Islamic Education for Youths - Level Three by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson One

Interpretation of Fortress ‎‏92 ‎(The Night)‎

Surah Al-Layl (Part One)

I seek refuge in God from the cursed Satan

In the Name of God, the All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful

‎1. “Behold the night as it lets fall its darkness,”‎

‎2. “And the day as it appears in glory.”‎

‎3. “Behold the creation of male and female.”‎

‎4. “Indeed, the ends you strive for are diverse,”

‎5. “For him that gives in charity and attains piety”‎

‎6. “And believes in the Best:”‎

‎7. “We shall smooth the path to ease;”‎

‎8. “But for him that gives nothing and thinks himself self-‎sufficient”‎

‎9. “And disbelieves the Best:”

‎10. “We shall smooth his path to difficulty.”‎

‎11. “His riches will avail him nothing when he breathes his ‎last.”‎

‎12. “It is for Us to give guidance,”‎

‎13. “And truly the latter (the wrong way) and the former (the ‎right way) belong to Us (by providing you with power and ‎might),”‎

‎14. “Therefore I warn you of a Fire blazing fiercely,”‎

‎15. “None shall reach it but those most distressed,”‎

‎16. “The ones who deny (the truth) and turn away (from ‎God),”‎

‎17. “But those most devoted to Allah shall be far removed ‎from it,”‎

‎18. “Those who spend what they have for an increase in ‎purity,”‎

‎19. “Not in recompense for someone’s favor,”‎

‎20. “But seeking the Countenance of their Lord, the Most ‎High,”‎

‎21. “And soon they will be well pleased.”


Having clarified in ‘Morning Bright’ Fortress that God (glory to Him) ‎keeps providing for humanity, watching them and overwhelming them with ‎His Care and Tenderness, the Almighty then revealed this Fortress so as to ‎show you, human, the way that leads to your happiness, and so as to guide ‎you to the acts that will result in benefits for your life and for the life to ‎come.‎

God begins this Fortress with a group of universal signs in order to ‎acquaint you with the Grandeur of the One Who guides you, and to ‎illustrate His comprehensive Favor towards you. He says:‎

Verse‎ no. 1‎

‎1. “Behold the night as it lets fall its darkness,”‎

‎2. “And the day as it appears in glory.”‎

The “night” is meant as the darkness which creeps from the east to cover ‎the earth, increasing little by little until it has spread over everything and ‎veiled us all, so that we stop performing our work and go to find rest, ‎surrendering to sleep in order to regain our energy, having become tired and ‎exhausted. ‎

As for the “day”, it is the light which comes with the sunrise to uncover ‎all of our Provider’s Boons that we can see. We then go to work having ‎reacquired our liveliness and got rid of the tiredness we had been feeling. It ‎is as if we have been born once again, and have started a new stage in our ‎life. ‎

I wonder! Who has created this array for us? Who created the night for ‎rest and gave the day its light? Who gave the earth its spherical form? Who ‎lets it revolve, causing the night and the day to be created so that we can ‎advance in our lives, perform our work and enjoy the graces of our ‎Provider?‎

The meaning of these two Verse‎s is not restricted only to this; it has many ‎other senses which are known to nobody except Allah. ‎

For example, when the night lets its darkness fall, it creates silence and ‎quiet which help us to get some rest and surrender to sleep, as we have ‎mentioned in ‘Ad-Duha’ Fortress. ‎

The “night” also causes moisture and coolness, which have great benefits ‎for both humans and animals as well as helping in the growth of plant life. ‎

The night has various advantages: whatever you know of them, you can ‎be sure that there are many others, far from your perception. ‎

There are also various meanings folded under the Verse‎ “And the day as ‎it appears in glory”. ‎

For example, during the day, all of the beings which your Provider has ‎created for you come into view. Its heat and light also make the plants grow, ‎the seeds spring forth from the ground, the flowers become fully formed and ‎the fruit become ripe. Indeed, none can count the benefits of the day except ‎their Creator. ‎

If you think deeply of that, you will be guided to your Creator and will ‎know a little of His Care and His Favor for you. ‎

After mentioning the night and the day and the firm rule of their creation, ‎God shows us another of His Signs when He says: ‎

Verse‎ no. 3‎

‎3. “Behold the creation of male and female.”‎

This Verse‎ reveals to us that God has created all kinds of animals, insects, ‎birds, fish, plants and humans in pairs. If you look around yourself ‎carefully, you will find that this system includes even inanimate objects and ‎everything that you see. ‎

