎oath to his Provider once he had graduated from the military faculty of Amber as an officer. ‎He swore that he would devote no time to himself as long as deception reared its evil head ‎and prevailed. He would dedicate everything in his power to wipe it out and to support the ‎truth and establish justice… and he set to work to achieve that exactly.‎

That period was the golden time for crime and criminals, when no man felt safe after ‎sunset unless he were in his own home.‎

Once he took up his position as a security officer M. Amin dedicated his life to ‎obliterating vice and criminality. He slept rarely, going to his work early in the morning and ‎not returning until dawn the following day just to snatch a few hours of much needed sleep. ‎Both night and day his pursuit of criminals was relentless. He broke into their hiding places, ‎thwarted their schemes and confounded their criminal deeds, until they were beaten into ‎submission.‎

Eventually there remained no more than thirty criminals who were, by then, in prison ‎and he punished them even further when he discovered that after he had arrested them and ‎sent them to prison they resorted to bribes and intermediaries to arrange for the court to ‎discharge them. It was clear that they had not repented of their crimes and consequently ‎they were still afflicted by the evil that they imposed on other people.‎

For example, he prepared an ambush for one of the criminals as he returned one night, ‎drunk and disorderly. The drunkard was surprised when the soldiers pounced upon him, ‎threw him on the ground and tied up his feet, then Officer Sheikho lashed the soles of his ‎feet until the blood flowed, then he had him untied and said, ‘Listen to me you evil-minded ‎drunkard! Carry on drinking wine every day and you’ll find me waiting to give you a warm ‎welcome every time!’ The criminal groaned and pleaded but then thought better of it: it ‎would be a high price to pay for the pleasure of drinking too much wine. And that put an ‎end to this man’s bouts of drunkenness!‎

This is just one simple example of our officer’s approach when dealing with such ‎criminals.‎

He was remorseless… he harassed them everywhere… closed every path open to them ‎and plunged into their dens (taverns and such like places) until they were forced to disband ‎and crushed them so that some of them fled to Iraq, others were imprisoned, and some ‎others repented. However, the remaining few grouped together to discuss their situation as ‎they realised how dangerous their lives of crime had now become, and to consider what the ‎best solution might be.‎

During this get-together, the criminals spoke about their past days of glory and heroism ‎which they could no longer even dream of! ‘Do you remember,’ they said, ‘the days when ‎the market would close if just one of us went there, and how people got off the roads if they ‎saw us… Ah! What days of power and glory they were! Whereas now, we just want to be ‎safe… should we put up with this situation? We should be ashamed of ourselves… ‎ashamed!’‎

They wondered how it was that one man could break up their unity, destroy their power ‎and overcome them. ‘No,’ they said, ‘we don’t believe what’s happening… we have to find a ‎solution and decide how to tackle it by tomorrow… we’ll kill him whatever the cost may ‎be… we’re so desperate that we don’t care if some of us go down while getting rid of him. ‎The most important thing is to kill him even if a few of us are killed… there’s just one of ‎him but there are a lot of us… we’ve got to get rid of him now so we can get back to our ‎previous position of power whereby we’re not controlled by anyone but we control whoever ‎we want.’ They eventually reached their decision at midnight after much talking and ‎scheming.‎

Remember! This evil crime was being planned to murder Officer Sheikho who had ‎established peace, justice and safety in al-Sham, the place of the Prophet’s descent and the ‎cradle of Divine messages.‎

That particular evening, suspecting nothing untoward, M. Amin went home ‎and went to sleep. He reasoned that safety and security had been stabilised and there was no ‎need to be alert all night as usual, as the criminal gang had been broken down and peace ‎prevailed.‎

‎‎But… there was something strange… he felt an odd feeling as if a noose was being slowly ‎tightened around his neck.‎

Our officer thought to himself, ‘I hope it’s nothing bad… maybe there’s something ‎wrong at the headquarters… I’d better go at once to check if all is well.’‎

He got up from bed, put on his military uniform again and, armed with his pistol, he left ‎for the headquarters without telling his wife who was sleeping soundly, completely unaware ‎of his absence.‎

On the way, he met a sluggish drunkard staggering across the road, colliding with one ‎wall and scraping along another, reeling right and left and about to fall, then trying to stand ‎up, but swaying like a leaf in the wind. It was the same drunken sot that he had disciplined ‎a few days ago, so he slapped and cuffed him a couple of times to get him to sober up ‎enough to understand what he, Officer Sheikho, had to say to him, and in the hope that he ‎would remember his words of advice this time.‎

Immediately, the officer spoke to him in a stern voice, ‘I thought you had repented your ‎past behaviour and promised me that you wouldn’t go back to your old ways! Have you ‎become a drunkard again?’ Then he left him and continued on his way to the headquarters, ‎walking fast, as he felt a sense of unease and needed to monitor the situation there.‎

