Islamic Education for Youths - Level Three by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson Three

Interpretation of Fortress ‎‏92 ‎(The Night)‎

Surah Al-Layl (Part Three)

Verse‎ no. 14‎

14.‎‎‎‎‎ “Therefore I warn you of a Fire blazing fiercely,”‎‎‎

In this noble Verse‎, the Almighty wants to warn us against adopting the ‎way of distress and to inform us of the fate of the evildoers. This is why He ‎mentions that there is another life after the present one, which includes a ‎blazing Fire. ‎

This Verse‎ reveals God’s Compassion and Sympathy towards us. He ‎warns us of this Fire so that we can avoid it, and that is because of His ‎Clemency and tenderness towards us. ‎

Then, God revealed His Justice, saying: ‎

Verse‎ no. 15‎

‎15.‎‎‎‎‎ “None shall reach it but those most distressed,”‎‎‎

‎According to this Verse‎, we say that it is absolutely false to claim – as some ‎people do – that the Almighty may punish the charitable and let the ‎wrongdoer live in comfort. God (glory to Him) is a just Provider, and this ‎Verse‎ declares that none will suffer the intense heat of this Fire and the ‎torment of its burning except the distressed sinners; that is to say, those ‎who cause distress to themselves. They exhaust their spirits with their ‎indulgence, thus depriving it of the bliss which God prepared for them in the ‎other abode, and making it suffer torment and bitter treatment. ‎

However, what makes them wrong themselves and cause such distress ‎and affliction for their spirits? God says:‎

Verse‎ no. 16‎

‎16. “The ones who deny (the truth) and turn away (from God),”‎‎‎

We see that denial of the truth and the guidance brought forth by the ‎Messenger and turning away from God – that is to say, neglecting to ‎perform communication with God – will make a person lose their rank and ‎become immersed in wicked yearnings; this will lead to their becoming ‎distressed and tortured. Certainly, your Provider wrongs nobody. ‎‎‎

Verse‎ no. 17‎

‎17. “But those most devoted to Allah shall be far removed from ‎it,”‎‎‎

In Arabic, “devotion” is called ‘taqwa’ which means ‘avoidance’. ‎Therefore, a devoted person is one who performs communication with God, ‎through which they enter His Presence and derive light from their Provider. ‎Through this light, they avoid practising forbidden desires or evil actions. ‎

This light also helps them to see the way of goodness and happiness, and ‎therefore this person will begin to do what will purify their spirit and then ‎increase its purity. God says: ‎

Verse‎ no. 18‎

‎18. “Those who spend what they have for an increase in purity,”‎‎‎

As previously mentioned, spending money doing good works makes the ‎spirit confident with itself and certain of its benefaction. This helps it to ‎enter into its Provider’s Presence feeling pleased with its behaviour. ‎Through such entry into God’s Presence – that is, through communication ‎with Him – the Godly Light cleans the surface of the spirit and cures it of its ‎defects and diseases. The spirit thus returns pure and immaculate, having ‎put on the garment of perfection and virtue, and now being coloured with a ‎stain from Allah which is better than any other; thus it becomes happy and ‎blissful. ‎

To show that the foundation of such purification is devotion in actions ‎which are clear of any blemish or ill intention, God says: ‎

Verse‎ no. 19‎

‎19.‎‎‎‎‎ “Not in recompense for someone’s favor,”‎‎‎

‎That is, when those who are most pious give alms and sacrifices, they are ‎not seeking any worldly purpose or repaying someone for their prior ‎charity or favour. Nay! It is the perfection which they have derived from ‎their Provider through their closeness to Him and the sublime morality they ‎have acquired which make them faithful in their actions, and which make ‎them seek nothing except a meeting with their most high Provider. God ‎says: ‎

Verse‎ no. 20‎

‎20. “But seeking the Countenance of their Lord, the Most High”‎‎‎

That is, they hope and aspire to see their Provider: the supreme Provider ‎Whose Bounty and comprehensive Favor have neither end nor limit. ‎

Verse‎ no. 21‎

‎21.‎‎‎‎‎ “And soon they will be well-pleased.”‎‎‎

It is clear that if you render good deeds and adopt this path, you will be ‎glad and satisfied with the great donation that your Provider will bestow ‎upon you. ‎

Thus, the groundwork is to achieve piety; that is to say, to ensure that ‎your spirit is always near to its Provider and to attain a permanent link with ‎Him, the Almighty. ‎

If you draw near to God and perform communication with Him, you will ‎be illuminated by His Light and will be kept far from affliction. If you draw ‎far from Him, on the other hand, you will remain blind and distressed. ‎Sacrifice and charity are the means to attain that piety and closeness. ‎

God says: “He that does good does it for his own self, and he that ‎commits evil does so at his own peril. Your Lord is never unjust to ‎His servants.”‎‎‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 41, Fussilat (Explained), Verse‎ 46‎