The Almighty Allah made a male and a female of everything and created ‎a harmony and an attraction between them, and then gave each of them ‎what is appropriate and what it requires. This was to make life run in good ‎order, to make all beings continue to survive, and so that there would be ‎complete grace and charity for you. ‎

What great mercy the Creator has for us! What great favor He has obliged ‎us with! ‎

Verse‎ no. 4‎

‎4.‎‎‎‎‎ “Indeed, the ends you strive for are diverse‎.”‎

This Verse‎ clarifies that creatures have different functions and that ‎nothing has been created in vain. Each creature has its own activity and its ‎own function. For example, the camels carry our belongings, the horses and ‎the mules draw ploughs and vehicles, the bulls plough the fields, the sheep ‎supply us with wool and milk, the hens produce eggs, the hyenas clean the ‎wild of carrion so as to keep the environment disinfected and fresh of air, ‎the dogs guard our houses, the cats rid the house of insects and mice, the ‎bees make honey and help in pollinating the flowers, and so on. ‎

Thus, each creature has its own function and the proper physical ‎characteristics to allow it to perform this function, in addition to ‎appropriate instincts to drive its tendencies in this life. ‎

All these creatures work abreast in order to keep this universe‎ moving in ‎the discipline which we now see, to ensure happiness for you, and to ‎guarantee the continuation of life. ‎

I wonder: who has identified every creature and its own specialties? Who ‎has supplied them with the equipment that will help them to achieve their ‎function? ‎

Who has made this entire universe‎ as a single unified entity made up of ‎interconnected parts, and has given it such amazing perfection?! ‎

Was it not the Owner of Compassion and Tenderness?! ‎

Was it not the Almighty Allah, the Owner of Majesty and Glory?!

Should you not think of this, so that you can recognize His Might? ‎Should not you remind yourself of His Kindness and Graces?! ‎

Should not you submit to His Orders and avoid His Prohibitions, which ‎only target your well-being?!‎

After the four Verse‎s with which the Almighty began this noble Fortress, ‎He (glory to Him) wanted to show us the way that leads to real happiness ‎and a good life. He says:‎

Verse‎ no. 5-7‎

5. “For him that gives in charity and attains piety”

‎6. “And believes in the Best,

‎7. “We shall smooth the path to ease;”‎

Your Grand Provider and High Creator did not create you for nothing. He ‎revealed to you how to enjoy a happy life and draw advantages to yourself. ‎

God began with the Verse‎: “For him that gives in charity and attains ‎piety” in order to inform you that – after acquiring the belief of God in your ‎mind through contemplation of this universe‎ – the first step you should ‎adopt is the rendering of good actions and charity. ‎

This applies to the rich person who spends the money which their ‎Provider granted them in charity, the strong person who helps weak people, ‎the dignitary who uses their position to serve people, the scholar who ‎teaches others what they know: for anyone that renders good deeds ‎whenever they can, working within their abilities, their charity will lead ‎them to piety. ‎

As previously mentioned, “Piety” is the entrance of the spirit into the ‎Presence of its Provider and Creator. However, the spirit cannot enter into ‎God’s Presence unless it sacrifices something that it possesses, for one of ‎spirit’s rules is that it must rely on good deeds in order to feel reassured and ‎confident with itself. If it becomes sure that its deed is good and if it feels ‎pleased with its charity, it will willingly draw near to its Provider. ‎

Thus good work is the first thing which we should do after we acquire ‎intellectual belief, because it is the means to help the spirit draw nearer to its ‎Creator. ‎

You may ask: what is the result of piety? The Almighty revealed that in ‎His saying: “And believes in the Best”.

The “Best” is the guidance brought by the Holy Qur’an. ‎

Entering into God’s Presence makes you become illuminated by His ‎Light, and this illumination uncovers for you the goodness and happiness ‎that are encompassed by His Commands. ‎

If you see this, you will ascertain the Favor of your Provider, and thus ‎become grateful for His Kindness to you. You will also give thanks to ‎God’s Envoy ‎‎(cpth) for the efforts he made in order to help you follow this ‎guidance. ‎

However, with what shall your Provider repay you if you make your best ‎sacrifices to attain piety and follow the way of charity and humanity?‎

God has told you that He shall return charity for charity. He says: “We ‎shall smooth the path to ease.”