As for the criminals, they had finished their meeting and gone out to put their plan into ‎action at whatever cost to themselves.‎

Officer Sheikho, their arch enemy, was only one man against their twenty-two, so even if ‎one or two of them were killed in the process they didn’t care. One of the criminals went off ‎to look for him and to find out whether he was at the headquarters or not. If he was there, ‎they would all attack and surely they would manage to kill him even if some of them were ‎killed, and the rest could go back to enjoying their old life of crime happy in the knowledge ‎that there was no longer anyone with the tenacity and courage to pursue them.‎

The criminal reached the headquarters before Officer Sheikho arrived, and when he did ‎not find him there, he returned to his gang and told them that the officer must be at home. ‎This was good news for them, for it would be much easier to kill him in his house where he ‎would be alone and have no police back-up.‎

By God’s Will they rushed off in a different direction to that which Officer Sheikho had ‎followed… and when they reached his house, they drew their weapons and all attacked it, ‎with their evil intentions seemingly written clearly across their faces.‎

In the meanwhile, as mentioned before, our officer had arrived at the headquarters. The ‎criminals launched their united attack on the house of M. Amin (as they thought!) ‎but by God’s Will they got the wrong door and smashed the door of his neighbour’s house ‎instead. And while all this was going on, that drunken sot whom Amin had just disciplined, ‎arrived on the scene… where he flared up and shouted at the gang in the loudest voice ‎possible (keep in mind, reader, that he was quite drunk!): You dogs…! What are you doing? ‎You fools…! And he heaped abuse upon them – because of his drunken state – so the band ‎of criminals thought that the drunkard was, in fact, their opponent, the noble officer, so ‎they left the door and jumped upon him. They thought, in the darkness of the night, that ‎he was the chief officer who rarely slept at night… and that it was he who was defending his ‎own house… and that their prey had walked straight into their hands. How wrong they ‎were! They fired at their target… and he fell down covered in blood. They fired, and fired ‎again, until every part of his body was riddled with bullets: his feet, legs, head and chest, ‎and then, their pistols empty, they had quenched their thirst for revenge. They quickly ‎turned tail and left him where he was, on the ground, dead. In their eagerness to get rid of ‎Officer Sheikho and to make a quick getaway, they had failed to notice that the man was ‎just a drunken passer-by. ‎

After some time, our officer went home having visited the headquarters and checked the ‎situation there: he saw that all was secure, calm and peaceful, and the unease that he had ‎felt earlier was now dispelled. But then he was surprised at the terrible clamour that cut ‎through the night… people were shouting… and he was astonished to see the drunkard ‎whom he had disciplined, lying on the ground dead and blood-stained.‎

Fortunately none of this hubbub or sound of shooting reached the ears of Mohammad ‎Amin’s wife because God’s Wisdom had ensured that she remained asleep and in blissful ‎ignorance of the whole affair.‎

In fact, Allah the Merciful willed that because if she had woken up and not found her ‎husband at home, she would have guessed that he was involved in a bad situation and been ‎extremely concerned about his safety.‎

But it was God’s Will that saved Officer M. Amin, defender of the truth and ‎destroyer of the pillars of evil and its supporters: “You who believe! If you help Allah, He ‎will help you and make you stand firm.” [28]‎

In fact it was Allah who turned the criminals towards the wrong direction so that they ‎failed in their quest… they caused Officer Sheikho no harm and He spared him their ‎attack, for “Whenever they kindle the fire of war, Allah will put it out. They try to ‎spread corruption in the land, but Allah does not love those who corrupt.” [29]‎

In his spirit M. Amin always addressed all criminals by saying, ‘You will perish ‎because of your rage unless you turn away from your crimes… if not… woe betide all that is ‎evil and the people who perpetrate it.’‎

Questions‎‎ and Exercises: ‎

‎‎‎1-‎ ‎‎What was the pledge which the great scholar M. Amin ‎Sheikho gave to the Almighty God after his graduation as a security ‎officer from the military college?‎

‎‎‎2-‎ ‎‎How was the security situation in Damascus city in the latest of ‎Ottoman era? ‎

‎‎‎3-‎ ‎‎How were the criminals getting out from the prisons after the brave ‎officer M. Amin arrested them?‎

‎‎‎4-‎ ‎‎What speech did the brave officer M. Amin talk with the ‎criminal who had been fallen in the ambush, after he had disciplined ‎and punished him? ‎

‎‎‎5-‎ ‎‎Why did the rest of the criminals, who were outside the prisons, ‎decide to kill the brave officer M. A. Sheikho?‎

‎‎‎6-‎ ‎‎What is the Godly wisdom behind the deep sleeping which the wife of ‎the eminent scholar sank into, that she didn’t hear the sounds of the ‎shootings near her house?