That means that God will make your life full of ease and pleasure, and ‎such ease will not only be restricted to your worldly life. Indeed, you will ‎continue to enjoy this throughout the life to come, which will be even more ‎easy and lasting.


Memorize Surah Al-Layl with your teacher and comprehend ‎its noble meaning devoting your attention to that while you ‎recite it.‎


‎1-‎ ‎‎Mention some benefits that the human gains from the ‎Night? ‎

‎‎‎2-‎‎‎‎‎ Allah the Almighty Says: {Behold the creation of male ‎and female}, what does this Verse‎ indicate to?‎

‎‎‎3-‎ ‎‎What is the meaning of the word (piety: Al-Taqwa)?‎

‎‎Lesson Two

Interpretation of Fortress ‎‏92 ‎(The Night)‎

Surah Al-Layl (Part Two)

‎‎In the previous Verse‎s, the Almighty has shown us the way that leads to ‎our pleasure; in the following Verse‎s He warns us of the way that leads to a ‎life full of distress and difficulties. He says: ‎

Verse‎ no. 8-10‎

‎8.‎‎‎‎‎ “But for him that gives nothing and thinks himself self-‎sufficient”‎

‎9. “And disbelieves the Best,”‎

10. “We shall smooth his path to difficulty.”

The Almighty began these Verse‎s with the Verse‎ “But for him that gives ‎nothing and thinks himself self-sufficient.” He does so in order to acquaint ‎you with the misery that results from a failure to do good deeds.

Sacrifice and charity help the spirit to become illuminated by God’s Light, ‎whereas failing to help the poor and needy makes you ungenerous towards ‎your spirit. This failure causes the spirit to be shackled and hampers it ‎from advancing in the way of piety. Therefore it thinks that it has no need ‎of approaching God or attaining His light. ‎

The noble saying denotes: “Poverty is about to lead to disbelief.”[3]‎

‎‘Poverty’ here does not mean lack of money, but means a dearth of good ‎deeds. ‎

However, what shall follow such shunning for those who dispense with ‎turning to God? ‎

I say that blindness and perversity shall follow them. Through them, the ‎spirit will become unable either to distinguish between evil and virtue or to ‎witness the realities of its actions. Consequently, it denies the truth due to ‎its blindness and its straying from the straight path. ‎

God says: “And disbelieves the Best:” and the word “Best” refers to the ‎guidance which the Holy Qur’an brought, which is so-called because it ‎presents the best way for people to enjoy a good and happy life. ‎

In fact, anyone that becomes ungenerous towards themselves – failing to ‎make the necessary sacrifice for their heart-eye to be opened so that they ‎will recognize their own advantages and disadvantages – will not realize the ‎good that is contained in the Holy Qur’an; nor will they appreciate this ‎guidance and the Godly Favor folded therein. On the contrary, you will see ‎that they prefer the conduct of people of unbelief and shunning, and incline ‎to those of corruption and disobedience. ‎

For example, if such a person hears about the unveiling of women, they ‎will forget God’s Saying in His Holy Book: “Prophet: say to your wives, ‎your daughters, and the wives of true believers to draw their veils ‎close around them. That is more proper, so that they do not get ‎recognized and so that they do not get molested. Allah is Forgiving ‎and Merciful.” ‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 33, Al-Ahzab (The Combined Clans), Verse‎ 59‎

This person will also forget the reason behind the battle against the Jewish ‎tribe of Bani Qainuka'a. They will consider the unveiling of women to be ‎the correct practice, claiming that veiling is an old, traditional practice. ‎

They will also reject the prohibition on lending money at interest, under the ‎pretense that it stimulates economic activity. ‎

However, if this person were to give to charity and become pious – that is ‎to say, if they were to perform good works and draw near to their Provider ‎‎– they would see that unveiling the face of a woman disjoints family ‎relationships and breaks up marital links, as well as leading to immorality ‎and depravity in the upbringing of children and many other social ills. ‎

If they were to give to charity and become pious, they would also ‎understand that interest – whether it be a little or a lot – is most often the ‎cause of merchants’ bankruptcy, generates serious economic problems, and ‎leads to a slump in trade. It makes the poor even needier and makes them ‎dependent, and when poverty increases, trade activity lessens and it is ‎difficult to sell goods and services. As a result, the rich will be reduced to ‎poverty, and misery will spread in all classes. ‎

Thus you will find that those who oppose deny the truth. Their thoughts ‎disagree with what is right and their behavior is far from humane. Besides, ‎their only purpose in life is to fulfill their own whims and lowly desires. ‎

What shall their deeds entail for them? ‎

Will their Provider leave them alone, without doing anything?

‎Is not the Almighty Merciful towards humanity, even if they deviate from ‎the right path and cling to this earthly life, succumbing to their mean lusts?‎

The Almighty clarified that He does not leave such a person alone or ‎neglect him, for He (glory to Him) is Merciful. ‎

Out of His Compassion, He exerts pressure on such a person, so that they ‎may resort to Him to be cured of their disease and to render their heart ‎pure of malice and its wicked tendencies. God says: “We shall smooth the ‎path to difficulty.”‎‎‎

That is, God will fill their life with distress and difficulty. Therefore, you ‎will see that this person is sometimes sick and sometimes anguished, and ‎they will be distressed even if they obtain all worldly treasures. ‎

Indeed, they will always live in suffering, misery and hardship. God says: “He that gives no heed to My Warning shall live in woe…”‎‎‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 20, Ta Ha ‘Ta-ha’ (Pure), Verse‎ 124‎

However, if they die without repenting to God, what shall this person face? ‎

I say, they will move from such a bitter life – filled with affliction, grief, and ‎anguish – on to suffering the torment of the life to come, which is still ‎harder and lower. ‎

God says: ‎

‎‎Verse‎ no. 11‎

‎11. “His riches will avail him nothing when he breathes his ‎last.”‎‎‎

That is, when a person dies and is buried in their tomb, what can their ‎riches possibly do for them? Will their wealth follow them, to save them ‎from the woe that will afflict them? Will they not wish that they had been ‎charitable in this worldly life, and that they had avoided falling into such an ‎abyss and suffering such great torture?

Anyone that refrains from charity only deprives themselves of blessings, ‎for the failure to perform good actions leads to distance from God, in turn ‎leading to blindness and denial of the truth. Nothing follows denying the ‎truth except aberration, which causes people to end up in the Fire, where ‎miserliness and the accumulation of money will avail them nothing. ‎

Those who do good do it for themselves, and those who commit evil do so ‎at their own peril. ‎

Having shown us the way that leads to bliss and the way that leads to fire ‎and distress, the Almighty God wanted to illustrate to humanity that we are ‎completely free in our choices, and that He did not bind our will. The ‎choice between the path of what is right or the path of error and delusion is ‎ours alone, and comes down to our own will. God says:‎

Verse‎ no. 12‎

‎12.‎‎‎‎‎ “It is for Us to give guidance.”‎‎‎

God shows you the way that leads to your benefit and bliss, just as He ‎exhorts you against what causes your misery. Then it is you alone who ‎chooses the way you wish to follow. You are certainly not forced to follow ‎a certain way or to perform a certain deed. God says: “No compulsion is ‎in religion: Truth is distinct from Error...”‎‎‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), Verse‎ 256‎

The Almighty then tells you that He directs you and supplies you with ‎power according to your choice and determination. He says:‎

Verse‎ no. 13‎

13. “And truly the latter (the wrong way) and the former (the ‎right way) belong to Us (by providing you with power and ‎might),‎‎‎

If you choose the first way – that is, the way of giving and piety – God ‎will help you fulfil your purpose and will provide you with the power to ‎attain the fruits of your actions. Similarly, if you choose the other way – ‎that is, the way of distance from God and a failure to give – the Almighty ‎will also supply you with the strength and power to discard the wicked ‎desire and the hidden evil that is settled in your spirit, but your actions will ‎bring you nothing but misery and difficulty. ‎

Thus the creature has the freedom to choose, but steering and sustenance ‎belong to Allah. God says: “Of the Bounties of your Provider, We ‎bestow freely on all these as well as those; the Bounties of your ‎Provider, none are deprived of.”‎‎‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 17, Al-Isra’ (The Night Journey), Verse‎ 20‎

Praise is to God in all cases.



Memorize Surah Al-Layl by the help of your teacher and ‎collaborate with your friends to learn it by heart, ‎contemplate sincerely its sublime meanings.‎


‎‎‎1-Explain the Nobel speech of the Prophet ‎‎(cpth): (Poverty is about to ‎lead to disbelief)?‎

‎‎‎2-Mention some of the bad dangerous results of dealing with the ‎interest (on money) and explain how it negatively affects the society?‎

‎‎‎3-How do the latter and the former belong to Allah? ‎‎Explain that in ‎detail.‎‎ ‎‎ ‎